Stoneshard - Beginner's Guide


This guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started in the amazing world of Stoneshard.

Stoneshard is not an easy game, and one of the most misunderstood things about the game is the game's progress saving system. If you don't know how to save your game in Stoneshard, our guide will help you.

How to save a game in Stoneshard

Most video games have a very simple storage system, but not all games have it. For example, in Stoneshard, the storage system is unusual.

The only thing you need to remember is that you cannot save your progress during workouts. But it should be noted that there are checkpoints throughout. You'll find a checkpoint just before the Battle of the Ascended Archons, and another one will be available before you head out to explore the rest of the Abbey corridors.

How to manually save a game

You may not be able to figure out how to manually save the game. Because the only way to save the game in Stoneshard is through Adventure mode. In order to save the game, you need to sleep on a bed in Stoneshard adventure mode. You can find a bed in the tavern, but there is one problem. You won't have a place to sleep until you rent a bed from the tavern in Stoneshard Adventure mode. Once you can get a room, you won't have to sleep all night.

You can sleep for an hour to keep your progress, best of all because you won't feel thirsty or hungry. Once you can choose your character class, you can visit the bartender to get your own room.

You can rent a room for a certain period, the longer the rental period, the cheaper it is for you. After you rent a room, you can return to it and save your progress at any time. The best thing you can do is come and save the game before you go on a great Stoneshard adventure or a tough battle. Remember that there is only one file save in the game and each save is overwritten. If you start a new game, you will lose your progress.

But this room is not only used to save your progress. You can store your extra cad here in your stash.

Getting Started Guide

You are probably reading this because you are new here.

When you first play Stoneshard, you will be playing the Prologue tutorial section. Use this opportunity to explore the game and the classes. find the right play style for you.

Different all types of weapons and types of magic require a different style of play.

For instance:

Pyromancy - good at ranged attacks and deals damage to multiple enemies
Geomacy - buff spells and protect you.
Staves - have magical types of damage. this will sometimes increase your magic power by around 5% - 15%. and its critical hits deal damage to multiple targets.
Daggers - can control only one target at a time, but can cause serious damage to the enemy.
Sword - have skills to deal damage to multiple targets and have high damage.

I recommend that you complete the level at least one level before starting your first mission.

The best and easiest way to do this is to hunt wolves. they give you a decent amount of experience points and you can sell the fur to a tailor for money.

If you are going to build a headquarters, I recommend that you find a witch's hut. You can find it by checking the points of interest on your map. When talking to the Witch, take a drink.

The map is an item in your inventory. To open a map, right-click the map and select Use. (or press M) The question mark is of interest.

Important things to know

The only way to save the game is to sleep in an inn. Do this every time before leaving the city.

You can find wells all over the world. For example, you have one in the city square. Use it to drink water and replenish your water supply.

Guild missions have a difficulty and a time limit. you can see the difficulty of the location on your map, and the difficulty of the mission is shown in your quest book.

You can use rest mode when you are not near enemies, this will quickly restore your health and energy.

If you step on a trap, do not disarm it until you stop using it. If you do, it can and will activate again. even if it says 100+%

You can check characters by right clicking to check their remaining health.

Gold coins can stack up to 100 and wallets can store 2000 gold.

There is an autosort button. You can also use T for autosort. see image above.

Remember to take care of your pain. Pain for a long period of time will lead to loss of sanity. Low sanity can give you strange effects. It is very difficult to restore your sanity.


Undead dungeons most often have an entrance to the cemetery, at night ghouls will appear in these cemeteries.

Ghouls eat corpses when they are low on health to regenerate. Fight them 1v1 and away from any corpses to prevent this from happening.


You will find these altars in the undead dungeons. you have the choice to activate them or destroy them.

If you activate it, you will play with a temporary buff. If you destroy it, you will weaken the unholy bond and increase your sanity.

Important keyboard shortcuts

W - Weapon schematic. (Switch between weapons.)
Spacebar / Numpad 5 - Skip Turn.
0-9 - Skills/spells.
Alt - Loot freezes. (Show all item names.)
Ctrl - Attack mode.
F1 - rest mode.
I - Inventory
C - Information about the character.
T - Autosort.
MMB - Move Camera
M - Map.

All keyboard shortcuts can be found in the settings.


In Stoneshard, it's very important to have energy, without which you won't be able to cast spells or use skills.

Heavy equipment will make your energy generate slower and decrease your maximum energy. Therefore, you must choose your equipment wisely.

For stealth or skill-based skills, you must use low-level armor.


Some items, such as rings, amulets, and staves, can change positive or negative magical power. Weapons can have (or be enchanted with) magical damage effects.

Magic power will change the effect of the spell, for example:

Fire Damage: 10 + Magic Power: 10% = Fire Damage: 11

Equipment can also add certain magical powers, such as Pyromancy. Increasing the power of Pyromancy will only increase Pyromancy-related spells.

To affect the cooldown, you need the Cooldown Duration modifier.

Magic resistance

Magic resistance will change the effect to all or a specific type of magic in%. Shock resistance affects electricity magic and shock spells. Fire resistance will affect Pyromancy magic, fire and fire spells. Frost resistance affects ice magic and frost magic spells.

When it rains, everyone outside will receive the following effects:

Frost resistance: -75%
Fire resistance: +50%
Impact resistance: -100%


Herbs are likely to be used to make potions. but until they implement it, you can still eat ingredients (herbs) for similar effects. If you forgot about your painkillers, just gather some beans or thyme.

Energy Replenishment: +5
Health Regen: +0.5% (45 x)
Immunity: +1%

Intoxication Change: -0.2% (45x)
Pain Resistance: +5% (45 x)
Pain change: -0.5% (45x)
Morale Change: +0.1% (45 x)
Bleed Resistance: +3% (45 x)

Pain Resistance: +5% (45 x)
Energy replenishment: +1
Health Regen: +1% (45 x)
Immunity: +3%

Intoxication Change: +0.25% (45x)
Pain change: -0.25% (45x)
Sanity Change: -0.15 (45 x)
Morale: +4%
Morale Change: +0.25% (45 x)

Intoxication change: +0.1% (45 x)
Health Regen: +0.2% (45 x)
Immunity: +1%

Intoxication Change: -0.01% (45x)
Health Regen: +0.25% (45 x)
Healing Efficiency: +5% (45 x)
Bleed Resistance: +5% (45 x)

Hunger Resistance: +5% (45 x)
Change Intoxication: +5% (45 x)
Healing Efficiency: +10% (45 x)
Immunity: +2%


When using Pinecap, you have a small chance (about 1%) of feeling nauseous and nauseated.

Hunger: -2%
Intoxication: -3%
Energy Replenishment: +2

Fly Argaric
Hunger: -1%
Intoxication: +40%
Sanity: -20%

death cap
Hunger: -1%
Intoxication: +60%
Sanity: -10%

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