Skyrim how to remove squares


Find out in this manual How to remove squares in the console in Skyrim if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Skyrim rethinks fantasy epic with an open world, creating a full-fledged virtual world that you can explore at your discretion. Play any character you can imagine, and do everything you want; The legendary freedom of choice, the plot and adventure of The Elder Scrolls are implemented as never before. That's how to remove the squares.

How to remove squares in Skyrim?

To remove the squares, go to the root folder of the game and open the DATA folder. In the interface folder, locate the fontconfig.txt file, open this file using a notepad. Find the line $ Consolefont = Arial Normal. Replace this line to: $ Consolefont = FutratcyLigCon Normal.

How to remove squares in the console in Skyrim, go to C: Games gameSkyrim and open the Skyrim.ini file using a notepad. Find the [GENERAL] strings SLANGUAGE = English. And add another string as sconele = English.

That's all you need to know how to remove the squares in Skyrim..

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