Minecraft how to make a smoking


Find out how to make a smokehouse in Minecraft, what difficulties you expect to do to fulfill the goal, read in our manual.

Smokehouses in Minecraft are used for quick cooking, so they are important to run as quickly as possible in any survival game.

How to make a smokehouse in Minecraft

Build a smokehouse in Minecraft simple. First, players need to build a conventional oven. The ovens are built from eight cobblestone blocks, black stone or any other stone block in any combination. After the players have a furnace, they will need to connect it with four firewood. Smokehouse does not come to the types of wood that players can use; It can be any log, any broken log, any kind of wood or any kind of shaped wood in any combination.

Minecraft smokers are used in the same way as ovens and blast furnaces. First, players need to fill the smokehouse with any fuel. For cooking in smokehouse, you can use coal, wood and coal blocks. Then players just need to add any items that they want to cook, from crude chicken to beef, found from cows in the plain biome Minecraft, and the smokehouse will take care of everything else.

And that's all you need to know how to make smoking in Minecraft..

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