F1 2021 How to Use Pit Assist


Find out this manual how to use Pit Assist in F1 2021, if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

F1 2021 Evaluate the magnificent new features F1 2021, including the exciting plot of "Victory Formulas", the career mode for two players and the opportunity to get closer to the starting lattice with the "Start in the real season" and unique game objects. That's how to use Pit Assist.

How to use Pit Assist in F1 2021?

The usual way to go to Pete Lane is to reduce the speed to the maximum limit and drive through it with the limiter enabled. If the arrival speed is too high, then depending on the speed you can get a fine or disqualification. However, with the Pit-Assistant enabled, all preparations for the achievement of the limit speed becomes unnecessary.

Take, for example, Canada. Go down to the final straight with throttle to the floor when the machine accelerates from 100 to 0 faster than the transmission switches, and what is most interesting, you do not get a fine. Of course, it may be regarded as a bad practice, but it's funny!

That's all you need to know how to use Pit Assist in F1 2021..

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