The Sims 4 - Childbirth, Adoption and Care Guide


You can stock up on children in the family in 2 ways: to conceive a baby with a wife, or to adopt from a shelter. To try to have a baby with your wife, press on the double bed and select “conceive a child”. This method does not provide 100% effectiveness, for this reason, for conviction, you can reproduce the action a couple of times. To approve the baby in your own family, click on the computer and select "Family", and then "Adopt a child." You will be shown the babies you can take from the shelter. Babies are present either at the age of a toddler or toddler (student). The adoption procedure will cost you 1,000 play money. After completing the selection, your Sim will go to the playhouse and pick up the right toddler. After returning home, you can set a new name for the baby or leave the existing one. Adopted babies are immediately made members of your family.

Pregnancy and childbirth

After pregnancy, the baby needs to make sure that the expectant mother is pregnant. To do this, go to the toilet and select the "Conduct a pregnancy test" action. Take a look at the top right corner of the screen: did you get information about conception there? If so, congratulations - your Sims pair are lucky enough to have a baby. If not, do not stop your own attempts to conceive a baby. The duration of conception is 3 days, any of which represents 3 months. At first, a pregnant Sim woman feels unwell about morning sickness. Later, the bad effects are erased, and the precedent of conception gives her positive feelings. The dad can also interact with the child while he is in the mother's belly. For example, check if the preschooler is kicking. It is important to note that in Sims 4 there is no maternity leave (maternity leave), for this reason, after a successful pregnancy of a baby with a mother-to-be, a woman-sim has a plan to quit her own job. When the time comes for the birth, you can put pressure on the pregnant hero and choose to "have a baby in the hospital" or approve the birth at home. If you chose the first option, then a pregnant sim woman will go to the clinic, and after a while she will return home with her child. Immediately after birth, you will need to choose a first and last name for the newest member of your family.

Caring for a child in the toddler stage

This life step is very symbolic and very small in The Sims 4. The activity intertwined with the child is curtailed by feeding (or breastfeeding), swaying, hugging, changing underwear and some other obligations. Obviously, you cannot control a Baby Sim, nor can you make decisions on behalf of him. The Sims 4 lets you skip the infancy step altogether: all you need to do is click the mouse on the toddler and choose "grow up". After growing up, the child will emerge from his own cradle and reincarnate into a toddler. After this, you will need to choose for him a life goal and a trait of his temper. The list of the kid's life goals is cut by 4 general variations: "Prodigy", "Naughty prankster", "Secular lion cub" and "Creative talent". The choice in this step is significant. You choose just one trait, but it remains intense until the very demise of the Sim. For this reason, the proper choice of the first goal in life affects the entire fate of the hero (for more details, see the chapter "A Sim's Life: Personality and Character Traits").

Upbringing and caring for a child in childhood

A child sim can already be controlled one hundred percent. Such heroes can learn a certain number of major general abilities. They are broken down into four groups: creativity, motor skills, communication, and intelligence. Communication skill increases during dialogue with other Sims or with toys. The most common method for increasing intelligence is playing chess. You can similarly purchase a special toy for your own child sim - the Young Alchemist set. You can develop creativity by buying a table for crafts, a children's violin and some other toys, for example, a robot. You can develop a child's motor skills in two main ways: the first, cheap, is to purchase and install a ladder in the yard of the house. The second, much more expensive, is considered to be a real playground. The main step for the child is going to school (information about this is shown in the Sims career menu - button [J]). Education at school includes the daily implementation of home quests. To work on them, click on the hero and select "Do homework". School runs from Mon. Friday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. At first, the preschooler learns in grades. To get more top marks, you need to visit school in a vigorous state (take a quick shower before attending classes) and learn all two skills up to level 4. In addition, if a preschooler attends school for a certain number of days in a row with completed homework, then his grades will likewise rise to fives. In order for your preschooler to study at 5+, he needs to do two things: 1. learn four skills up to level 4; 2. complete additional homework three times. To do this, you must first complete the main task, then enter the "homework" menu and select "complete additional task". It should be noted that you can control the actions of a Sim at the same time when he is at school (the same applies to the workplace). To do this, click over the head of the sims: a list of available activities will appear on the bottom panel. By default, the Sim's aspiration is set to education. But you can likewise choose the others: "Study Hard" (improves the performance of the Sims, but increases the need to play; similarly can lead to stress), "Sit back" (lowers the grades, but reduces the need for video games - a necessary function to relieve stress of the kid) , “Leave class” (Sim leaves school before class finishes, which lowers grades), “Make Friends” (lowers academic performance, but satisfies the need for conversation). At a particular point in time, the preschooler grows up and becomes a teenager. This event can be noticed by organizing a party. Nevertheless, it is much more important to choose the newest life goal (this time from the complete list of adult life goals) and the latest character traits. As mentioned before, babies have only one trait, but upon reaching adolescence, their disposition is complemented by 2 more personal traits. The first of them is chosen personally by the gamer from the complete list of character traits, while the second is added automatically as a bonus feature. An additional trait depends on the chosen life goal (a list of bonus features in accordance with life goals is given in a separate chapter).

Connecting with a teenage child

Teenagers are almost over-age: they can learn all sorts of abilities and engage in virtually absolutely all activities, including flirting. However, a Teen Sim is required to attend high school. He still needs to do home tasks and additional exercises as needed. The school runs from Mon. A teen sim can similarly attend a part-time job. To find a job, you need to enter the corresponding section on your phone or computer. Alas, the jobs available at this step are not very useful based on the beliefs of the upcoming career and professional prospects.It is much more beneficial to focus on developing abilities that will bring pleasure in the coming adult life. Concentrate on abilities that are appropriate for your chosen career path. If you nevertheless decide to go to a part-time job, then you can choose one of the following vacancies: an employee of an instant food restaurant, a laborer, a salesman, a nanny, a barista. Some of them can only work on weekends, but almost all encourage visits to the workplace on weekdays - before or after the start of school. During your day-to-day high school attendance, you will occasionally acquire information about various facts. In these options, you will need to decide whether to accept the role in them or not. It is often not clear in advance which solution option is considered more desirable. Poor choices can negatively impact your child's performance in school. After the child is a young adult, you will be asked to choose the final trait. From this moment on, the preschooler becomes an adult sim independent of the guardians - a full-fledged hero to whom all the deeds and activities provided for by the video game are open. Soon after that, such a Sim will become an adult, then - an elderly, and at some point in time will die.

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