Outriders - how to farm and receive resources


In this guide, we will tell me how the Outriders resources can be mined?

How to Get Outriders Resources

Methods for obtaining resources in Outriders

  • Drop POD resources are obtained As a reward for the implementation of "expeditions".
  • Expeditions open at the end of the game After the scene mode is completed.
  • Expeditions work on a multi-level system, in which the higher level, the more unique resources.
  • When you complete the expedition, You come across Drop Podwhich has unique Drop Pod resources.
  • You can use these Drop Pod resources either to enter the inner ring, which is the last expedition or for obtaining high-quality weapons and armor.

Drop POD resources are important at the later stages of the game.

At higher levels, enemies are more persistent.

It is here that the uniqueness of Drop Pod Resources is manifested.

With these resources you will get a unique high-quality weapon. This weapon causes more damage than usual.

How to farm Drop Pod resources?

  • Farm resources DROP POD is very simple. Follow these simple steps.
  • Dispose all too much Weapons in your inventory.
  • Choose Payment For scrap metal titanium units.
  • Now you can Use this titan to get Drop Pod resources.
  • 2 titanium units are obtained by 1 Drop POD resources.

That's all you need to know how to farm and receive Drop Pod resources in Outriders

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