Going Medieval how to cook smoked meat


Find out how to cook smoked meat in Going Medieval, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

One of the many ways in which Going Medieval meat is preserved and prepared is by smoking it. However, before you can smoke meat, you need to build a smokehouse and learn the technology of food preservation.

How to cook smoked meat in Going Medieval

In order to build a smokehouse, you need to first research the technology that unlocks it. To do this, you will need to build a research table in the production menu with 60 pieces of wood, and after that start making books of annals.

You will need a total of 30 of these books to research all the technologies on the tree until you can research food conservation. That being said, when you finally get to the point where you can research food preservation technology, it will cost you another 20 chronicles, so you should make 50 books in total.

When the food preservation technology is unlocked, you will be able to build a smokehouse using 70 clays that can be obtained by digging the ground. Therefore, when you get enough clay, build a smokehouse, and then start the production menu in it. Also, make sure you have someone to do the cooking so you can start making smoked meats.

And that's all you need to know about how to cook smoked meat in Going Medieval.

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