GENSHIN IMPACT - Error code 4201


The 4201 error code in Genshin Impact is an error that pursues players everywhere. It seems that he doesn't care on which platform you are: the error code 4201 may appear on the PC.

PlayStation 4 or mobile phone. Therefore, naturally, people wonder how to fix the error code GENSHIN IMPACT ERROR 4201. Well, this is exactly what we will show you in this manual. In fact, you can try a few things.

GENSHIN IMPACT How to fix the error code 4201?

To correct the error GENSHIN IMPACT ERROR CODE 4201, the first thing you can do is check whether your WiFi works correctly. If you have a tariff plan for data transmission, which can support it, try creating a mobile access point and run the game in this way. If the problem disappears while you use cellular data, this Wi-Fi error or check if your WiFi works on other your devices. In any case, if Wi-Fi does not work, follow the usual steps to fix it.

If this is not WiFi, and you play on the PC, you can enter the game files (local disk> Software files> GENSHIN IMPACT> GENSHIN IMPACT GAME by default). Find the file with the .exe extension at the end and start it instead of a shortcut on the desktop. Sometimes it can fix the error code 4201 in GENSHIN IMPACT.

On the other hand, if you play the PlayStation 4 or mobile device (or previous correction did not work on a PC), perhaps your game needs to be updated. Yes, under normal conditions, the game is updated automatically. However, you may have encountered some kind of Ikota and missed a new patch or a correction or something else. So, after you try to update the game manually, try running it again and see if the error code 4201 is saved.

Finally, if nothing of the above does not work, it remains only to delete and reinstall the game. It stores all your saving on the server, so at the same time you will not lose any progress. Just annoys what you have to do it first. I hope the developers will release some kind of hotfix to get rid of this error.

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