RUST - How to fix chainsaw


How to fix chainsaws in Rust is a game about survival in the world among players and zombies. In addition to us, there are people, zombies and animals.

If everything is clear with the first two, then with animals more interesting. Developers in their game want more attention to nature. Here you will meet both rabbits, bears, and wolves. If the rabbit is not dangerous, it is not so simple with bears and wolves. Predators are also trying to survive, so do not think that they will just give up. No, with any approximation, they will start biting and try to kill you so that you become a dinner. Even the radiation does not allow living calmly.

To do this, you will need to overcome such difficulties like hunger, thirst and cold. Divide the fire. Build asylum. Kill animals to get meat. Protect yourself from other players and kill them to get meat. Create alliances with other players and form the city.

How to fix chainsaws in rust?

  1. Take a chainsaw, putting it into an active slot so that the character holds her;
  2. Be sure to put low-quality fuel in the inventory;
  3. Press R (Recharge) to fill the chainsaws in the RUST fuel;
  4. This will testify the number next to the chainsaw in the active slot. Calculate 50 fuel. All, on this can start it and start cutting trees.

And that's all you need to know how to fix chainsaws in Rust. There is something boldly leave a comment below.

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