Review of The Suffering: Ties That Bind - Bloody Meat Grinder


The main protagonist, a young man named Tork, starts his own route in prison, where, as it turned out, he was at the very epicenter of a bloody riot. Then he ends up on the peninsula, where hidden experiments are being carried out at gunpoint by special forces covered in darkness. Then - an empty house, where old horrors and references to the facts of past years come to life. And further on the rise, more blood, more dead and the eternal selection of who we should become - a bad or a good young man? Review of The Suffering: Ties That Bind The continuation of The Suffering is connected with the events of the first game, and the protagonist is the same. So before starting Ties That Bind, it’s more correct to go through the first video game - in general, even if you don’t do this, you can find out what is happening in the world of the 2nd part. In video games of the survival horror genre, in general, the plot is not so difficult that it was impossible to simply understand what was happening. It's a pity that the improvements are mostly cosmetic. Yes, the main protagonist can now carry 2 types of weapons with him, yes, the picture has become very prettier, and yes, now you can save a video game at any time you want (all this is really necessary and useful, it’s more pleasant and comfortable to play). But in terms of content, the 2nd The Suffering, if not stepped back, then continued to stagnate. Tork suffers from memory loss and also from this, that he does not know who exactly killed his family: the robber's hulk named Blackmore, or was Tork himself the killer? Obviously, this is simply a walking stamp of thrillers, we have seen something similar in movies and video games more than once more than 2. But the most fascinating thing is that there is no exact answer to this question! The creators have provided a certain number of different endings, and the result of the question of who exactly killed the Tork family depends on this, how he is a bad person. And how bad he is - it's up to you to decide, it's not for nothing that the hero's moral counter is provided in the video game. Here you have the chronicle, which is greatly influenced by the gamer, only here we change not only the present hero, but also his past.

Tork himself is a rather dashing young man. He nimbly manages firearms, shoots beautifully with 2 hands, but if he intends, he can beat his opponent with a pipe cut or an axe. The military system is the most common, two-button: one blow is stronger and slower, the other is weaker and faster. But on the other hand, we still play not in a pure action movie, but in survival horror, where hand-to-hand fights were constantly third-rate. However, in the first place - terrible monsters. Because The Suffering 2 is about fear? Review of The Suffering: Ties That Bind Everything is, admittedly, good. At first, Tork himself can, if he gets angry enough, transform into a real demon, practically tearing his opponents to pieces. This is very out of place, since often the fights take place in cramped rooms, and with all this there are often quite a lot of opponents - and the ammunition simply stereotypically ends, and you also get tired of waving a pipe. Monsters and other rivals amuse not only with advanced AI and various attacks, but also with a nasty appearance. Which, in my opinion, is not breathtaking, since Stanley Winston's company was responsible for the work of the local monsters (they worked on the type of monsters from the movies "Alien" and "The Thing"). As a bonus, you can switch to a traditional first-person view to see these vile creatures in all their glory. By the way, the bosses are also having fun: the already mentioned thug Blackmore, and similarly a rapist and a trapper for runaway slaves (it will not work with the final 2 in the conditions of the 1st passage, depending on the level of morality, you will meet only one of the them). In general, the actions of Tork during the passage of The Suffering 2 has a big impact on pretty much everything. The “good” and the “bad” young man have a different appearance for everyone - a monster that Tork turns into. He is similarly proficient with various special attacks. By the way, there is also a neutral option - this is when you do not help anyone and do not destroy any of the good men (of course, and no one can help you either). Of course, in this case, you will definitely have the weakest “alternative monster”. Basically, no matter what similar thought is considered a plus of the game - after all, there is an incentive to play the video game a couple of times for a hero with different morals. Moreover, there is no co-op in this video game ...

Review of The Suffering: Ties That Bind The brevity of the game is both a virtue and a drawback. On the one hand, 18 short locations runs in 4-5 hours. On the other hand, by the end of the third hour, the same grayish territories with which the creators, correct to the canons of survival horror, filled virtually the entire video game, are already starting to get bored. In truth, they frighten here only with vile monsters, the plot is stamped out, the conclusion is clear by the half of the game, and the endless massacre of opponents is evenly boring. It's probably great that the video game is so small. It is impossible to argue with what the creators were aiming for. The good actors Rachel Griffiths and Michael Clarke Duncan were called to the role in the project, who made their own characters fascinating and memorable ... and whose voices we still won't hear due to dubbing. However, in general, the dubbing in this video game is quite good, our notorious artists also coped unsurpassedly. Surreal Software has improved the monsters from the first game, adding some species that can only be dealt with in the form of an imp. In place and stylish references to the various horror classics that the previous video game became famous for. But on the other hand, it is obvious that the creators' hours of inspired work alternated with hours filled with terrible laziness. Therefore, as a result, we see a sour plot, wholesale borrowing of everything and absolutely everything from other examples of the genre, at times - shamelessly copying the first part. And for every successful find, a counterweight appears here in the form of something grayish and uninteresting.

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