Fallout 3 Review - Gloomy, but a completely wonderful game


Fallout 3 is a deeply fascinating role-playing game, which is just waiting to reveal your deep, dark secrets.

Many games are doing a big focus on the choice of a player, but a little about which game has recently offers so many complex, significant ways to approach any situation. You justify or destroy the spiritual hopes of idyllic society, stand on the side of the workers or their slaves and decide the fate of more than one city during its post-apocalyptic travel on Washington's waste, Colombia District. Your actions have far-reaching consequences that affect not only the world around us, but also on how you play, and it is this freedom that makes Fallout 3 decent game - and re-passing. It is deep and fascinating, and although not so stunningly wide as previous developer games, it is more targeted and brightly implemented.

This focus is obvious from the first hour of the game, in which the creation of a character and the plot is perfectly intertwined with each other. This is an introduction that is best to experience independently, and not to describe in detail here, but it sets the basis of Fallout 3: in the yard of 2277, you and your father - residents of the repository 101, one of many similar structures covering the population of land from the dangers of post-identical destruction. When a father runs out of the repository, not saying goodbye, you go to his searches, but they are drawn into a political and scientific war, which will allow you to change the course of the future. Walking through the decaying remnants of the distributes and its surroundings (you will visit Arlington, Chevi Chase and other suburban areas), you will meet passive-aggressive scapions, a clumsy scientist and an old friend from Fallout by name Harold, who, in general, a lot of worries. Another highlight is a small team of refugees in the style of the Much Lord, which reluctantly take you into our society, if, of course, you will correctly play your cards.

The city is also one of Fallout 3 stars 3. This is a gloomy world in which the collapsed Washington monument is on guarding the muddy green puddles and the hoarse monsters called the Melver. Of course, in the process of research, you will open up new tasks and characters, but traveling around the city brings satisfaction by itself, regardless of whether you will decide to explore the utility premises of the cola of the plant or approach the care-guarded steps of the Capitol building. In fact, although sometimes stupid jokes and funny dialogs give some humorous respite, the game is more serious than previous games Fallout. At times, even the feeling of some rigidity and sterility arises, which reduces the feeling of an emotional connection, which would give some solutions at the end of the game a greater sharpness.In addition, the black humor inherent in the franchise is present, but not so much, although Fallout 3 is still well aware of his roots. Invaliated pseudo-government called Enchnoth and freedom fighters, known as the fraternity of steel are still powerful forces, and the main plot is concentrated around the concepts and goals that are familiar to Puristam Fallout.

Although the Bethesda's branded fragility is in the air, adult dialogues (it is a bit nervous, but fully corresponds to reality when you first hear how 8-year-old children mumble obscene expressions) and prehistory make a journey interesting. Here are more tailed pieces than you can find in one passing game. For example, Perk skiing (more about this later) will allow you to get information from the lady of the evening, which, in turn, will overcome the new light on several characters - and will allow you to complete the plot quest in an unexpected way. The search mission of self-realized android can start a fascinating look at the futuristic underground railway, but a little side gossip can allow you to lie on the way to complete the quest. Quests are not much as you expect, but their difficulty can hit. Just make sure that you have fully studied them before promoting the plot forward: as soon as it is over, the game will end, which means that you have to return to an earlier saved game if you are going to explore it after the completion of the main quest.

Thus, the choice depends only on your own feeling of decency and upcoming results. For each "bad" solution (to penetrate someone else's room, sacrifice the soldier to save your skin) Your karma decreases; If you do something "good" (find a house for a orphan, give water with a bench), your karma rises. These situations cause new consequences: the possibilities for dialogue are opened, others are closed, and your reputation will delight some and annoy others. For example, a Mutant with a Golden Heart will join you as a party member, but only if your karma is high enough, while the robber requires you to be heartless. Even in the last moments of the game, you make an important choice that you will tell you during the final scene, like ending in previous Fallout games. Depending on how you performed various tasks, there are many different endings in the game, and how they are combined into a holistic epilogue, quite cleverly.

