CROSSOUT Overview - Full Freedom of Creativity


On the video game, I was evaluated in the fall of the distant 15 year and immediately left an application for access to the test, the one received through a share with GM on Twice in February for 16 years.

Then in full swing was the so-called CroSSout combat test, the previously closed beta test. In other words, I'm not new to the video game. My worldview is not dictated by some Wow effect or a turning reaction. I put a video game, as I would not have a sorry for the unique idea and spirit of Exmachina, a negative rating.
Perhaps at least negative feedback will be prompted by the developers of this video game or their publishers to get out of their own Majahn Mirka and send attention to those people at the expense of which they generally have and pay their employees wages.
The main idea is already announced. And now in more detail.

Yes, there is a type of market, through the one that you can get a game monetary eodyn, selling crafts. And now the usual moment: you are new, just became the game. On your account, you have zero, for battles you get a little scrap and snow-white item. Scrap and snow-white item can be implemented. The cost of the snow-white detail on average of 0.05 up to 0.08 occasionally coins is more expensive, for example, 0.30, and the item drops occasionally. The scrap is allowed for a loss of 10 pieces, and a small stack for sale with us 100. In order to scaffle the details you need to rent a machine.

Rentals stands coins, for example, 25 for a blue machine for 5 parts either 67.5 for 15. You can already imagine how much the grinding is needed in order to scratch the detail. But it doesn't make sense to krafting it - the price of realization is below its production cost. Only at the start of the foundation were the highest prices and the elected managed to be welded on it, but about it in subsequent PT. So here. There is no sense to krafting blue - you will always be in the red. It makes sense to crafting violet, however, until it needs to be stopped and accumulating the means again grind, for the rental of the machine for 15 parts is already there is already 270 coins. About the machines of another color is silent.

However, you can purchase one of the sets and gathering the N-ON Coin value and acquire everything you want. And now what is almost all the "newest" gamers do not know. All combat test and zbt about losing the part in the video game above the snow-white - broken. Imagine - you purchased a set, lost 25 times and you no longer have a set. How do you? Thank God, after 18 months, the community managed to reach the developers and they canceled the breaking of the details! However, 18 months, Karl !!!

As I wrote - there is a market. Thought would seem to be excellent, even very. In naught, I even had hopes that it would be like in World of Warcraft - gamers make details, extract details and means, and exchange them.Yes, that is right. However, the entire idea was killed with the withdrawal of funds - a commission of 10% and rental of machine tools. Specifically because of it you will never pay for your blue. Global replenishment is possible only by buying donat-packages. The smaller the Donaters be, the ratio will increase the price of one coin and fall the cost to the details and over time they will accumulate in the hands of individual personalities, which already happens.
All this also spoils one harsh fact, the one that did not take into account the creators.

At the start of the foundation, a person has managed to earn more capital - I personally imagined the screenshots, where a person has almost half a million! Game cash eaglers! Having such sums on the hands of the game market can be twisted as you like! What happened when the game event starts for a certain number of days ago - the gulf people bought in many of the whole scrap is such a resource in the video game, thus recking its price twice and now the portion of it gets rid earning even more.

And ordinary gamers as they were with nothing and remained. The consequences of all this turned into the fact that the kraft is completely killed below the orange. It is just unprofitable at such prices.
What are our creators? They do not care.
Since all this will provoke donat. I am not a paranoid, however if they were - it would have thought that specifically with their light hand and there was a moment

Everything is very simple here. Apparently the warehouse of the mind of Russian development - users are kept for dull cattle. It is impossible to reach them up to them, to convey sensible thoughts, "Well, you are right, they are smart, they themselves know how best to us, gamers. For example, instead of the balance of the guns pouch the most massive-used. On the forum video games, people make the calculations, analyzes - developers do not care, they have their own vision, as it is better to open and put on those at the expense of whom there are. There is nothing more to add here.

I personally have a feeling that the creators themselves are very encouraged. The video game has a wearing that will do everything for you - will choose the goal and will fire fire - the Caucasus cannon. And there are still drones of various masters. As you, the gamer whose kraft is standing without wheels on the republic with the Caucasus cannon and the CD releases a simple clicker drone. For the team, it is completely useless, and when the team is destroyed - he is powerless against several enemies. And right up to the heap - by pressing the "in the duel" key after the end of the preceding timer after a certain number of seconds you will be in the queue in the next one that only on the hand of these personalities.
Such gamers are not shuffled, they don't care for them.

About the pedaging. The video game has so called power points and the balance is configured in such a way that when you leave the sandbox with your snow-white tool against you will play, for example, piercers - naked cabin shooting a controlled rocket with a different card ends. Up to 3000 Points of power This Wanzotit rocket is all living in touch.And the creators with this do not miss anything again - even more - the GM themselves do not bend to play on such crafts and humiliate newbies.

Never! Remember - never! Do not buy them in the hope that you will fall out something rare and precious. The chests in the video game are one big scam. You can search for a video on YouTube, as a person bought to 5,000 game cash eaglers of chests and received from the consumer industry and worthless property worth not more than 200-300 coins.

Well, from personal. Specifically, in this video game, I lost my own Nick applied by me on almost all game projects for more than 7 years. At the same time, when I played on battle test and zbt, my nickname did not confuse anyone - and here on for you, some unspecified drug addict saw in it the propaganda of smoking and consumption is a very more experienced person? I don't know. No one ever dispersed WOW, WOT, WARTHUNDER, STARCONFLICT, and TD, and here on for you - found an expert. By the way, my nickname was in any way and was never connected. I did not reach right up to the GM I did not go out, I was started to poke into the message on the forum with the rules of choosing Nick, and on my comment that I signed license agreements when you start video games and there was no place to send Nick or to this topic to this topic No forum - they just connected.

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