A Plague Tale: Innocence how to save Rodrik


Find out in this guide how to save Rodrik in A Plague Tale: Innocence, if you are still interested in this question, then read on.

A Plague Tale: Innocence embark on a journey with Amicia and her little brother Hugo. Pursued by the Inquisition and hordes of rats, the children are trying to find their place in the cruel world of medieval France. Here's how to save Rodrik.

How to save Rodrik in A Plague Tale: Innocence?

Unfortunately, Rodrik cannot be saved, since according to the plot he must die. As the group approaches the cathedral, the headquarters of the Inquisition, they realize they will have to cross an open courtyard protected by archers who are out of range of Amicia's sling. Seeing no other choice, Amicia points to a nearby wagon to be pushed together to use as cover for Hugo. Without thinking, Rodrik pushes Amicia aside to push her himself so that Amicia can survive and protect Hugo. However, this strategy leaves Rodrik defenseless and he receives two arrows to the neck and back. Despite the pain, he continues on his way and even picks up another portcullis to let the others through. When his strength is finally exhausted, he collapses and dies from his wounds, apologizing to Hugo for not being able to do more.

His friends are crushed by his death, but thanks to his valiant sacrifice, the group reaches the cathedral, defeats the remnants of the Inquisition, and ends the threat of the Inquisition and plague.

That's all you need to know about how to save Rodrik in A Plague Tale: Innocence.

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