Ghostrunner how to put a block


Find out this manual How to install a block in Ghostrunner if you are still interested in this question, then read further.

Ghostrunner This cruel slasher game first-person with a superdynamic plot unfolding in the gloomy cyber-world futuristic supercontstructure world. Go through the way from the bottom to the top, follow the kimaster and give him the merit. That's how to put a block.

How to put a block in Ghostrunner?

You can easily block bullets using your sword. Just click the "Attack" button when the enemy shoots, and you will lock the shot. You can easily block bullets using your sword. But it is not so simple, and you will have to make the ideal to pick up time for blocking.

It's a little bit like a dodge function in Dark Souls, if you do not have time to destroy you right away. How to find out when to press the "Attack" button? When the enemies shoot in Ghostrunner, a flash and line appears in front of their weapons. Wait until this line appears and immediately click the "Attack" button.

That's all you need to know how to put a block in Ghostrunner..

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