No Man's Sky - Economy in the game


The role of the economy in star systems in No Man's Sky? A colorful action game where you will find yourself in the endless expanses of space.

The whole universe is filled with various planets, on which all kinds of life forms live. You will go on a long and exciting journey to uncover an infinite number of different secrets. On your way you will meet a lot of heroes who in one way or another will affect your life.

The meaning of the economy in No Man's Sky

Each star system in the game has its own economic rating. It doesn't matter which faction/race controls the system.

Only on the galactic map, you can find out the type of economy of the system. But only if you have an upgrade installed on your ship "System Economy Scanner", which can be purchased at standard space stations from the blueprint merchant only in Gek-dominated systems.

Economy types in No Man's Sky

  • Trading (Green systems)
  • Advanced Materials (Purple Systems)
  • Scientific (Dark blue stars)
  • Miners (Orange Stars)
  • Production (Yellow stars)
  • Technological (Light blue stars
  • Energy (Red Stars)

Is that all there is to know about the meaning of the economy in No Man's Sky? If you have something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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