Fallout 2 walkthrough - 100% completed


This is a small village, of which you are a resident. First you need to pass the test in the Temple, get the clothes of Vault 13.

This test is easy, but it is complicated by the fact that you have only one spear from your weapon. The first two ants and the door are easy to pass, the second door must be broken open, it is easy to get through. But you need to blow up the third door with dynamite, which lies nearby in an urn. After that, you will come across a room with traps, there are tiles on the floor that you need to bypass.

Sharpened sticks fly out of the walls, which can be collected for sale.

These traps can be neutralized, for which they will give you some experience, you can reach level 2 right in the temple. And at the fourth door a man will be waiting for you who will offer you to fight with him with fists, the fight is not to the death and it is easy to defeat him.

After the victory, he will let you through. You can also steal the key from him and open the door yourself, you can also negotiate with him without a fight, this requires a high "Speech". If you passed this test, congratulations, you are now the Chosen One.

After that, talk to the elder, she will give you the task to find the merchant Vic and GECK, she will also give you $154. Next to the head of the statue is a man, he will raise your ability to fight without a weapon. A little higher is a man who lost his dog. His dog is on another screen a little to the north. Go along the road to the Shaman, ask him about everything, help him get rid of the annoying plants that have settled in his garden. He can make healing powder for you, for this he needs a flower that blooms on the screen with a dog, and a spine. The spine can be found in one of the tents.

Difficulties can arise with Gek, lizards on two legs, a very dangerous opponent at the beginning of the game. After a successful search for the dog, go to the exit from the city, to the long suspension bridge, the person guarding the bridge can upgrade your spear if you bring him a grindstone. Go back to the village, and a woman is standing just below the house with the old woman, you can beg from her this very grindstone or just steal it, she will not be offended.


This is a small town of trappers, hunters of Gek. There is a cafe at the entrance to the city. The man standing at the entrance will ask you to fill his stove. This stove is in the Trapper Grounds, there are a lot of small Gekos and some Gold ones, they are more dangerous. To refuel, you pick up firewood from the floor and use it on the stove. In another bar, the bartender may ask you to break Bob's moonshine. But karma falls from this.

A woman in the same cafe asks to find her missing husband, she points to a place called Toxic Caves on the map, this poor fellow is there. After freeing him, return back to Klamas, talk to him, and he will teach you how to skin Geks.

There is an elevator in the Toxic Caverns that does not open. You must first fix the generator, and then hack it with Electronic Lockpicks, which you will find later. There are a lot of useful things there: Bozar, cartridges for Gausska and batteries of both types. True, there is one big and strong robot there, it’s better not to go there at the beginning and it’s better not to show Smiley there. Also be sure to give your friends rubber boots, and keep yourself. This is to walk through green puddles without damage.

After Smiley is released, his wife will give you $100, and her daughter will show you Den's location on the map.

In the trapper town, part of the city is separated from the rest, there are a lot of rats. Your task is to rid the city of rats. There is only one passage to this part of the city, but it (this is a closed door) is guarded by a peasant. You can talk to him, and he will just give you the key, you can just steal this key from him. The dog, if you feed him, will drop the same key from his mouth.

Go and smash the rats. The most important thing is to kill the rat king. Then go further and rise to the surface. There you will see a broken car (at the very bottom of the screen), remove the spare part from it and boldly leave the Trapper Town. The last thing you need to do in this city is to find Vic's house and take a walkie-talkie in the closet there.


How to save Vic?

Vic is being held captive by slave traders. You can join the ranks of the Slavers, but this is very undesirable. You will be branded, and your karma will be greatly reduced. People don't like slavers. Talk to Vic and he will tell you that until he makes a radio for the Slaver Boss, he will not be released. Give him the radio. Now you can buy Vic from the slavers for $1000. If you play as a woman, the Boss will give you $500 for an unforgettable night with him. There is an even easier way to free Vic (though how to say it). But more on that below.

Lara in one of the buildings with security will ask you to scout what is stored in the boxes in the church (500+500 experience, $200). Tell the guard that you came on behalf of the Slaver Boss. They will let you through, check the boxes and go to Lara. Lara will ask you to ask what the boss thinks about her gang's vendetta with the gang that works for the boss. Lara asks the boss for permission to fight. The boss gives such permission and says that it does not matter to him which particular gang carries out his orders. Like "lose - you yourself are to blame, win - you will receive their salary."

After this conversation, Lara will ask you to find out when is the best time to attack these villains, go and talk to the guard, he will tell you about the party (200 experience, $400). After that, help Lara defeat these bad guys.

