GENSHIN IMPACT - how to kill wolf


How to kill Wolf in Genshin Impact You are waiting for an exciting single-user adventure, where you will be a guest from another world in search of a lost native person.

Sold up the secrets of Teivat and yourself. Fly over immense valleys, explore the sea and lakes, conquer high mountains. Even in the most deaf places can hide amazing secrets of this strange world.

This is not just a mindless slasher. Only mastered the flexible and deep system of elements of the world GENSHIN IMPACT can overcome mighty enemies and solve complex puzzles. Choose allies from more than 20 characters (then it will be even more!) - Each with unique skills, character and battle style. Travel alone or fight dangerous monsters together with friends in cross-platform online mode for 4 people for PS4, IOS, Android and PC.

How to kill wolf in genshin impact

First, the battle of the wolf seems to be "swelling", so it acts slowly. Take advantage of this. All his attacks will avoid much easier than the following. Some of the popular wolf attacks - the punch of the paw and frost.

We advise you to avoid all Ice objects, as they slow down you. Sometimes the wolf will jump into the ice circle. Then you can apply a lot of damage from a long distance. The main thing is not to go to the punch of the tail, it causes the most damage at this stage.

This stage is much more complicated than the previous one. Angdryius will begin to move throughout the arena and apply a lot of damage. As soon as you have a chance to apply at least some damage to the enemy - do not hesitate. Use all sorts of crap and, in which case change your character.

If the wolf falls on the hind paws - urgently move away from it, as it will appline a lot of damage as much as possible. Often, he will let the "Microwaves" killing the opponent in front of you will be a flower of arteries. To get it, you need to have 60 units of primary resin.

And that's all you need to know about how to kill the wolf in Genshin Impact? If you have something to boldly leave a comment below.

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