Fallout 3 remains faithful to the system development system of the series, using a similar attribute system, skills and advantages, including S.P.E.C.I.L.A.L system. From previous games for attributes, such as strength, perception and endurance. After that you can specialize in a number of skills, from heavy weapons and hacking locks before repairing objects and hacking terminals.With each level you will develop these skills, as well as choose additional peppers. Perks offer a number of diverse improvements that can be both incredibly useful and slightly terrible. You can choose the perk killer of women who opens the possibilities of a dialogue with one women and makes it easier to kill others. Or Cannibal Perk, which allows you to eat fallen enemies to restore health, risking to cause disgust from anyone who sees this particularly unpleasant habit. Not all of them are so dramatic, but these are important aspects of the development of the character, which can create new fascinating opportunities.

Although Fallout 3 can play in the strange future from a third party (your avatar looks like he or she rides around the terrain), it is best to play first person. As for the battle, the most part of the game you will play as if it is a first-person shooter, although the clumsy slow movements and the speed of the camera mean that you never confuse the game with this FPS. Armed with any Middle-Fallen Weapon, you can beat in the traditional manner and shoot in attacking dogs and random raiders. But even despite the slight clumsiness, the fight brings satisfaction. Shotguns (including a stunning option with dischails) have tremendous power, plasma rifles leave behind a good bunch of mucus, and chopping a mutant head with huge and bulky supersans seems instantly cruel. Be prepared to maintain these tools in working condition: weapons and armor gradually lose efficiency and require repair. You can attribute them to a specialist, but you can and fix them yourself if you have another such thing. To break your favorite weapon, fighting off the supermutants, is very unpleasant, but it reinforces the idea that everything you do in Fallout 3, even shooting from a laser gun, has consequences.

These aspects do not allow Fallout 3 to be playing the style of "Run and shoot", and you should not expect you to play exactly so. This is because the most pleasant and bloody points of battles are a product aiming system for Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or Vats. This system is an extinguishing system of the first Fallout game glasses, since it allows you to suspend the action, spend the action points, aims to a certain enemy limb, and watch the bloody results in slow motion. You are not guaranteed to hit, although you can see how it is likely that you will fall into a particular limb, and what damage can be applied your attack. But getting into the target in Vats is a great pleasure: the camera takes off for a dramatic species, your bullet flies to the goal, and the head of your enemy can be broken in the shocking explosion of blood and brains. Or maybe you will completely turn the limb to him, sending your hand to the flight - or send all his body into oblivion.

These anatomically reasonable damage are well implemented. A shot in the hand of a soldier ENCLAVE can make him throw a weapon, a shot in his foot will make him lick, and disoriented him with his head. But you are not protected from these effects. If your head gets sufficient damage, you will have to deal with disorientizing consequences; Hands are meaning to reduce the ability to aim. Fortunately, you can apply therapeutic steamed in place to heal the injury; Similarly, some sleep will help facilitate your problems. You can also temporarily increase your indicators using any number of auxiliary and medical objects. But this also has its consequences. A bit of tape or wine sounds delightfully and gives a temporary increase in stats, but if you have a lot of drinking enough, you can get a dependency, which leads to disorienting visual effects. And, of course, you will have to deal with the periodic exposure to radiation, which is a problem when you drink from dirty water sources or eat irradiated food. Radiation poisoning can be cured, but you will still have to measure the benefit of certain items for treatment with an increase in the level of radiation.

All this creates an amazingly complex game that other elements are even deepened, adding a variety of in the gameplay and helping the world more alive. Hacking the lock launches a worthy, albeit a strange mini-game that mimics the torque application to the lock using a screwdriver when screwing the pin. Mini-game "Hacking" is an interesting verbal puzzle that requires some brain activity. And if you love more blacksmiths than word tribes, you can earn and buy schemes that will help you create weapons from various components scattered on the ground. Do you like to decorate the interior anymore? It does not matter: if you get ownership of the apartment, you can decorate it and even equip a few useful devices. Robot joker is free.

