Pokémon Go - Electric Pokémon Weaknesses and Countermeasures


In this guide, we provide you with a guide when you fight Electric Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

Electric Pokémon are one of the strongest types in Pokémon Go because they only have one real weakness (Land Pokémon). Their attacks are boosted by rainy weather, so expect to see many more trainers using them if the weather forecasts! This guide will guide you through the toughest Electric Pokémon battles of any type, including some of the strongest combinations!

Electric Pokémon Weaknesses and Countermeasures in Pokémon Go

The first thing you need to know about choosing the right counters in Pokémon Go is that not all Pokémon are created equal. There is no one size fits all solution against them. Each subtype, set of techniques and specialty offers its own countermeasures technique.

Weaknesses and strengths of the electric type: This will cover the main resistances, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and strengths that Electric Pokémon have.

This will be a list to refer to when fighting Electric Pokémon, but not always.

Combination of strengths and weaknesses of the electric type: This part of the guide will look at the secondary types that Electric Pokémon can have, with particular attention to the secondary types that can change their original strengths and weaknesses. This is important information to know if you want to know how to defeat some of the most powerful Electric Pokémon.

Counters: In this last section of the guide, we'll take a look at Electric Pokémon counters and their subtypes. It will focus primarily on Electric Pokémon with subtypes that alter the usual strengths and weaknesses. This will be your guide to the best counters against Electric Pokémon and, if possible, all subtypes.

Weaknesses and Strengths

The dynamics of Electric Pokemon can be compared to real science. They are weak against ground Pokémon (and practically have no effect on them) and are resistant to steel, flying and other electrical attacks. However, there are additional stats to be aware of about Electric Pokémon and Attacks. The list below presents the base damage effectiveness by their respective types. If anything is not listed, it can be assumed that he is applying standard damage / defense.

  • Attacking
  • Super effective against (160% damage): water, flight.
  • Not very effective against (62.5% damage): electricity, grass, dragon.
  • No effect against (<30% damage): Earth
  • Defending
  • Weak against (160% damage): Earth
  • Strong against (62.5% damage): Electric, Flying, Steel.

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Combination of strengths and weaknesses

Sometimes, when Pokémon have secondary types, the weaknesses and strengths of that type can negate, enhance, or add to the weak and strong sides of the main Pokémon type. In this list, we will specifically look at subtypes that modify the original strengths and weaknesses.

  • Reinforcing
  • Increases weakness for earth: fire, poison, stone, steel
  • Negation
  • Eliminates weakness for earth: grass, beetle
  • Cancels resistance to electricity: water, flight
  • Cancels flight resistance: grass, struggle, error.
  • Cancels Steel Resistances: Ice, Stone, Fairy

The best electricity meters

For Electric Pokémon with no additional subtypes, you'll almost always want to use ground attacks and avoid electric, flying, and steel attacks. Please note that these benefits do not mean that you should counter or avoid countering with these types of Pokémon, but specifically with these types of attacks.

Since Land Pokémon are the only type that is effective against Electric Pokémon and immune to electrical attacks, Land Pokémon should be considered your standard list against the Electric Pokémon Specialized Trainer.

Best subtype counters

Since Electric Pokémon have four weaknesses, trainers can use counters to neutralize them. While this can be an advanced move against other unsuspecting coaches, we must remember that each type has its own strengths and weaknesses. This means that while some subtypes can offset weaknesses, they can reinforce other weaknesses or add new ones. The list below outlines all the best counters for each Electric Pokémon subtype. Remember, as stated above, the standard lineup against Electric Pokémon is Fire and Steel.

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Electrician + Ice: Ice only adds to the Electrician's list of weaknesses and does not add any significant strengths. You can try one of the new weaknesses like Rock, Fire and Fighting, but we recommend sticking with land Pokémon in this situation.

Electric + Dragon: Usually Dragon Pokémon can fly, which can reduce the effectiveness of ground attacks. Ground Pokémon are still immune to electrical attacks, making them an excellent opponent. We recommend using ground, ice, or magic Pokémon against Electric + Dragon.

Electrician + grass: grass neutralizes the Electric Pokémon's weakness in relation to ground, but adds weakness to beetle, poison, ice, and fire. However, none of them are immune to electrical attacks. If you want to protect yourself, use Land Pokémon. If you're going to attack, use one of the grass's new weaknesses.

Electric + Fighting: Combat Pokémon do not override Electric's weakness to ground, but Combat Attacks have normal effectiveness against Ground Pokémon. However, using a ground Pokémon can do decent damage and limit the types of attacks that Electric + War Pokémon can use, so this is probably your best bet.

Electric + Dark: Dark Pokémon add weakness to the attacks of beetles and fairies, but we still recommend using Land Pokémon due to their immunity. Use buggy Pokémon and fairies only if you don't have access to land Pokémon.

Electric + Poison: Poisonous Pokémon are weak against Ground Pokémon, so the combination of the two makes them especially vulnerable to ground attacks. Use them if you are fighting Electric + Poison Pokémon.

Electric + Earth: you might think that the combination of Electrician and Earth would create a kind of super pokemon, but this is not the case! This actually adds several weak points. You can try using ground Pokémon to limit your attack options, but it would probably be better to use Grass Pokémon against Electric + Ground.

Electric + Normal: While Ghost Pokémon are immune to normal attacks, they are not immune to electrical attacks. It's best to stick to the standard lineup when fighting Electric + Normal Pokémon.

Electric + fire: Fire Pokémon are weak against land Pokémon, so the combination of the two makes them especially vulnerable to land attacks. Use them if you are fighting Electric + Fire Pokémon.

Electric + Flight: Flying Pokémon are immune to ground attacks, so this is one of the few cases where Ground Pokémon might be the worst option to use against Electric Pokémon.In this situation, your best bet is to use one of Flying's weaknesses, such as Ice or Rock.

Electric + Mental: Psychic Pokémon are weak against attacks from Bug, Ghosts and Darkness, but we recommend sticking to the standard lineup in this situation. Use only one of the weaknesses of the psychic if the land Pokémon is not available.

Electrician + error: grass neutralizes the Electric Pokémon's weakness in relation to earth, but adds weakness to fire and stone. If you are about to take offense, exploit one of the new weaknesses of the bug.

Electric + Rock: Rock Pokémon are weak against Ground Pokémon, so the combination of the two makes them especially vulnerable to ground attacks. Use them if you are fighting Electric + Rock Pokémon.

Electrician + Ghost: Ghost Pokémon are vulnerable to their own type. This means that the Ghost Pokémon will deal decent damage to Electric + Ghost, but will also be susceptible to the extra damage from them. We recommend sticking to the standard composition in this situation.

Electric + Water: Water Pokémon is effective against Earth. We recommend using herbal Pokémon against electricity and water as the grass is resistant to both types.

Electric + Steel: Steel Pokémon are weak against land Pokémon, so the combination of the two makes them especially vulnerable to land attacks. Use them if you are fighting Electric + Steel Pokémon.

Electric + Fairy: Fairy Pokémon doesn't change Electric's strengths and weaknesses much. Use the standard lineup against Electric + Fairy Pokémon.

With this guide, you should be ready to defeat any targeted electric type foe! As such, you've probably figured out that the best Pokémon and attacks are likely to be land-based. However, never bring a Ground Pokémon into battle against an Electric + Flying Pokémon!

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