Genshin Impact - Transition Resin Process


This guide will allow you to understand why the original resin is needed and how to get it in Genshin Impact?

How to get original resin in Genshin Impact?

Key points

Resin is a powerful mechanic. It allows you to receive rewards for spending it after killing the weekly boss, but your supplies are limited.

What is transition resin and what is it for in Genshin Impact?

Transient Resin is a new type of resin added in the beta version of Genshin Impact 1.5.

Application of this type of resin

  • This resin can be used to replenish 60 original resin, but only once per transition resin.
  • Since it quickly disappears after the allotted period of time.
  • The allotted time for which it will dissipate is as follows.
  • Transient Resin has a seven-day lifespan, but the seven-day period starts on the Monday after receiving this item.
  • There are usually seven days plus additional days depending on which day of the week the resin was purchased the previous week.

It's important to know!

  • If you bought Transient Resin on Monday, you will have two weeks before it expires.
  • Each subsequent day will be minus one day of the total - buy it on a Sunday, you will have only eight days.
  • Each transition resin is counted independently, so they will have different expiration dates.
  • They don't all expire immediately if you miss one use type out of the three you have in your inventory.

How to get transition resin?

  • ..... and here the question is brewing, but how to get a transition resin? It can only be bought in the store. home world , but only after you reach sixth rank Homeworld.
  • It is only allowed to buy one per week and it will cost 1200 Realm currency.
  • This new Homeworld shop is part of the new building mechanics coming in 1.5.
  • It allows you to build a bass / house in another dimension and decorate it, as well as many other features.
  • This new feature will also have its own currency called Realm Currency. This is what you spend on buying furniture and the like.

How to increase your rating at the moment is not known.

Please note that this information is from Beta 1.5, so the information is subject to change or may not be available at all.

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