Volcanoids - Where to find crystals and iron


How to produce crystals and iron in Volcanoids? Take a vantage point, stay safe underground, or choose a resource-rich location and explore.

The Rig is a one-of-a-kind base capable of joining you on every journey. Experience the tension and thrill of experiencing volcanic eruptions. The time between eruptions is your most valuable resource. Use it to roam the island, collecting materials, finding new technologies and using production. Deal with the hostile COG race who use the volcano as a source of energy. Their units are scattered all over the surface of the island, as well as under it. Customize your drilling ship from the inside out with colors, symbols, gadgets and more. Automate production, research technology, build defenses and turn your drilling rig into an unstoppable power plant.

Rule for finding crystals and iron in Volcanoids?

Let's consider this procedure in more detail in the form of a process.

Go to Menu: research station

Now we will produce one technology, and one on top of another.

However, the aggregation process will have to wait until everything is 100% full.

Please note that the stations stop working during the dive.

As you can see here, two devices are completely filled.

When the two modules are ready, we will pick up one and the other.

We go to the Menu, first these modules need to be picked up at the warehouse and installed. Installed two more additional modules basic upgrade of the second level

In the tab: Refire station, we will have the result.

And that's all there is to know about how the crystal and iron processing works in Volcanoids? If you have something to add feel free to leave a comment below.

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