Green Hell how to find interesting places on the map


Find out how to find interesting places on the map in Green Hell, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

The map in Green Hell hides many interesting places where you can find valuable items, as well as unlock new blueprints.

How to find interesting places on the map in Green Hell

Often these are dangerous places where fights are inevitable. On the guide page, you will see the most important places on the map and what you can expect from them.

Abandoned native camp

This is probably the first place you will find while playing. These are the remains of the natives' camp. You will find it under the indicated coordinates: 46W 25S. Here you will not meet any threat, except for aggressive animals.

Here you can find, among other things, a bone blade and blueprints for a dryer and a trap cage.

Plane crash cave

You will find it at the indicated coordinates: 40W 24S. It is easy to find - the tail of the plane lies right in front of the entrance. Theoretically, this place is abandoned, but there is a village of natives to the north of it. It is possible that some of them patrol the area.

You won't find any new blueprints other than Bamboo Log Beds. In addition, you will find stocks of processed food.

Eastern Native Camp

One of the two inhabited settlements of the natives. You will find it at the indicated coordinates: 37W 17S. If you want to get here, you will unfortunately have to fight (unless you have chosen the lowest difficulty level). The camp is guarded by the natives.

Other than the smoker's blueprints, you won't find any unusual items.

Drug camp

A large camp that once belonged to drug dealers. Its coordinates are as follows: 51W 26S. These lands are abandoned, therefore, except for predators, you are unlikely to meet opponents.

This location has blueprints for a water collector, a grill grate, and an assassin trap. You will also find plenty of food and pain relievers. In addition, there are mattresses on which you can sleep.

Bamboo bridge

This place is specific in that it does not contain resources or new blueprints. By repairing this structure, you will gain access to a fairly large area. To restore it, you will need bamboo logs and ropes. Theoretically, the bridge itself is unguarded, but there is a native settlement in the area, so you may encounter resistance. Its coordinates are: 37W 20S

Fishing dock

This is a small fishing dock, which you will find under the coordinates: 51W 19S. The fishing dock is abandoned and you shouldn't find any surprises here.

The place itself is not rich in resources. Here you will find some food and a blueprint for a water filter.

Bamboo camp

Abandoned camp, which you will find at the indicated coordinates: 52W 17S. This place is suitable for living. Here you will find a hut, a bed and a fire. Its location on the map makes it a moderately safe place. To the east is a native village. You can disturb them with a fire.

Here you will find a drawing of a bamboo incense burner and a bow.

Western Camp of the Natives

The second camp, inhabited by natives. You will find it at the following coordinates: 47W 17S. If you want to get here, you will unfortunately have to fight (unless you have chosen the lowest difficulty level).

In the camp you will not find anything interesting, except for the blueprint for the weapon rack.

Oasis Cave

A small location north of the western native camp, its coordinates are 47W 14S. The entrance to the cave is quite well hidden. You won't find any new blueprints here, but it's a good source of water.


If you go north from the drug camp, you will come across a small oasis. This is a good source of water. There is also an empty clearing nearby where you can set up a camp. Its coordinates are as follows: 51W 24S.

Anaconda Island

The location coordinates are as follows: 35W 26S. There are remnants of another camp on this island. You will find a lot of food, medicine, a machete and a fishing rod. There are also several building materials here. Here you can also save the game and spend the night.

Stone circle

This is a kind of building with an altar in the center. Its coordinates are 41W 26S. In its central part there is an altar on which you will find a molineria, a water lily and an obsidian blade. In addition to these items, you will not find anything interesting here.

The main village of the tribe (location Psi)

The village is located at coordinates 31W 36S (indicated by the letter psi on the third part of the map). This is the largest tribal village on the map. It is connected to the main plot, but you will not find new schemes and valuable raw materials here.

Camp Delta (delta location)

Camp Delta (located on the map as delta) is a hard-to-reach area located at 33W 29S. Only one road leads to this place - this is a tunnel in the rock, which can be accessed from the ascent point near the main village of the natives. The place itself only matters in terms of the plot.

The airport

The airport is located at 29W 22S. The location is important mainly at the conclusion of the main plot.

Small native camp

The small native camp is an easy place to miss. This is a small hut located at 35W 19S where human remains can be found. There are no new caches here, but the place itself can be used as a hiding place.

And that's all you need to know about how to find interesting places on the map in green hell.

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