The Last of Us Part II how to get a flamethrower


Find out how to get a flamethrower in The Last of Us Part II, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

The Last of Us Part II is a third-person action-adventure game with elements of the survival horror genre. The player moves through post-apocalyptic environments such as buildings and forests to advance the story.

This page of the guide to The Last of Us 2 tells you how to get a flamethrower - one of the most powerful weapons in the game. We will also tell you when is the best time to use the flamethrower and how to refill fuel for this weapon.

How to get a flamethrower in The Last of Us Part II

The flamethrower is exclusively available to Abby, the game's second protagonist, who plays later in the campaign. You can get this weapon during the "Descent" stage, which is one of the tasks of the "Abby in Seattle Day 2" chapter.

During the title descent, you will be taken to the next, lower floors of the building. Find the spot shown in the picture where you can walk across the large metal beam and then squeeze through the hole in the wall.

The flamethrower lies next to the corpse in a dark room.

This is not the only place where you can get a flamethrower. If you miss this location, you can find another flamethrower in other places later in the game.

Fuel replenishment

Flamethrower fuel can be found along with other loot - it cannot be crafted. Luckily, from the moment you get the flamethrower, you should find fuel canisters regularly.

When is the best time to use a flamethrower?

The Flamethrower is an excellent weapon for attacking and setting the Infected on fire. This weapon is best used against groups of weak monsters and against single strong monsters (eg Shamblers).

Try to use short bursts otherwise you will run out of fuel quickly. After igniting, enemies may stop attacking for a while. You can take advantage of this opportunity and switch to, for example, a rifle, shotgun or hunting pistol. This will allow you to finish off a burning enemy without using too much fuel.

And that's all there is to know about how to get a flamethrower in The Last of Us Part II.

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