The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion central province of Cyrodiil


The fourth part of The Elder Scrolls will appeal to all fans of the series.

Previously, we had a great time in the remote imperial province of Morrowind. However, now the action of the game will take us to the central province of Cyrodiil. Here, the player will face events in which he, from an ordinary person, will have to try on the role of a hero.

If we talk about the plot, then everything is very clear here. A sect of fanatics on the orders of its leader - kills the emperor. The ruler had a dream the day before, in which he foresaw events and deliberately freed a prisoner in one of the prison cells. By the way, we will be that prisoner. Who, after being released, will have to find out who is really responsible for the death of the emperor, and find his hitherto unknown son Martin. However, the whole story at the moment was complicated by the fact that the demonic lord began to open portals to this world, through which hordes of invaders poured into most of the cities of the empire.

The plot dynamics are perfectly complemented by the open world. Here you will have complete freedom of action. And from the visible changes, we really liked the updated engine, thanks to which now all the game mechanics look even a little cute. The artificial intelligence of the game characters has also been changed. From now on, one cannot hide from the guard in the house, expecting that he has no mind to enter. All spears and halberds were removed from the game, and the armor system was greatly changed. Now instead of several sets of individual attributes, we need to dress the hero according to the zoning of his body. In simple words - shoes, gloves, pants, cuirass and helmet. The classes have migrated from the previous part, but the magic system has been changed.

If someone played Morrowind, they remember how sometimes it was convenient to get a scroll of levitation or teleport. But not here. Now this system of magic has been removed, and instead of them, more "mundane" spells have been installed. The navigation system is also very different from its predecessors. In those cities in which the player has been before, he can return from anywhere in the world by using the map, and it is easier to find new locations thanks to the compass at the top of the screen. The increased number of tasks will also please. Even if you do not take into account the two additions to the game, it will delight you with a large number of tasks. So, in addition to the guilds presented, while traveling, the player will be able to stumble upon travelers, caves or a merchant for whom the caravan needs to be protected.

Summing up all the pros and cons, we concluded that The elder scrolls IV: Oblivion is a worthy game to play, which will be pleasant to play not only for fans of the series, but also for new players.

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