Although most of the time you wander on wastelands alone or, possibly, with one or two companions, there are several memorable cinematic episodes in the game. You will join the soldiers when they fight the Giant Boss Mutant, head the storming of the famous Sights of Washington and fade out of the doomed citadel until robots and soldiers wate the air with laser fire. This is a good mix, bribe the atmospheric voltage by periodic explosions. Your enemies give good rebuff - often even too good, considering that the enemies that were complex at the beginning of the game can remain steep cookies 5 or 10 levels later. This scale of complexity makes you feel more limited in development than in other role-playing games, but it is somewhat appropriate, taking into account the open character of the game and the non-smart world.In the end, if the hidden mutants were not a constant threat, you would not be afraid to look into the dark corners of the world Fallout. It should be noted that in contrast to the previous games of the series, you will not be able to completely peacefully approach the solution of your task. To complete the game, you will have to enter into battle and kill several enemies, but since the combat system is generally quite pleasant, it should not be a serious problem for most players.

The action of Fallout 3 occurs in the bombed futuristic version of Washington, DC, and the game is dark, but strangely serene. Over your head, collapsed overpass are hanging, and optimistic advertising shields in the style of the 1950s advertise their products by sunny phrases. It looks impressive, and you move to an open empty almost without loading time, although you will come across the download when entering and out of buildings or with a rapid transition to the already visited areas. Numerous attractions, for example, a giant aircraft carrier, who serves as an independent city, or dilapidated interiors of the National Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics look especially sinister. But small strokes are no less impressive, for example, explosions that create mushroom clouds of flame and smoke, resembling a nuclear tragedy underlying the Fallout concept 3. Character models are more realistic than in previous works of developers, but they still move a few coward, they are not There are enough expressive models in games such as Mass Effect.

It is a pity that in the light of these impressive design elements, the version for PlayStation 3 is very inferior to the rest from a technical point of view. Although in versions for Xbox 360 and PCs sometimes there are visual oddities and tasteless textures, it is easy to pay attention to these shortcomings. Unfortunately, uneven edges, blurred lighting and a slightly reduced drawing distance in version for PS3 is not so easy to discard. On PS3, we also encountered a number of visual errors. The individuals of the characters disappeared several times, leaving only eyes and hair; The limbs of robots disappeared; Some characters patterns had strange outlines, as if they were shaded; And the transition from day to night can cause strange bands on the screen when moving the camera. This version does not even offer trophies, while the Xbox 360 and PC versions offer XBOX Live / Windows Live.

With the exception of several Sound-specific encouraging, the sound in each version is simply gorgeous. Most votes of voice acting are great, despite some sleepy sounds. The atmosphere of any game can live or die thanks to the surrounding sound, and Fallout 3 copes with this task. The wind whistle and the distant sound of the shot, most likely, will call you chills, and the slowdown moans and the crunch of the baseball bits, who met the face of the game, sound surprisingly painful.If you become lonely and will want a company, you can listen to a couple of radio stations, although the frequent repetition of songs and ads is annoyed after some time. Soundtrack is excellent, although it is a bit overloaded, given the deserted atmosphere. Fortunately, its default volume is very low, so it does not interfere.

No matter what platform you have, you should play Fallout 3, which overcomes its problems, offering a deep and fascinating journey around the world, which is difficult to forget. She has more common with the Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda than with previous Fallout games, but this is not bad. In fact, Fallout 3 is a simpler and evil game than previous works of Bethesda, less expansive, but more intense, while offering tremendous value for re-passing and a lot of acute sensations. Regardless of whether the newcomer you are in the universe or adherent Fallout, in the darkest corners of Washington raising the unable hours of mutating secrets.

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