Outriders - How to Get and Use Anomaly Shards


In this manual, we will tell you how to find and how to use the anomaly fragments in Outriders?

Full guide on the production method and use of the anomaly fragments in Outriders

How to get and use an anomaly fragments in Outriders?

Tasks ⇒ Actions

  1. It is necessary to disassemble the items that you do not use, from your inventory.
  2. The types of abnormal fragments, you will receive when disassembling an object, are indicated by the crystal icon, which is displayed next to the attribute in the object description.

Kraft with anomaly fragments

⇒ You can use fragments of anomaly in the craft to increase bonus characteristics.

⇒ Squake anomalies, including leather, titanium and iron, are among the available resources for crafting in the game.

⇒ These attributes can be applied to high-level weapons to make it even more efficient in survival in the harsh world of Enha.

Attributes of the bonus of weapons that you can change by applying the anomaly fragments:

Anomalous power

  • Increases your basic damage in the near battle, skill forces and status effects.

Armor Pier.

  • Reduces the value of armor's armor and causes more damage.

Bonus firepower

  • Increases the basic damage of weapons.

Damage at close range

  • Increases additional damage to all enemies within 10 meters radius.

Reducing recharge

  • Reduces the restoration time of skills.

Chance Crete

  • More chances to apply a critical shock with weapons.

Critical damage using abnormal fragments in Outriders

  • Increase the damage of critical hits and shots in the head.

Obtained healing

  • Increases the amount of health recovered by direct healing.

Damage on far distance

  • Increase additional damage to all enemies at a distance of more than 25 meters.

Maximum health

  • Increases maximum health statistics.

Pierce resistance

  • The percentage of the resistance of the enemy, which is ignored when damage from the abilities.

Leech skillin

  • Heals you percentage of damage caused by the ability.

Status Power

  • Increases the efficiency of your status effects, such as damage or the duration of the effect.

Leech of weapons

  • He treats you percentage of damage caused by weapons.

That's all you need to know how to get and use the anomaly fragments in Outriders.

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