The girl, the owner of the bar, will ask you to take money from Fred (200 experience, +5 karma, half the amount received). Fred looks like a simple resident and does not enter into dialogue at first, be persistent. If you leave some money to this poor fellow, he will then generously repay you. He hit the jackpot at the casino. Then the hostess of the bar will ask you to bring the lost book. The book is in different places. Most often in the cemetery (300 experience, $80). In the cemetery, you can dig into the graves, there are some useful things there. From each open grave, karma is reduced and the title of gravedigger will appear.

The city has a chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. They won't let you in for a very long time. Talk to the guard. And when they let it in, it turns out that there is nothing at all. In the building next door, if you stay until 12, a ghost will walk, she must give the amulet. Joey has the amulet - in the lower right corner (one of the three punks around the fire). He can give it back after the conversation, if the speech is small, you can buy a medallion from him or remove it from a corpse. After returning the amulet to the ghost, bones will remain from it, these bones must be buried. In the cemetery, dig up a grave where the female name Anna Winslow is written and put the bones there. Then bury the grave (600 exp, +35 karma).

There is another very useful character in this city. Car dealer. For $2000 he can sell you a car. I advise you to save up and buy. To save energy, insert into the car the spare part that you found in Clamas in the broken car. He can still break, bring him food from MOM (150 experience, +10 karma). You may also be given the task to bring the fuel supply controller. He's in Huck.

Frank, the bartender, will ask you to find out why Becky has such a cheap drink (400 experience, $100). Then he will ask you to break her moonshine still, but karma will decrease for this. It's better to just persuade him to buy a drink from Becky (900 experience, +70 karma).

You can further increase the experience by listening to two stories: in Mommy's bar about a poor cat (200 experience) and in Becky's casino (800 experience).


Redding is a city of gold mines. There are mines that extract gold from the cities of the NKR.

The major in the casino will give you a task to clear the mine from aliens (aliens, Vanamings), for the successful completion of the task he pays you $2500. It won't be difficult to find the Vanamings. The most important thing is to kill the gray queen and bomb all the eggs (1000 experience is given for winning each battle with vanaming).In the same casino, a person who is locked in a room can trade through bars, he always has a large amount of cash. You can also play dice here, with a great ability to play, you can make very good money.

The casino bartender doesn't like strangers, she won't talk to you with Lemmy.

In the same bar, you can sleep with a prostitute, and then help her repay the debt to the barmaid ($200), though, don't get carried away, you can fuse all your fortune for her. She tells you the location of San Francisco.

The sheriff at the same location will give you the task to beat the old woman and take away from her the debt that she owes to the major in the casino. This woman is in one of the neighboring buildings. Then he will ask you to pacify the raging miners who intend to sort things out in the bar opposite. Next, the sheriff gives the task to find out who killed some woman. Go to the bar a little higher and talk to the barmaid. The bartender will send you to the building next to the Morningstar Mine. There are two people standing there, one of them is a murderer. Then go report to the sheriff.

The next task is to kill a man named Frog Morton. It is located next to the entrance to the mine with Wanamings. It is very well guarded, so if you are weak, I advise you not to touch it. All his henchmen, about ten people, are armed with shotguns ...

A man named Dan McGray will ask you to find him a chip from an excavator. The same will be offered to you in one of the neighboring buildings. This chip is located in the Wanamingami Mine, it is in the car.

There is an office in the same location, from where caravans leave for New Reno, Vault City and NCR on the 1st, 11th, 21st. In order to set off, you need to wait until the appropriate number and go up and talk to the head of the caravan (he is in one of the tents in metal armor).

You can also bring the antidote for the jet to the local doctor. You can either buy the antidote in San Francisco or get it from the doctor in Vault City.


Where is Karl? Carl is in Den, in mom's tavern. Listen to his story, then talk to the merchant in Modoc, he will tell you to tell Karl that they are waiting for him at home.

How to help the tanner's son Johnny get home? How to get to the Ghost Farm? First, you need to talk to Karl in the Den before Modoc, and then tell the mayor of Modoc that Karl did not disappear, but fled to Den. This removes suspicion from the Ghost Farm settlers. Secondly, on the farm you need to look (click "binoculars") on the corpses hung on stakes and find out that this is a fake to scare away. Then you can talk about it with Wegeir, the leader of the Farm. Then we return to the mayor of Modoc, we talk about the scarecrows - and they begin to make friends with families and exchange food.

One person will give you the task of protecting the brothers from the raids of wild dogs. If all the brothers are intact, he will give you $1000, the amount drops by $100 for each killed. You can help the wounded Brathim heal his broken leg (200 experience).

