Subverse - How to conduct the right tactics in battle?


This guide will tell you step by step about Subverse how to conduct the right tactics in battle in order to get an answer to the question - read on.

We hope that here you will find some simple tips to help you complete your shooting.

primary fire

  • Use it constantly. Seriously, never stop filming, it doesn't make sense.

secondary fire

Use it on big ships.

  • The default secondary is a missile that you are going to use exactly 3 times throughout the current game content. Really don't bother learning this too much.
  • Lily gives your ship a laser that can be fired 3 times with maximum energy. It permeates all ships, as well as asteroids. It has considerable range, but its damage output is low compared to Killy. It will still instantly destroy all fighter-sized ships.
  • Killy gives you a shotgun blast that can be used twice with maximum energy. It deals high damage but has a limited range. I would personally recommend this as your primary secondary choice, as it can destroy most large ships in 2-3 explosions (plus some primary fire, which, again, should always fire). The shotgun blast is also good for taking out a group of small fighters as it will instantly destroy them.


  • Asteroids block all projectiles fired by the AI ​​(and most players), including AI laser attacks. Use them as cover when your shields are low (note that there is 1 ship boss that can electrify asteroids, so just keep that in mind, the effect is pretty obvious).
  • Flying into an asteroid will do some damage to your shield, but usually less than a bullet in the face.

Things You Don't Need

Dash Attack / Dash Attack

  • Not very helpful. Instantly destroys small ships, and large - just hits the face. It is almost always more efficient to simply use your energy on the secondary fire. It can be used situationally to quickly escape or dodge. Note that you will still take explosion damage from dashing through fighters (penis).

Cruise (Shift)

  • Never really needed, normal movement speed and shooting is enough to dodge all the bullets. I think you could use it to escape the (penis) kamikaze.
  • Use it to get to the next big ship if you're impatient.

And that's all you need to know about how to conduct the right tactics in combat in subverse.

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