Why Cyberpunk 2020 is a gamer's favorite?


Unveiled at the end of August, Cyberpunk 2077's gameplay managed to bring us closer to the video game. In the fan society, discussions immediately began about the following, what corresponds to the canon and what does not. Almost all players, on the basis of multiple gossip and a long development time, have a question: how did the idea move away from the original over the years of creation? How does CD Projekt RED keep up with the spirit of the old-school role-playing board game? We make a great offer to find out by getting to know Cyberpunk 2020. The cover of a unique game. Cyberpunk style originated in the 80s in the west. It arose at a time when companies that are flourishing in our time began to gather momentum sharply. Society threshold to feel the urgent need to wander over the heads. The mass became the most grayish, oppressed by its own career growth and the American dream in the stone tropical thickets. Cyberpunk projects this reality into its own hopeless and noir plots. The highly developed technological processes and multiculturalism in cyberpunk are an investigation of the competition between the Land of the Rising Sun and the United States in the global economic technology market. The Land of the Rising Sun developed and supplied very leading technologies to America while the domestic commodity market stagnated. This stagnation caused a reaction in the culture through style. As an example, in the Cyberpunk 2020 universe, almost all very modern technological processes have a Japanese name. Role-playing cyberpunk dad. Cyberpunk 2013 is a unique tabletop role-playing video game written by Mike Pondsmith and published by R. Talsorian Games in 1988. Two years later, the most famous and beloved edition of Cyberpunk 2020 was released. In 2005, the third edition was released with the 203X console. According to Pondsmith's speeches, the extreme edition is considered not so much canon as the "What if ..." version. The concept of CD Projekt Red is based on the 2020 version. The entire rulebook seems to have been written in the realities of the Night City world. Rules and remarks are full of street slang, jargon and sharpened remarks of the creator. They talk to you frivolously, brazenly, as if challenging. Just like cyberpunk. Mike Pondsmith. Almost all publications and media associate Cyberpunk 2077 with Blade Runner. The world of the Runner is identical to Cyberpunk 2020 in that part where hopelessness flooded social elevators, porches and outskirts. However, their difference lies in the fact that the world of the 2nd consists almost entirely of punks, which are full of ambition, anger and infantilism. Society, faced with a dead end, begins to violently beat on it. The skin on fists and skulls rubs off into blood, revealing iron armor. The world of Cyberpunk 2020 has no boundaries of fans and dreamers, if not one hundred percent of them. Anyone is driven by purely selfish consumption. All the inhabitants of a large city are ambitious and want to move up from the bottom. The Night City incident is that there are only a few at the top, at the same time as cyberpunk fans gnaw at each other's throats. This metropolis has no boundaries of promises and dreams. Of course they are lies. It's all as if somewhere close, following the corner. This is what you go for. “She had beautiful blue eyes. Unstained, like crystals. A smirk like from a magazine. Not mind-blowing, as her eyes were Teknics 2350 models and her smirk was indeed from a magazine - an excellent job by the doctor. It doesn't matter how natural she was as a result. I still adored her. I'm one of those guys." Companies befriend gangs, mess, implants, lots of hysteria

The chronicle of the world of Cyberpunk 2020 begins in 1990. The US begins the battle with Panama, Honduras and El Salvador. The incident results in the detonation of atomic warheads in New York, after which the superpower recognizes its own loss. In the next two years, a large-scale crisis and social demoralization of the environment is taking place. The crisis was caused by a nuclear genocide in the Middle East, after which oil supplies to anywhere stopped from that place. Complete unemployment reigns in the West, the decline of the quality of life, bribery and banditry. By 1993, the situation is getting so dire that the US government winds down the constitution and imposes martial law while most of the settlements are controlled by gangs, mafias and companies. At the same time, security companies like Arasaka Security are starting to emerge. Crime throughout the state is so rampant that the reassembled government can only issue a law under which anyone is allowed to have weapons without a license. And the law took and worked, after that the crime rate decreased by 30%. By the year 2000, Alaska, California and Miami are separated from the South American Government, and an epidemic has flooded the country. In 2015 historian Dr. Albert Harper said: “Imagine a world where Central America is not a battlefield and the US has solved all the problems with banditry and drugs. The Cold War ended with the victory of democracy, not fictitious totalitarian countries.” Almost all the events in the other short story did not end well. Synchronously with all world events, entrepreneur Richard Knight begins to create Coronado City between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 1992. He presented the metropolis as an independent capitalist utopia. Almost all mega-corporations have decided to invest in it in order to get a part. After 6 years, Richard is destroyed by an unfamiliar sniper, after which the metropolis was renamed in his honor - Night City. From that moment on, Night City is torn by a war for influence between gangs and corporations. Not only the gangs, but the capitalists themselves did not run off to fight together. Before 2020, there are already 3 massive corporate battles over influence, location, intellectual property, or both. Some areas have become elite and inaccessible, and some are so unstable that even the police refuse to go there. By 2005, the two parties came to a common decision - the mafia holds the streets and lower stages, and the companies have their own mayor and the upper floors of buildings. Cyberpunk 2077 events take place in the future, where the 4th company war happened. It is considered some kind of bridge between Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk 203X. However, the extreme is not considered canon, but the 4th company war still affected the whole world in 2077. In 2021, MiliTech attacks the Arasaka Security database in the city center. As a result, the entire center and network of Night City were liquidated, as well as most of the storage media and databases. There is a complete mess on the streets and only gamers can decide in which direction they will lead a large city that is on the verge. The metropolis is so big that if you drop your own conscience on the way, then no one will pay attention. Cyberimplants and augmentations in the Cyberpunk 2020 universe are considered the result of tensions between countries, in view of this, and military-technological unwinding. In 1993, the first models of neural interfaces were created. For example: the creation of the Celestial Empire in 1995, when they placed a biocapsule in a tank - a living human brain. But the brain went crazy and killed 30 people. In 2005, the first cybermodems connected to the nervous concept are created, and by 2020, augmentations are becoming commonplace. Most of them can and most likely will be used in battle. Almost all academic developments in one way or another affect the military sphere.