The man at the Ros bar will ask you to find his gold watch. They are in the toilet, go downstairs and use dynamite to blow up a bunch of stones blocking your passage. Put the dynamite on for 20 seconds. and get out of there. Kill the rat and pick up the watch.

Vault City (Vault 8)

First of all, you need to get a pass to enter Vault 8. You can get it in different ways:

1. Steal at customs.

2. Take off all your armor and show your original T-shirt to the head of customs.

3. Buy fake documents (with them you can get into the city) from the assistant chief, in the same place at customs.

4. Find the base of the raiders and tell the chief customs officer about it, he will send you to the First Citizen and give you a pass.

5. Buy a fake document, and then pawn the assistant chief customs officer to the chief customs officer himself.

By the way, mutants are not allowed into the city. So mutant satellites will remain in front of the entrance.

Once you have entered the city, you will need to become a citizen. This can also be done in two ways:

1. Just pass the test and become a full-fledged resident of the city, for this you need to have a high mind. It is very difficult to do this, they always find fault with trifles.

2. The first citizen will say that there is another way, but for this you need to deal with the reactor in the city of Gekko, which poisons the water. This can be done in two ways: 1. Just come to the city, enter the reactor building number 5 and use the robot to overload the reactor, which will lead to its destruction (the first words of the correct set of commands for the robot: 1.Strengthen... 2.Disharmonize. .. 3.Calibration... 4.Install... 5.Check... if you enter them correctly, then two more commands will appear in your list, you need to add the one that starts with "Wrap" and run the program) . When you start the robot, immediately run out of the building, otherwise, as soon as it turns on the overload, the engineer will turn on the siren and all the reactor guards will attack you. But after that, the First Citizen will kick you out of the city. 2. After taking the disk in Gekko (more on that later), go to Vault. In the building where the First Citizen is located, go to the adviser. He is in the leftmost room. Tell him everything as it is and give the disc. He promises to talk to other superiors and tells them to go to the warehouse. Go there (it is located to the right of the house with Vika's daughter). Tell the person in the warehouse to give you the part. Further, everything is simple - go into the room with a computer. You climb into the computer, there is an option to give the part to the robot (something related to repair). Then you will need to type the correct sequence of commands (see above, but instead of turning off, select "Install controller"). You can give the part to one person who is alone in the room, he will install it himself.

You can get into Vault 8 in a not entirely honest way (without citizenship): just go past the guards in Battle Mode.

Approach the person who is standing in the middle of the corridor opposite the door and ask him for a job (do this before obtaining citizenship). He will send to scan the sector around Gekko, which is easy to do - you just need to go around it in the cells and return. He will give the second job on intelligence of the NKR.

In the city itself, in a pub, if you ask the bartender about drinks, she will offer you only synthetic ones, you tell her about "real" ones. Here she is very worried that there is nowhere to take it, but since you travel a lot, you might find five bottles of beer and five bottles of something else somewhere.

You can talk to the doctor's assistant in Vault and offer to contribute to the sperm bank. A little experience won't hurt. If you play as a girl, you can have a long and interesting conversation with an assistant on the topic of pregnancy and sex. You can also tell her about the difficulties in Redding with drugs. You can persuade her to get out of this place.

One can say about the suspicions about the low reproduction of the inhabitants of Vault 8, that this is due to radiation. In addition, data on radiation in Vault City has been lost from the computer at the 3rd level. There is also a Module for Vault 13 on the second floor.

The baby asks to find his doll. The doll is next to Cassidy's bar in the corner behind a pile of trash. Not far from the baby, in a tent, there is a man who needs to be saved from radiation poisoning. Use Rad-X on him, for reliability 2 times, and Rad-Away (100 experience + karma). In the library in Downtown, you can take a couple of necessary books. From the man on the street in the city, take the suitcase with technology from Vault. It must be taken to Bishop in New Reno. The man to the right of the "hospital" will ask you to find a plow for him, you can buy it in the store right there (250 experience). He will give you a Desert Eagle pistol and 20 rounds of ammunition for his help. Vika's daughter will ask you to bring her pliers and a wrench, for which a little later she will give you a set of super tools.

A little further away from the place where you found the boy doll, there is a scattering of stones, there you can find the wrench that she asks for. She can also upgrade some weapons for you.


Go to the hut, in which there are two people. One of them is a doctor, the other is the local chief, old Harold.

