World of Tanks: Secrets of Combat on Various Vehicle Classes


How to correctly apply different classes of vehicles in World of Tanks combat? Let's see all the secrets of the battle. A person who came to play World of Tanks for the first time will not immediately be able to understand what is what the individuality of conducting a battle on different types of equipment. Moreover, if he had never encountered similar video games before. It would seem nothing difficult, go and shoot at the opponents. But in business, everything is much more complicated. Any class of combat vehicles is specialized for specific problems. There are 5 types of vehicles in the WoT game: light tanks (LT), medium tanks (ST), heavy tanks (TT), anti-tank self-propelled guns (PT-SPG) and artillery SPG (Art-SPG). They are all merged into one title for their own respective personality. The proper manner of playing at the location is chosen from her.

Light tanks: By simply expressing themselves, fireflies are required to identify enemy equipment. This move is often done at the beginning of the battle, to reveal the alignment by location. The significance of LT does not end there. If there is artillery in battle, then it is necessary to kill vehicles that are not hidden with it, from time to time providing light on them. The killing of enemy self-propelled guns will also play into the hands of the team, if naturally you find a gap in the protection of a competitor. If all of the above is not available, or the card does not allow, then the exceptional way out is the so-called petty sabotage: knocking down tracks, engine breakdown, insignificant damage. Even if you fail to break through, you will definitely divert attention from your supporters. Remember: Good light is a living light. And don't stand in the bushes behind either.

Medium tanks: A versatile technique in the game now. She can fulfill the significance of the light, and cause significant damage throughout the battle. Likewise, there are machines that play well against defense. Their way of playing is always moving and playing at medium distances. The tasks of the ST: support the weights, bypassing opponents from the flanks and catching fireflies. In this class there are employees of "cardboard", "drums", and similarly slow machines. They need to do a little other actions associated with other types of technology.

Heavy tanks: TTs are famous for their own armor. Their element is direct clashes with the enemy. Comparably good weapons, they are allowed to strike back. The main thing is to learn to take advantage of all this. Although the heavy ones are taken under one class, a certain tank asks for a special approach.

Tank destroyer: Shooting at long distances is the main task for Pt-shek. Maintaining allied tanks or controlling the assignment is what the player is obliged to do on the given class. There are practically no close fights, especially if the defense does not allow this. Excellent bushes will help not to light up and last longer in battle. Huge damage per shot will not allow any tank to drive up to you unhindered. It should be noted that PT-shki are not only without towers. If you can turn the gun using the turret, then the way of playing on them is similar to the gameplay of weighty and medium tanks at once.

Art-SPG: Artillery. What is the amount of reason in this word. The top view of the map grants extraordinary abilities. The main thing here is not to rush and be reduced to the end. On the arte, it is most ideal to watch the development of the battle and provide assistance to comrades in problem areas. Do not forget that damage is more important on SPGs than the number of opponents killed. When firing, change the position and you will not be calculated on the tracer. Try to occupy positions with optimal cross, but not to be exposed. To do this, use folds of territory and bushes. Disguise for artillery is a guarantee of a long life if the firefly does not come. This is just a laconic overview of the image of playing on a variety of techniques. More abilities are acquired over time in combat. But for beginners, this is completely sufficient.

Game page: World of Tanks.

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