Genshin Impact how to raise friendship


Each group member in Genshin Impact has a friendship level that can be enhanced to get special items, such as nameplates.

The magnificent Open World of Genshin Impact is full of different missions that need to be executed, the characters you need to hire, and the monsters with which you need to fight. As this is such a large-scale role-playing game with many interesting mechanics, some players are not sure how certain things work, such as friendship levels work. Using this guide, Genshin Impact players will learn how to increase the level of friendship and what it does for group members.

Updated May 12, 2021, Gracean Morales: April 27, 2021 Genshin Impact. Released update version 1.5, which many fans waited patiently. First, in the upgrade was added a pot of Serrenitei, which allows players to create their own possessions, as well as create furniture and other items to make them their own. Version 1.5 also added several new characters. Eul, Character Cryo, is a member of the Knights of the Favonius, and there is a yafei, a character of the arsonist. In addition to these additions, Mihoyo also added new quests, enemies and even some recipes in which players can plunge.

How to raise friendship in Genshin Impact

To increase friendship, players need to get experience in communicating, which can be used on characters. They can be earned by performing certain missions scattered on the map, for example, yards and temples. The higher the domain level, the less the awards will be.

When entering Genshin Impact every day, players can also earn the experience of the partnership, pretending to the daily commission award or rewards for the rank of adventures. However, if players are looking for an even faster way to raise the level of friendship, there is a small trick that will certainly help players.Не удалось загрузить все результаты.ПовторитьПовторная попытка…Повторная попытка…

World events are other cases when players can earn the experience of the partnership, and they occur randomly around the world. However, there is a way to make them work, and it includes a way out of the system, and then re-enter the game.

If players go to this defined place in Luhua, they can cause an event that will require victory from them over some enemies. Players can receive awards for this task up to 10 times a day, so it can be repeated again and again to get a ton of the partnership experience to increase the level of friendship.

While the players come out of the game, and then return to the same place, the world event should work. This method may be slightly monotonous or repeated, but this is a sure way to get a precious experience that players are looking for. Some missions in the temple and in the courtyard can help get this experience, but there are some level restrictions in the game that do not allow players to try out them until a certain rank rank will be achieved.

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