The collection of lute has become banal for games


The presence of accurate rhythm in the video game is needed. No matter how the plan is deep, and the gameplay is revolutionary, but if the speed of the entire game is not turned out, then according to the result it will be stereotypically boring to play. If you imagine that the gameplay is a road forward, then the bad speed will be holes on it, which gamer will be able to stumble at all. Such Makar, any element of the gamedizayna is obliged to maintain a cumulative speed and a cumulative plan. On the example of the object collection system, it is curious to monitor how the creators retain the speed of the gameplay. Just the 1st gaze on the mechanic to collect the Lute, to understand what the video game will flow with what speed. I propose in this article to look at how the creators retain the speed of the game in adverse mechanics on the example of the gaming of objects. Compare various games with different speeds, look at successful and bad examples and summarize some results.

Fallout 3.

The difference in pace 3 and 4 parts Fallor is great. The meditative and sluggish spirit of the research of radioactive wasteland is perfectly projected on the mechanics of collecting objects. Pastaid Washington does not have the borders of the trash and it really needs to be rummaged. From among the entire garbage, there will be only a para-triple of the desired covers, a handful of cartridges and a bottle of nuclear cola, if lucky. Excluding light ammunition, any item has its own weight and properties. In the raider's karma, there is no Globus or a thermometer. Fallout 3 worked on authenticity and authenticity, the gangster cannot with himself to have military medicines, in the library box could not become a laser gun, and the thieves of Hlama really was the mountain of Pereg. The collection of a lute in Fallout 3 perfectly fits into the speed of the game - slow and sluggish. As a result, this mechanic fits perfectly into the world of the game.

Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 is much more like your own predecessors. Together with the game processes, the mechanic collection of objects was changed. To search the body of the enemy either box in the gage to the gamer sufficiently look at the search for search and, by scrolling the mouse wheel ,, to collect all the necessary resources. Fallout 4 world has no boundaries of funny, odd and terrible episodes. There are many of them - they are at every turn. In your turn, these scenes are full of lute and resources. Fallout 4 reigns nonsense, for this reason the raider with a globe in a pocket is a routine thing. The creators ineptly introduced the mechanics to create objects in the video game, for this reason, in any territory, it is not possible to be scattered in any area, and a residence of a certain trash. Such as super-glue or tape. The gamer needs these little things in large quantities, for this reason, from among the ruins, it is completely inappropriate for those things that will suit the player to create objects.So that the speed of the game remained, the gamer must approximately with similar speed to teach the world and search it. Fallout 4, as the predecessor, coped with this problem with a bang. Gamer is not delayed forever in 1st place.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

The rapid, hardcore, tough fighter from the traditional first person, the subsequent covenants of the Games of the Old School. The entire gaming process is concentrated purely on shootouts with rivals, for this reason no time for the collection of Lute. But the gamer, however, will need to be trained by cartridges and aidhechki. Before Machine Games stood a task to save wild rapid speed of the game, with all this holding the covenants of the traditional Wolfenstein. By comparison with the original, the creators changed only one thing - the rivals began to throw out of themselves the death of the deathly cartridges, and the reservation. It is a very fundamental change, since in the original rivals subsequently emitted only PBEWPRASES. In the first part, Gamer found a reservation as the level studies. In the original of the 92nd year, the level design was a labyrinth, where the gamera followed the exit. In the remake of the 14th year, the stages of the corridor. The speed accelerated and no longer needed in the study. One tiny change was allowed to protect the entire video game, since without him the video picture would seem tight and sharply stopped in place.

TES 5: Skyrim

Who only did not make fun of the Lute collection system and toolkit in TES 5: Skyrim. On her, the gamer is delayed and sometimes forever. It thoroughly knocks down the speed of the gameplay when during the battle you need to find things in different sections, reassign keys or change the weapons. As if drunk in the library. The gameplay almost stops, because the screen performed on the screen. There is nothing disgusting in it, but traditionally it does not appear in sight. The video game does not seek to become believable, but it shows one hazard in the gameplay and completely different in the toolkit menu. Someone will be - "Skyrim is RPG. Equipment looks and managed, because in the video game stereotypically a lot of objects! ". To challenge this concept, I propose to look at the video game, where the equipment, similar to Skyrim, is implemented correctly.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat

Absolutely all the game sequence was either differently cloned into the supporter of the realism, and any element of the gameplay supported it. Search of enemies and boxes in S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat is performed in the present time, which makes the collapse of Lute most believable. Even if it stops when the instrumentation was opened, then the gamemer would not notice this. Equipment in S.T.A.L.K.E.R Closes the entire display, for this reason the feeling of the frozen once, unlike the above TES: Skyrim. Things in boxes or backpacks occupy a place. The greater the subject, the more space he needs in a backpack. Such a balanced solution perfectly supports the element of realism. Sufficiently simply move the subject from one area to another.The gameima forms the feeling that he really rushes in the Racial or a box, since things in it occupy a specific place. There is everything in the way, the subject on the subject. With all this, the gamer does not disappear in the backpack - the background is divided into squares, which makes the grid and mirage systematization.

The main thing is to rush with one speed

Creating games is a difficult process. He asks not only thorough work regarding the development of the world of the game, and the harsh game-designer decisions that we, gamers, do not notice. Do not notice them only therefore, that these solutions are true. One miscalculation can turn everything completely. The work of 10 painters and artists risks go to the Nammark, if the game designers did not take into account all the subtleties of the gameplay. Any element of video game mechanics is obliged to become harmonious, since their public structure directly has a great influence on how you feel the time in the gameplay process.

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