He will tell you what is happening here, that, they say, the reactor is old, one part broke, so it began to pollute, and in Vault City they don’t give us this part, because they don’t consider us to be people. Exit the hut and head up a screen. There is a descent down in the barracks, which is to the left of the broken reactor, go down.

Go along the corridor and find a big rat. Just don't start shooting at her, but talk to her. You can feed her with cheese. She will tell you about the essence of the problem. And he will give you an amulet, with this amulet go upstairs to the house on the right. There they will upgrade your weapons and give you a disk with information about what will be beneficial for both cities if the reactor is repaired. With this disc, return to Vault.

Then the engineer (he is opposite the blue door) will say that it would also be necessary to optimize the operation of the reactor and give one more disk. Tells you to go to Vault and run through the computer there. So do it. Talk to the same adviser, he will run the disc through the computer. Then go back to the reactor and insert the disk into the local computer (the same one that controls the robot). Then, going to Vault City to the same adviser, you will receive citizenship - now you can get into Vault. On the first floor of the vault, the doctor will ask you to bring him a drug called Jet, in order to make an antidote, he will pay you a thousand. By blackmail (karma will decrease), you can put it on the counter ($ 500 per week).

The mechanic can give you a car part that the dealer in Den wants. To do this, he needs to bring a set of SuperTools.

In the reactor, in the computer behind the closed red door, you can get into the Network to the Enclaves. The operator will take you for his own, take the opportunity to talk to him and find out a lot of useful information. Even if you split, nothing bad will happen. To get into the network, you need to enter the codes 9x7299-707644-008221 in the correct sequence.

How to get to Vault 13 or how to get the coordinates?

Just in this Vault 13 you will find the long-awaited GECK. First of all, you need to find out where Vault 15 is located. There are three ways to do this:

1. Just find it at random by driving (going) to the lower right corner of the map.

2. Find out its coordinates in the central computer in Vault 8.

3. Find out his coordinates from the President of the NKR.

Once you get the coordinates for Vault 15, go there (by car, as it will take a long time to walk). As soon as you arrive at the place, talk to the old woman who is standing near the fire. She will tell you that her daughter is missing and ask you to help find her. Walk along the path made of stone. She will lead you to the upper right corner, there will be a girl who closes the path, tell her what you are looking for. She will let you through, on the next screen there is a man near the barn, tell him that you are not going to fight him, let your daughter go in a good way. He will let go. Then talk to your mother, she will tell the elder everything, and he will deign to listen to you. Ask him a couple of questions. The goal is to get a red card from him to open the door to Vault15. Vault is run by a bunch of bandits. Their boss sits on the third floor. If you are confident in your abilities, then I advise you to sew them all (and the boss). After the removal of these bad guys, there will be a lot of all sorts of yummy. Go to the computer next to the boss, use it - and you will receive a disk with information about some spy in the NCR.

In one of the computers on the 3rd floor (in the room to the left of the elevator) you can find out the coordinates of Vault 13. If he gives out problems with access, then try to hack it several times. If this does not help, then you need to swing the "Mind".

In Vault 13 itself on the first floor, you will be asked to fix the computer on the third floor. To do this, you need to have a Module (you can buy it in NewReno, it is also in VaultCity and in Vault itself, on the second floor in boxes). Your main task is to take the GECK and the computer module. Both of them are in the lockers on the third floor, which must be hacked.

NCR (New California Republic)

On the first screen (Bazaar) there is a good arms dealer (I mean, he has a good weapon). You can steal a decent cannon (Bozar) from his guards, it is expensive. On the same screen, one of the men will ask you to kill the Monk in the Church. For a monk, they give 2000 experience and karma is reduced. All the police are offended by you. Even on the same screen, in the building of slave owners, the boss will ask you to steal the Map ($ 500) from the rangers. The card is on the table with tools (they don't even get offended when you take a card).

The city can only be entered during daylight hours. At night the passage is closed.

There is also a weapon shop in the city. The seller will give you a job to accompany the brothers. A very risky business. To complete the work, the next day you need to talk with the man next to the exit from the city (he is somewhere just below the merchant himself and a little to the left). After escorting the caravan, you will find yourself in Redding, where the man next to whom you appear will give you hard-earned $3000.

In the same place, the doctor will ask you to test his new mutagen on any Super Mutant.

Use this mutagen on any mutant and CyberDoggy will be at your disposal.

On the next screen is the president's house. To get there, talk to her assistant. Say you are looking for a job. The President (the woman in the room to the right of the entrance) will ask you to gain access to Vault 15. Give the disc you found there to the assistant, be sure to mention the spy in the conversation. He will give you $10,000 and experience.

