No man's sky how to make mercury


Mercury is a currency form that can be earned in No Man's Sky. It is used to buy unique items in the Nexus store and are necessary to launch certain missions.

To help you get as much mercury as possible, we have made a guide to its rapid receipt. In this guide, players will learn about two different ways to obtain the elusive Space Currency Quicksilver and what it is used in No Man's Sky.

There are three different types of currencies in No Man's Sky, and each of them is harder than the previous one. Units are the most basic form of currency obtained by selling objects, followed by nanites, which can only be obtained by niche methods, including the passage of the path. However, Quicksilver is the most elusive form of cosmic currency.

While units and bends can be mined infinitely, players can get only a limited amount of sink silver per day. There are in-game events that can potentially reward players by Silver, and in this manual we will look at these events. But here how players can get some kind of silver and what can be spent in No Man's Sky.

The fastest way to make mercury

You must make sure that you perform as much daily missions as possible to accumulate good mercury reserves. The best way to get it is to perform mission at the weekend. They award you 1200 each time, so you can add loads every week.

How to get mercury at no man's sky

The easiest way to get Quicksilver is to perform Nexus missions. Nexus can be found inside anomaly, which can cause a player after several deformations. Nexus is located in the center of the anomalia and may look like a soaring metal eye inside the cube. To the right of the cube should be floating orange icons that indicate the number of Quicksilver missions that the player can execute. Taking the tasks of mercury from the Nexus, the player can earn 250 mercury after completing each mission. These missions are updated every 24 hours, which allows the player to earn 750 mercury every day. On weekends, the player receives 1200 mercury.

These missions are difficult, but it is easier to perform them with friends or strangers. There is a method of growing mercury, but it is much less profitable. Players can move to green galaxies and may encounter an in-game event called Stellar Ice. These are random events that may arise when moving around the galaxy, and they do not always kill the Quicksilver player. Nevertheless, the event gives the player the opportunity to farm mercury outside the missions.

Then Quicksilver can be used in the Quicksilver Synthesis store on board Anomaly to buy exclusive equipment, including a live ship. Mercury cannot be spent or exchanged anywhere else, but objects that can be bought on the synthesizer is worth it.Players can also change their appearance with Quicksilver, which is a great way to demonstrate the superiority of the player.

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