Mass Effect How to defeat sarenas?


Find out how to defeat Sareren in Mass Effect, what difficulties you expect to do to fulfill the goal, read in our manual.

Even after the whole trilogy, it is difficult to come up with a more iconic antagonist in Mass Effect Legendary Edition than Saren Arteius. In subsequent games, the main antagonists oppose each other indirectly, about the same way as it happens with sovereign. In most cases, players fail to fight with their sworn enemy, but Saren is a pleasant exception to this rule. If, of course, they can not defeat it.

How to defeat sarenas in Mass Effect

Sniper rifles are especially good for a detachment against Sareren, because they apply a powerful blow. They can also knock him down from the legs while it is suspended on the elevator, and apply additional damage depending on where it landed and what will fall. Sareren's live stock is significant, so additional physical attacks are very useful.

When Saren stops to build a line for a shot, use the reception Lift to interrupt it. This will not only spoil his sniper shot, but also create a moment of weakness when he will not rush around the map. If the Lift's ability does not work, use the Barrier or Immunity ability to absorb the blow.

And that's all you need to know how to defeat Sareren in Mass Effect..

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