Talk to the head of the rangers Ellis, tell her that you hate slavery, she will agree to talk with you. She will give you the task of freeing those guys in a cage from the slavers near the entrance to the city itself. As you can see, it's up to you to choose whom to help... I would prefer the Rangers. Yes, in order to free the slaves, you need to take out all the slave traders.

Just above the house with the Rangers there is a building with a reactor, at the entrance to it there is a woman and a robot, talk to the woman. She will tell you that some policeman named Jack wants to blow up the computer that distributes power. He has a bomb. Try to persuade him not to do it. But you will not succeed (probably, this is how the plot is intended). Talk to the woman who comes to the broken computer, she will ask you to help her fix it. It's up to you whether you agree or not. If you say no, then the passage that was under electricity all the time will open, and you can go to the East Farm. But you can get there without it: you need to steal a special pass from the presidential aide. Use the pass on the guard, he will allow you to pass. There lives a man named Westin. Go to the farm, the guard Felix will let you through if you say that from the sheriff. Tell Roger that you are from the sheriff, he will tell the essence of the problem: someone or something is attacking his brothers. You need to find out who and solve this problem. Talk to Felix, he will show you the place where the brothers graze.

Hang out here a little bit... Brathims who say "Aaaah..." from the 13th Vault... Hang out a little more and go to another screen, you'll find yourself... In Vault13!

Talk to Groot on the first floor, ask him about the raids. He will say that he will stop attacking the brothers if you fix the computer, how to fix it - higher ... For this you will receive 5000 experience, and for solving the problem with the brothers you will receive 1000 experience.

The monk, if you approach him during the day, can give you the task of taking the letter to Ash-9 (Head of Hobologists in San Francisco), if you answer simply Yes to his first question. He will also give you the title Ash-1.

The sheriff has a prisoner in jail, ask the sheriff for permission to talk to him. The sheriff will open the door. While he opens the door, he removes his Gausska, you can seize the moment and steal it. Last resort - cartridges to it. The prisoner needs to be hit hard so that he speaks to you. Talk to him.

By the way, in the NKR, a person standing by a barrel near slave traders can upgrade the car so that it "eats" 2 times less fuel - for only $1000.

New Reno

This city is a hotbed of drug mafia and prostitution. In addition, this city is replete with quests. The city is ruled by 4 families of gangsters: The Writers are the best, if you help them, New Reno will have a better future. The Bishop family is a very powerful clan, it was he who hired the Raiders to attack Vault City, he also wants to provoke a conflict between the same Vault City and the NCR. The Mordino family and the last family - Salvatore - have nothing to say about them, neither good nor bad. These families are at enmity with each other, some of their tasks overlap, so you won't be able to complete all the quests.

To the left of the place where you just appear, there is a building, a porn studio. In one of the rooms, the girl will offer you a job - to act in a film. After the first trial, she must pay you, you can agree to $300, or you can demand $500 and much more. She will agree to the second. Then choose a pseudonym to your liking - and forward to a career as a "movie star"!

Opposite the studio there is a club where boxing fights are held, you can participate there and earn some money and already more experience. Talk to shorty and say you want to box. Before that, it is better to find yourself gloves with an insert, they are in the basement of Bishop's casino, where the Mysticator is also training in a cage.

Choose a nickname for yourself - and forward to the ring, the first opponent fights weakly, it is easy to defeat him. The second one is not strong either. But the third one will be stronger, by the way, his name is Ivan Holyfield. Does this name remind you of anything? For it give 1500 experience. Well, the last, the best fighter, is also not very strong, for him they give 3500 experience and the title in the karma Champion of Northern California.

Clan Salvatore. It is located in the bar just above the studio on the second floor. To get to Salvatore, talk to his guard. The guard will not want to let you in at first, but be persistent and impudent, then he will let you through. Salvatore is a very sick man, he breathes with an oxygen mask ... Take a respirator from him in a box (with it you can walk around the mine in Broken Hill without harm to health). Talk to him and say that you want to work for him. His first task will be to find and kill the person who owes him money. For clarification, talk to the guard, this man's name is Lloyd and he stole $1000. Lloyd is in the basement of the Mordino casino. Be very careful with this type, he will deceive you at every opportunity.

The second task is to take the money from Renesco (pharmacist). He has no money, you can offer him a compromise. He gives you discounts on his product, and you pay Salvatore's money for it. Talk to Salvatore and get $250 for your work.

Don't forget to ask Salvatore about energy weapons.

