Red Dead Redemption 2 - How to cheat and win at poker?


Guide Red Dead Redemption 2 how to play poker, Arthur Morgan and other henchmen of Dutch van der Linde are forced to go on the run.

Their gang will take part in thefts, robberies and shootings in the heart of America. Federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the country are on their heels, and this guide will help you get there.

Red Dead Redemption 2 how to play poker?

It's very simple, in this guide we'll cover everything about the poker minigame in Red Dead Redemption 2, from rules to hand rankings and places where you can play the game, to help anyone who plays Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.

Poker is a great way to make some quick cash if you learn the game and learn effective hand combinations in Red Dead Redemption 2 single player and even the online portion of the game.

But be careful, as you can win a lot of money, you can also lose it very quickly if you don't pay attention. This complete guide will help you understand when to bet and when to fold.

All places where you can play poker

Where to play poker in Red Dead Redemption 2

Available places to play poker are scattered around the map. Places like Valentine and Flatneck have a smaller buy-in and are easier for a new player, but prettier and more attractive places like Saint-Denis and Blackwater have a higher buy-in and can be difficult for new players. until you understand the game.

Below are the places where you can find poker games.

  • Main camp: times are changing but you can play with other gang members.
  • Valentine: There are two salons in Valentine and you will be able to play in the salon next to the general store.
  • Flatneck Station: To play poker, you must progress through the main story until you reach Chapter 2 and complete Reverend Swanson's mission"Who is not without sin”, after which poker will become available in each location. From the very beginning, poker has been available online.
  • Saint Denis: Saint-Denis also has two parlors, one of which is located near the city center for poker.
  • Blackwater: located on the main street.
  • Tumbleweed: located upstairs in a saloon in town.

Note: you won't be able to get to Blackwater and Tumbleweed in the main story until you reach a certain point further down the story.

In Red Dead Online poker can be joined from various open world parlors. Players can play poker against other players in both public and private matches, and all poker tables can accommodate up to 6 players.

RDR2 poker guide

The goal of poker is to win the pot by having the best cards at the end of the game, or by convincing other players that you have the best hand so they come up.

Each player is dealt two cards. These are known as hole cards and are kept secret from other players. For several rounds, community cards are dealt to the center of the table. They can be seen by everyone and are known as community cards.

A player's hand rating is determined by the strongest five-card hand they can make using any combination of their hole cards and community cards. For a complete list of combinations, see Hand Rankings below.

After each set of cards are dealt, a betting round begins. Players take turns placing a bet in the pot, which the other players must call (call). If they don't want to match the bet, they must exit (fold) losing any chance of winning the pot.

After all betting rounds have been completed, players reveal their cards at showdown and the player with the best hand wins the pot. Or, if there is only one player left before the betting rounds are completed, the remaining player steals the pot by winning it without revealing their cards.

RDR2 poker rules

To begin, the two players to the left of the dealer must make a mandatory bet, called the small blind and the big blind. Then the dealer distributes two hole cards to all those present, and the first round of betting begins.

During the betting round, the players take turns, the game moves around the table in a clockwise direction. On their turn, a player must at least match the previous players' bid to remain in the game, otherwise they may fold and exit the game. In turn, the player makes five possible actions: check, bet, call, raise, and fold.

check-If no bet has been made, the player may check or bet. A check is equivalent to a zero bet and passes the action to the next player clockwise. The player who checks stays in the game and reserves the right to call or raise later. If all active players check during the betting round, the round is over.

bet-If no bet has been placed, the player can bet any amount they wish. If a player bets, subsequent players must at least match that amount to remain in the hand.

call-If a bet has been made in the current round, the player may call. To call, the player matches the current bet made by his or her opponent(s).

raise-If a bet has been made in the current round, the player can raise the bet. Raising means that the player increases the current bet. The increase must be at least twice the amount of any previous increase. Subsequent players must at least call this amount to stay in the hand, or fold if they don't want to match this amount.

Fold-The player can always fold, losing all interest in the pot. The player who folded cannot bet chips during the current poker hand, cannot win that hand, and is out of the game until the next round.

Go for broke

If a player puts all of their chips into the pot, it is called "all-in". They won't be able to take any further action during the draw, but they can still win it at the end.

If a player does not have enough chips to call the current bet, he can still go all-in. In this case, they will only be entitled to the part of the pot that they can play, since they have put in fewer chips than the other players. The rest of the pot will be contested by players who have made a full bet.

Automatic bid

While waiting for your turn, you can use auto bid to indicate what action you want to take. Hold the right side and select the action you want to take. You can undo this action at any time before your turn by holding right again.

Please note that if the conditions change and your preset action is no longer valid, your auto bid will be automatically cancelled. You can set and remove an automatic bid as many times as you like.

Betting rounds

The first round of betting is known as preflop. After the blinds are posted and hole cards are dealt, the betting round begins. It continues until all remaining players make the same bet or go all-in.

Three community cards are then dealt on the flop. Another round of betting takes place as players use new community cards to better understand how strong their hand is. Again, the betting round continues until all remaining players have placed the same bet or are all-in.

A fourth community card is then dealt, known as the turn. There is another round of betting going on. Finally, a fifth community card is dealt, known as the river. There is a final round of betting.


When the end of the last betting round is reached, the cards are revealed. The players reveal their cards. By choosing the best combination of five hole and community cards, each player receives a hand rating (for example, a pair). The player with the best hand wins the pot. For a complete list, see Hand Rankings below.

If multiple players share the best hand rankings, the remaining cards in their five-card hands count. They are known as kickers. If one of the players has better kickers than the others, he wins the pot. If, even after taking into account kickers, several players still share the best hand rating, the pot is split between them.

If a player does not wish to reveal his cards at the showdown, he may discard his cards. It's just a fake without revealing the hand. When you play against experienced players, it prevents them from learning your style and preventing them from predicting your decisions.

Pot theft

If all but one player folded before the showdown, the last remaining player stole the pot and won all the chips.

Side pots

If a player went all-in during the hand and therefore placed fewer chips in the pot than other eligible players, this creates an extra pot.

The player has the right to win only the amount that they bet each other. When a player goes all-in, this amount is separated in the main pot and the remaining active players can continue betting into the side pot. The all-in player is only eligible to win the main pot.

The rest of the players have the right to win both the main and the additional pot. If multiple players go all-in in the same hand, this can create multiple side pots.

Poker hand rating RDR2

Below you will find a ranking of poker hands from the strongest to the weakest, which will give you an advantage over your opponents in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Royal Flush

Ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same suit.

straight flush

Five consecutive cards of the same suit.


Four cards of the same rank and one side card or "kicker".

Full house

Three cards of one rank and two cards of another, corresponding rank.


Five cards of the same suit.


Five consecutive cards of different suits.


Three cards of the same rank and two unrelated side cards.

Two pairs

Two cards of the same rank, two more cards of a different matching rank, and one side card.


Two cards of the same rank and three unrelated side cards

Senior card:

Any hand that does not fall into the category above.

Poker hand instructions

And that's all you need to know about how to play poker in Red Dead Redemption 2. There is something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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