The Sims 4 - Guide how to choose and buy a house


After creating a family, you will need to provide housing for your Sims. In The Sims 4, there are two cities of your choice that you can move between later: Oasis Springs and Willow Howl. In each of them there are zones for construction, and similarly public places that you can visit (for example, for entertainment). Concentrate on the fact that it is impossible to create buildings in some places. Since in the beginning you will only have a limited amount, you cannot afford a huge area or a house. The starting budget for one Sim is 20,000 game money (simoleon is the in-game currency of Sims 4), 22,000 for two, etc.

Purchase of building area

You can purchase one of the available building plots. There are not so many of them, but if you want to build a house from scratch, then buying a free area is the most common method for this. But there is another option. If there are already structures in the area you like, then these buildings can be demolished. For this, on the purchase screen, select the “Clear area” item. After that, it will be necessary to buy the vacated area. In this way, you will find an empty area on which you can build a personal house at your own discretion. Recommendations for the design of rooms and interior decoration are given in the relevant chapters of our department.

Buying a finished house with furniture

You can similarly choose one of the existing dwellings. Its cost depends on the construction costs, i.e. the size of the house and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Cheap houses are unremarkable: only very basic things and buildings exist in them. After you have finished choosing a suitable home, you may be asked to approve another decision. All in fact, that some houses are already furnished with furniture and household appliances, i.е. in such a house there will be cabinets, a stove, a sink and a refrigerator in the kitchen; bed and table in the bedroom; shower, sink and toilet in the bathroom, as well as lighting fixtures in all rooms. Buying a 100% equipped house will cost you 25% more than an empty one, i.e. you will spend a quarter more than the game money. Basically, in this case, you will find a one hundred percent furnished house with basic amenities and the necessary furniture and household appliances. However, all interior furnishings will be of a lower class, for this reason, things such as a bed, a shower cabin and a toilet bowl should be changed to more comfortable ones, the sooner the better. When you purchase a 100% equipped home, you can start playing immediately after the deal ends. This is a good option for those who are not curious about wasting time designing their own home and choosing furniture.

Buying an empty house

You can similarly purchase an empty house - without furniture and household appliances. Such a transaction will be 25% more economical, but in the future, the saved amount will still need to be spent on the necessary components of the interior decoration. However, such a house will not be completely “naked”. For example, in such buildings there are windows, floor and wall coverings. The only thing missing is furniture and household appliances.

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