The Bishop clan. In order for Bishop to hire you, you must bring him a suitcase from Vault City. Do not ask for money from the man who gives you this suitcase, Bishop may then get angry with you. In the casino, go up the stairs, ask the security guard for permission to go into Mr. Bishop's room, the security guard will let you in. Enter the room, there will be Bishop's wife. Sleep with her. In bed, ask her about Vault City. Climb also into the safe, take everything that lies there. And in general, search everything you can. You must find the disk, using which, the location of the Raiders will appear on your map.

Bishop's first quest is to kill Westin in the HCR. If you tell Westin that you came to kill him, he will try to outbid you and order to kill Bishop. What to agree to, your choice.

Bishop's second quest is to kill the prime minister in the NCR.

Clan Mordino. Mordino is located in Desperado on Virgin Street. Talk to him, the first task is to take a package with a jet as a gift for a good job to a man in the stable. In the same place, by the way, Miron sits. If you want more quests from Mordino, it's best not to take him for now. The next quest is to collect money from the Corsican brothers in the porn studio.

Mordino's last quest is to kill Salvatore. It's just that it's well protected.

You can kill him very cleverly. Salvatore is ill and is breathing with an oxygen mask. You can just steal this mask from him, he will be bent. True, the guards are still offended.

Wright clan. They are located in the eastern part of the city. Talk to Chris Wright about the job, go to the mansion (very big building, you can't help but notice).

Talk to Wright's wife. Then talk to Wright himself, he will ask you to find out who poisoned his son with a poisoned jet. Ask who he suspects, he will tell you his guess about the Mordino bandits. Talk to your son near the door, ask him everything about Richard. Then in Richard's room you will find an empty capsule from under the jet. Talk to Renesco. Go to the parking lot, there is Jules (a man in a red shirt). He won't tell you anything new, but he will show you another suspect, the younger Mordino. Go to Desperado's casino and talk to him. Just don't overdo it, he's nervous. Then, to calm your soul, talk to the drunk Jimi (he is also in a red shirt on 2nd Street). He will say that the canister contains the remains of the poison of a radio scorpion (500 experience) and will point to Renesco. Go to him and press until he confesses. He will point to Salvatore, but will only do so after you mention the scorpion venom in the canister (1000 exp). You can talk to Salvatore, but he will then attack you, it is best to report everything to Wright. You can name anyone from all the suspects, but for this you will get much less experience than for the truth (2000 experience).

There is an easier way to find the killer, for this they give much less experience, but you don’t have to get dirty either. At Golgotha, find Richard's grave, dig it up and explore. Then talk to Wright.

The next quest is to get to SierraArmiDepot. In Sierra you will have to destroy some cannons. It's pretty easy: shot, hid, shot and hid again.

In this case, it is good to use long-range weapons. Then go down the stairs, where there are a lot of generators, turn on the switch - in the building itself, the protective fields from yellow will turn red, i.e. you can walk through them. Subsequently, be very careful, there are many traps on the ground. Try to open the door to the small building, it's not that easy. The box contains a shell for an old cannon, some ammo and a bazooka.

Take the projectile and go to load into the cannon. Then shoot at the SierraArmiDepot door. In Sierra itself, rummage in the table right next to the entrance, take a piece of paper with the code there (TCHAIKOVSKY - Tchaikovsky). Open the locked door nearby and take the disk in the table. Remove the fields using code or simply by hacking the computer. Dig into the drawers, in one of them you will find Dixon's eye. By using this eye on the scanner in the elevator, you will be able to use the elevator.

On the second floor, climb all the computers and turn off everything you can. On the third floor, talk to SkyNet. He will ask you to pick him up (move him into someone's body).

On the third floor, there is a robot on the loess, put your brains in it, take BioGel next to it, fill it in there, you will also need a Motivator from exactly the same robot, you can take it from any of the same, after killing it, since there are a lot of them. Put it in the robot and use the computer, if everything is correct - you will get a very useful robot with you as a companion. Reprogram it.

On the fourth floor there is a laboratory. It is very interesting to delve into the insides of your assistants, you can take any of their organs (although the character dies), you can take their brains and insert into the robot: what type of weapon the person owned - this type will be owned by your new robot.

In the basement under the arms store in New Reno on the very left side of the city (there is a store under the sign "New Reno Arms") there is a lot of interesting things. You go there in the DAY, you pass the seller to the far right corner (there are lockers and dogs). Behind one of the cabinets there is a descent, and there is a man and a bunch of all sorts of good things. This man upgrades EVERYTHING YOU CAN, FOR FREE!