Wow, with this newest hand it will be comfortable to hit the debtor ... Spill drinks. You need to get a couple of megabytes of fundamental data, you realize. The activities of the video game session depend on the host, Game Professionals. His task is to create a plot that will be able to amuse and challenge all gamers.Probably, the main protagonist will need to beg for small contract killings or blackmailing corporate workers. He will probably be Rockerboy and lead the masses with his own music in defiance of collective and gangster cruel oppression. No one, likewise, cancels the option of starting the newest battle of companies. For beginners, a certain number of ready-made scenarios are provided. For example: One smuggler gives your team to rob one huge bank in New York. He will acquire 10%, you 30%, and the other part will go to the accounts of nameless persons and informers. It is clear that, together with the funds, a rare alloy - palladium - is being brought to the bank, and it is necessary to have time to purchase it. Compared to others, this is the scenario most filled with action and shootings, however, stealth is not punishable. You can set yourself a goal to save up for this beauty. She's definitely worth a couple of goals. The rule book has a list of recommendations for the Professional. The creator notes that in order to get the full range of feelings from Cyberpunk 2020, the presenter needs to try to make his own version of Casablanca in 1942. Players are constantly required to be in a state of paranoia not to realize who is good and who is not good. Cyberpunk 2020 is hardcore and fast paced. A specialist is not obliged to be afraid to slip gamers insidiousness, fights, traps and unexpected twists. Any shadow and strives to destroy while you drink in the company of prostitutes with shiny skin. To plunge into the universe of Night City, gamers are strongly advised to stock up on a leather jacket and huge reflective glasses. The room must be in accordance with the genre: you should cut down all the warm light and change it to either a cool blue glow or neon. In order for the players to be more erudite in terminology, a list of literature is provided with the rule book, like William Gibson's Neuromancer. For film lovers, the creator issued a list of films. It contains such pictures as “Blade Runner”, “Robocop”, “Alien”, etc. In order not to invent territories, gamers are provided with a detailed map of Night City and its very colorful places, as well as their lore and short stories. How Cyberpunk 2020 works. The tabletop video game is based on the role-playing concept of Interlock. It allows you to choose how your protagonist will be in Night City society, rather than preferring a package of super-hit. Any class is simply a hero with one unique ability and its own social disposition. Instead of traditional tanks, warriors and doctors, we have rockerboys, netrunners, corporate mice, nomads, smugglers, correspondents, operatives, solo warriors, technicians and medtechs. Nevertheless, in Cyberpunk 2077, the selection of these types of characters will not be open about this, as these heroes have different fates and positions in the world. Instead, CD Projekt Red has introduced an all-purpose hero that has all the remaining Interlock stats of the role-playing system. In the 48-minute gameplay presentation, you can see a number of class adepts from Cyberpunk 2020: the T-Bug netrunner, the Rockerboy song in the main protagonist's rooms, the Smuggler Dexter DeShawn, and the Corporate Rat who gives us a chipped card.

