Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Game Guide


Game Basics Guide, this guide will help you get familiar with Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord game.

Character Creation

In the beginning, we choose the contour of the face, hair, beard - length and color. We choose the history and origin of the character. Then select your attributes:

  • Vigor - the effectiveness of close combat.
  • Management - thrown weapons, crossbows, bows.
  • Endurance - endurance character, riding.
  • Cunning - visibility on the map.
  • Social - conversations, trade.
  • Intellect - technology, medicine.

Game modes

  • Campaign - the basic mode focused on: character development, trade, battles, conquest of enemy territory.
  • Multiplayer - collisions with other players, for example, in siege mode.
  • Own battle - we choose the factions and the battlefield ourselves.


You can recruit new people in villages and cities, select Recruit troops.

Soldier promotion - after the battle, the unit gains experience points, the number of points depends on the collision, for example, the number of enemies. After a promotion, the salary will increase, but the soldier will receive better equipment.

Moral - the lower the moral, the worse. Morale is boosted by frequently winning battles and food.


You can earn money in several ways:

  • Hunting for bandits.
  • Sale of slaves.
  • Village robbery.
  • Trade.
  • Missions.
  • Arena fights.

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