How to get Navarro coordinates? In San Francisco, take the quest "Bring the drawings of Vertiberd from Navarro" from a member of the fraternity, at the same time get the coordinates of Navarro. Friends should be left in front of the base (Navarro). Necessarily. Unless, of course, you want to kill them all there.

To the monk, in order not to cause an alarm at the entrance to the base, it must be said that you are just looking around. But the second time you will not get to the base without a fight, the monk will raise a commotion.

After talking with Dr. Schreber, you can ask to kill the deathclaw. In fact, you should save him. In order to open the door to the ventilation shaft, you need a purple key. It can be found in the doctor's desk (don't forget to sneak around). Try to open the door, the soldier will say that it is impossible to go there, and you tell him that you are from Doc. Now close the door and talk to Xarn. Then open the door to the ventilation shaft with the purple key (1500 exp).

Talk to the computer analyst in the next room, you may be able to persuade him to give the access code to the computer. If you succeeded, then log into the computer and shake out everything you can.

Well, now about the drawings. To get them, talk to the first class computer technician, who is located in the building between the two workshops. Ask him about the plans. Then go to the room above, talk to Quincy there. Tell him something like: "I was told the schematics are here." Then answer "Yes". Taking the schematics in the closet will give you 3500 experience.

After talking to everyone, you will learn that in order to get to the Enclave main base, you need to make a voyage on the ship, and to activate it you need a FOB, which is kept by the base commander. To take it, you need to own the "conversation". Having previously signed up, go torment the guard. First ask: "What is this place?", and then that there was a call from the head of the base and they were concerned about the location of the FOB. FOB is in the locker (3500 experience).

In the same place in Navarra, you can fix the dog (k-9), the motivator for him lies on the street near the Mechanic (he is still next to the helicopter). He will run with you. From one of the men nearby, you can steal (in the box behind him) the drawings of the helicopter.

Power armor lies on the 1st floor, where there are a lot of boxes (by putting it on, you will become your own for all the inhabitants of the base).

And the last thing: get out of the base by the exit on the first floor of the base (underground). Otherwise, if you try to exit the same way you entered, you will be killed.

Broken Hill

This is a small town founded by Super Mutant Sheriff Marcus.

Uranium mines are located here, and it is also processed here.

At the very beginning of the city, as soon as you have appeared, there is a man, remove the weapon and talk to him, he will tell you a lot of interesting things. On the same screen in a large building, you can hire to accompany caravans. Caravans leave for Gekko, NCR and Vault City ($200). You can also hire yourself to guard the Brathims ($100).

On the same screen in the bar, you can face off against a super mutant. For what you win, he will give you PowerFist. Right there in the bar you can get Nuka-Cola for superstimpaks.

Marcus, the sheriff, will ask for $ 500 to find and find out everything about the missing people. A little higher from the talking bush there is a descent into the mine, go down there and go a little. You should see a lot of corpses, one of them will find a note, with this note go back to Marcus.

There is a prison not far from Marcus, there are several more mutants with miniguns walking around. You can kill them (karma will decrease a little, but no one will be offended by you) and free the people who are languishing there. One of them will give you explosives and ask you to blow up the air conditioner in the Mine. If you have already fixed it, then you probably will not succeed, but if not, try it. But this is bad. After the explosion of the mine (all mutants will be buried there), he will thank you. The woman in the store will no longer attack you if you try to sneak into her basement (there are some weapons there). If you are for mutants, then you can simply hand over these people to Marcus.

On the next screen, a person in the very first building will ask you to supply more energy to his house. This can be done as follows: Either talk to the person in charge of the distribution of electricity on the first screen, or hack the terminal yourself in the same place.

On the same screen, you can compete with the creation of the professor - a smart scorpion. You will pass the test for dexterity and vision, but you will not be able to test the mind, the game of chess. To do this, you need to transplant the talking bush, the creation of the same professor. The bush itself will ask you about it. After the transplant, as a thank you, he will tell you how to cheat a scorpion in chess. This bush is a little higher. It grows in the garden. A shovel is needed for transplanting.

In the house opposite the professor's there is a man who will ask you to find him a magazine with a black pussy on the cover. Come back in an hour, he will ask you to find him an inflatable doll. Marcus has this doll on a shelf in the house, come back after a while and he will tell you that you should talk to Phil, that goon on the street, treasure hunter...

The super mutant in the house near the entrance to the mine will ask you to fix the ventilation in the mine. To do this, you will need a spare part, which can be bought in New Renault from the apothecary. Be careful, it's very hot in the mine, and if you or your friends are in poor armor, then it's better not to go there.