Protagonist Creation Sheet with absolutely all stats, super hits, implants, life events and your colorful protagonist drawing. Traditional stats like intelligence, speed, and luck are enhanced by attractiveness, empathy, and humanity. These stats are combined with social interaction and one exciting feature of the game - Cyberpsychosis. The more augmentation has a big impact on social connection, the less human you are. For example: An implant that speeds up reflexes in battle by permanently slowing down the perception of time will profoundly affect humanity. Sick with the initial stage of Cyberpsychosis, cyberpunk begins to ignore social life because of the implants. He begins to reassemble his body, getting rid of the flesh. Disorder slowly flows into hatred for everything living and natural. At the last stage, a person (or is it already a machine?) goes into psychosis mode and destroys everyone around. According to the instructions of the game, when the last designation of the disease is reached, the hero runs into the hands of the leader and he lets him into the duel. By throwing a die, the hero's everyday route is formed, which he made before the game's incidents. A necessary part for beginners in role-playing games. They do not need to laboriously invent the past of their own hero, since randomly he will build the backstory of the protagonist for them. Initially, the external image of your own hero is selected, since in the infantile upcoming image and appearance this is one of the decisive reasons for success in the world of cyberpunks. It is necessary to choose the social status of the family, the family drama and how the childhood of the protagonist proceeded. Do you understand that cyberpunks never have an ordinary youth? Drawing up the life path of the protagonist. At an early age, the biography of the protagonist does not adhere to the framework. Throwing a die determines one main event of the hero in any year from the moment of majority. Every year, something happened to him. He probably had a fight with the gang at 19, after which they want to destroy him. Or maybe some multi-user worker owed him a favor. These activities give away abilities or limitations during the game. Those for whom you work can use this information and blackmail the protagonist into doing dirty things. Let's add cyber to punk. In Night City, it is impossible to limit yourself without augmentations and implants. In the 48-minute gameplay, the main protagonist was installed with a Kiroshi cybernetic eye and a ZetaTech neuroprocessor. These two companies exist in the unique Cyberpunk 2020. In order to get all this cyber beauty, the protagonist needs finances. The amount of money and sources of income depend on the same die and the chosen type of hero. If you didn't have enough credits for all the known cyber-trinkets, then you can choose a faction for which you will work. She will provide funds, allow herself to be pumped, but in return she will talk about whom to destroy or where to break into. In this way, the protagonist's motivation and his difficulty modifier develop. Finally, you will choose the weapons, armor and tools of your own hero. It's nice that the entire section with a firearm is made in the style of a TV store of the 80s. The names of the weapons have been carefully moved from the board to CD Project Red. Federated Arms main protagonist pistol “Vindicator” is a clear great-great-great-grandson of the Federated Arms X-22 autopistol. The double-barreled shotgun in the gameplay was created by the company featured in the board game Budget Arms. It is worth highlighting how equipment has a big impact on social communication. The volume of a cannon has a big impact on how it is seen in public. For appearing in a drug den with a cyberkalash, they definitely won’t be patted on the head, and some cyberpunks will even take it as a challenge. Cyberkatans are similar in the presence. Protection can be iron, nylon, Kevlar; external or subcutaneous. Any of its elements is purchased separately for any part of the body. If you are hit in the head, and you do not have subcutaneous protection in the skull, then this will be instant death. If the opponents hit the hand without protection, then it will be completely torn off and it will be necessary to urgently retreat or call for medical equipment. Ah, no alternatives? It remains to die on the unclean street of Night City - what a sad and widespread scenario.

The main thing is not the stats. The main thing is the image. The military system of Cyberpunk 2020 is conventional and fast-paced. Scuffles take place in the manner of firing John Woo. You can dramatically dodge bullets and blows, take drugs that slow down the perception of time, brutally break and cut off limbs.The military system is wildly lethal - your protagonist can die from a single autopistol blast. Even if he escaped with a wound, this promises very huge restrictions. Shooting must be won by cunning, arrogance and harshness, as is done on the streets. Doom is around every corner, as real cyberpunk only walks along the edge. In battle, even the position of the protagonist in space is taken into account. The most criticized part of roleplaying is the hacking system. For the Netrunner class, there is a separate leader in the rule book dedicated to hacking. You risk your own brain and connect to a large bunch of never-ending data, forcing yourself to constantly escape from the firewalls of companies and other netrunners. The significance of this class in a video game is to get the news and hack everything that is powered by electricity. The board game was being formed at the same time when no one understood how computers work, except for the most advanced players. The process of Netrunning is very slow, while the remaining protagonists do nothing and wait. This part of the board game is very sad and difficult in the eyes of almost everyone, especially in comparison with other sections of the rules. Some presenters carry out hacking in sync with events, this also divides gamers into hackers and ordinary cyberpunks. Sometimes the process is simply blamed on the host, making the NPC a cracker. A map of the international network and where a netrunner should stare while the rest explore the world, talk with its representatives ... Have fun. fanaticism of the creators. CD Projekt RED loves Cyberpunk 2020. Every title, every term in Cyberpunk 2077 quotes an unusual tabletop video game. For example: in the apartment of the main protagonist, the Rockerboy Johnny Silverhand song “Chippin’ In” was constantly played. Johnny himself appears on the 33rd page of the rule book, and the term "Chippin' in" in the game world means the installation of the first implant in life. The gameplay presented to us politely and expediently quotes the original and it's fun. We did not read about Johnny in the note, we did not see a young man who looked like him. The Easter egg is organically built into the world, emphasizing it, and not existing because of itself. Jonia's rockerboy is named Silverhand specifically for his own silver hand. Mike Pondsmith himself believes that he gave his work into the right hands. The guys from CD Projekt RED amazed the creator with their own knowledge of the rule book and quotes from that place. Together with him, we will expect the release of Cyberpunk 2077 on all current platforms. Prepare your own neon mohawk, Kereznikov's catalysts and neural interfaces to plunge into the slightly kitsch, slightly brazen and very adult world of cyberpunk.

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