San Francisco

Big and very useful city. It can be divided into 4 parts.

1. Hobologists - they seem to be some kind of cult.

2. Oil tanker - it will be a tanker in the future.

3. Chinatown.

4. Imperial Palace.

About everything in order.

1. Chinatown: There are two arms dealers there who sell a lot of goodies. Almost all. These two merchants are full of mugs, if you buy everything from them for money, then steal the same money from their pocket, then you can generally buy everything that they have.

Two boxers, one can teach you how to fight when you become famous. You can challenge them and measure on fists. I don't recommend it at all, they are pretty strong.

But on the other hand, if you beat all the fighters (there are about 5 of them), you will get about 10,000 experience. And then you can go challenge Lo Pang (you can again show Lo Pang now how you know how to fight, and get a lot more experience, but again or with difficulty).

The doctor in front of one of the shops can implant CombatArmor for you for money. He can perform 4 operations, 1 costs about $8,000, the second is about $20,000, the third is about $10,000, and the fourth is $48,000. All this adds to your resistance to all damage by 5%.

2. Tanker: There are also two merchants there, they have nothing useful except LockPits. There are also a lot of people with guns there. One even has a Gaussian. And it steals easily. In the same place (on this screen) there is a descent down, there is a lot of evil spirits, everyone must be taken out and the girl saved (she is in the upper right corner). One floor above the control room, there ask the captain in more detail about everything.

How to make a tanker float? We must do two things. Actually fill it and put it into the computer, which is located behind a closed door on the lower level, a microcircuit (you can take it in Vault 13). To open this door, you need Fob (he is in Navarro).

3. Hobologists. The quests they give overlap with the Emperor's quests.

Bring Ash-9 a letter from a monk in the HCR (500 exp) and question him. Then go to Ash-7 (he is at the entrance). Say that you want to join them, he will send you to two freaks in the stands. They will give you a HoloDisk, read the information from it and go talk to Ash-7. The first task will be to kill a man named Badger on the tanker. A scientist will upgrade your armor for $10,000. Then you can steal this money back from him!

4. Emperor. The Emperor is a computer and his guards in the throne room have Gausska ammo. The first quest is to bring them the drawings of the vertibird from Navarro (first bring the brotherhood, although it does not matter). Then the quest to destroy the Boss of the Hobologists (!!!). Only then can you speak to the emperor. To refuel the tanker, you need to hack into the computer, which is located in the room to the left of the entrance. There will be an inscription "Fill Tanker" right there.On the tanker you will get to the Oil Derrick - the main base of the Enclaves.

Everything is clear there. But if you try to get into the Base with your companions, then you will be attacked. I advise you to first climb it up and down, collecting everything you can (and this is a lot), and then take Friends and take everyone to FUCKING GRANDMA! There is only one problem (well, maybe a couple dozen more). Talk to an elder from your village. She will tell the root of the problem. In one of the boxes (where there are many doors and you have to open them in the correct sequence) there is an AdvanceArmor MKII.

One of the scientists in the president's apartment persuades and lets gas into the ventilation. It is necessary that scientists in dressing gowns next to the computer die. Without noise and dust.

The reactor breaks very easily. It is necessary to put a charged dynamite in a room with computers and with scientists (dead), next to the computers, of course. Or persuade a scientist to turn on self-destruction. He can be found by climbing the stairs, which is located just above the room with the president. Having risen, go down the screen to the room where the man in the white coat and the soldier are standing. This scientist, after you threaten him a little, will do everything himself. To get to the reactor, you have to go through a room with nine small rooms that are separated by doors and contain computers, and an electric discharge runs through the floor after a while, as a result of which you lose health (5-13). Therefore, you will have to act quickly. When exposed to computers, some doors open. You will need to get down from the top door. The door in the upper right corner will open the door from the left middle square to the lower left, after which you will need to make your way through the upper middle, then the upper left, the left middle, the lower left, then the computer in the lower right will open the lower exit door.

Turrets at the entrance to the base can be reprogrammed with a presidential card (then pull it off his corpse) so that they shoot at Frank Harrigen (the last boss). And you can also persuade a small crowd of soldiers in the APA in front of the boss to come with you. And then you will meet the ONE who killed people, crumbs and the Guard of the brotherhood. Here is one piece of advice, save / load, because the bastard is strong. You can, of course, get pumped up with Jet (if there is an antidote).

This is where the game ends, our walkthrough of Fallout 2 ends, and we are shown what happened after your adventures with each of the cities we visited. And this story is not always the same, it all depends on your actions in the game.

Congratulations, you completed the game!

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