Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Review


Battlefield 3 vs Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer pros and cons.

A few years ago, when the overwhelming majority of boys still preferred games on consoles, and the Internet, faster than 64 kb / s, could only be afforded by majors, when Medal of Honor first appeared on PC, and Call of Duty did not exist at all, Battlefield already did the first, and, admittedly, rather bold steps in the field of a multiplayer shooter, uniting dozens of players on one battlefield.

In three years, EA and DICE are testing their strengths in Vietnam and will get to war of the 21st century with the release of Battlefield 2, which will forever change the way people think about multiplayer entertainment. Call of Duty, being the main competitor to Medal of Honor at the time, was still plagued by WWII stories.

And now, after two years of the domination of battles, the updated and we will not hide the fact that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is truly incomparable. He laid the foundation for the famous series of games with an unsurpassed, at that time, pretentious and enchanting single and, more importantly, a wonderful multiplayer.

Therefore, only in 2007, Call of Duty declared itself in full voice. Well, then everything, like a grandmother, wondered: while Activision, sitting on their well-fed backs, collected money and year after year churned out clones of their damn successful game, the guys from DICE were forced to hide in the shadows. They tried their hand at Free2Play, on consoles, worked on a new engine, tried their hand at writing a singleplayer, probed new directions for the development of their multiplayer, and lo! Finally 2012! DICE is back to remind the whole world who is the daddy here, to give Call of Duty a delicious sucker-rod and to join the fight on two fronts for the title of the best online and offline shooter!

Not to mention the plot, graphics, physics and all that, it is better to consider another sphere, the home of DICE, where Infinity Ward - multiplayer - so unceremoniously broke in.

Many players claim that Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 are completely different games and their multiplayer cannot be compared, but let's face it, Quake is incomparable, and these guys are direct and obvious competitors! So let's get down to business.

DICE provided players with huge spaces of detailed and technological maps for playing with three dozen opponents, where planes dance overhead, tanks cut across fields, and at each target point there are local conflicts between teams, where the main stake is on team play, "team-play ". On the other hand, IWs demonstrate rather compact maps, drawn up along incomprehensible labyrinths, streets and corridors, along which, like those mad, dozens of Rimbaud are rushing, with the sole purpose of "spray and pray". The difference in the first impression, as you can see, is obvious, and now more details about each game.

In Battlefield 3, you can choose from the main classic game modes such as Dominate, Assault, and Deathmatch. In the first, and perhaps the most ambitious of the modes, the players of both teams (which are 64 people on the server) are faced with the task of capturing and holding as many flags on the map as possible. Depending on the size of the map, you are given one or another technique at your disposal, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, helicopters and airplanes, boats and amphibians, anti-aircraft installations and light jeeps, and the like.

In "assault" mode, one of the teams will have to destroy the M-COM stations, while the other team tears their ass to protect them. After the destruction of each next station, the front line moves on until all 8 are destroyed, or the attackers have enough strength.

With the "deathmatch" mode, everything is already clear - kill until the amount of live meat reaches zero.

In all modes there are modifications on more limited 4x4x4x4 maps, the so-called squad modes for skillful boys, which could be an excellent basis for cyber sports.

It is proposed to take part in the war for one of four classes: attack aircraft, engineer, scout or support fighter. The attack aircraft in its arsenal has assault rifles, a first-aid kit and a defibrillator, that is, it also works part-time as a medic in the team, is indispensable for assault on targets (the name of the class, if it hints), since in the role of a saint it resurrects fallen colleagues and has unrivaled fire potential in close and medium distance. The engineer is the main one for destroying enemy equipment and supporting allied equipment. He carries with him the so-called PDV assault rifles, repair tools and, of course, "tubes" that shoot missiles, and in general can make big bangs with dynamite, RPGs or mines. All other classes are defenseless against technology, so the engineer is also a very significant person in the team. A scout is a small, motionless reflection somewhere on the horizon, intently watching your every step and, at the first opportunity, sprays your brain with a single bullet. It has everything you need to search for and destroy enemy personnel. And finally, the support class - guys with big ... machine guns to suppress the enemy. Put the machine gun on the bipod and bring down everything you see, but a little further from the front: let the attack aircraft rake out on the front line. In addition to large powerful boulders, they can carry mortars and ammunition boxes with them, that is, everything that is so necessary to support the team. So, DICE worked hard enough to make all the classes unique and balanced, for which they are praised and honored.

The development system in Battle consists of three levels - the development of individual gadgets for weapons and equipment, the development of classes and the development of the soldier as a whole. We kill the enemy with conventional weapons or equipment - we gain experience, discover new gadgets and weapons that help differentiate ourselves from other players, or, if it's easier, kick their asses in your own style. Scopes, silencers, technical gadgets and all this tinsel will give you a certain advantage, but all this, of course, is within the framework of balance.

Combined with a huge arsenal, a leveling and reward system, a unique fire suppression system, an excellent appearance and sound design, you literally feel at war and will have everything you need for a fun, dynamic and interesting pastime with friends, and the Battlelog social network will allow you to monitor statistics, view text logs of battles, create teams and communicate with brothers in arms.

As for the disadvantages of the game - it's hard to find fault with something. Everything is present in Battlefield 3, plus the magic that rivets the player to the screen for more than one hundred hours. The only drawback, about which there were a lot of shouts, is called the integration of the game with Battlelog, because all process control takes place not from the game menu, but from the Internet browser. Well, you can say so - so there really may be some inconveniences, but as soon as you find yourself on the server, you forget about everything: shoot, explode, fly, swear and let off steam, because this is a game for real men!

If we talk about MV3, then the situation here is completely different. In general, the gameplay also revolves around flags, bombs and a simple deathmatch, however, the game has a dozen, if not more, different modifications of the classic assault and domination modes, which differ in complexity and, of course, in the level at which you can play them play. Here you can find anything you like: complicated game conditions, reduced health, lack of respawns, in other words - after playing for a week or two, you can easily find a mode to your liking and play as much as you like (there are plenty of them here).One fundamental difference from battle is the limitation of all game cards, which are quite complex in structure. Being small in area, they consist of multi-storey mazes of streets and buildings, in which an inexperienced player can easily get lost. You will not be able to move freely on them without the help of the radar for a long time.

As for the classes, there is also full leisure here. After the fifth level, which you have to run with standard sets of weapons, you are allowed to create five of your own classes, combining more than fifty types of weapons with each other. That is, unlike battles, classes, as such, do not exist in the game at all. You can freely choose between rifles, snipers, bazookas, machine guns, explosives and other gadgets. In addition to a huge arsenal, each weapon has a dozen additional modules and camouflages that open as the weapon develops (in fact, the same as in Battle). By combining them with different abilities (three per "class"), you can perfectly adapt to your personal playing style! Full leisure and democracy.

A feature of the series can be called awards for the so-called "streak circles". If you have enough skill to be able to kill at least three opponents without throwing back your hooves, you will be rewarded with the opportunity to track their movements for a while. Five murders? And you already deserve a guided missile. Seven - and an assault helicopter with Chuck is in a hurry to help you! In general, in the cartoon MB3 there are more than twenty such awards, which in turn are divided into two sets, you can choose between them yourself, as well, three pieces per "class". Of course, the higher your skill, the more meat you kill without dying, the more unfortunate noobs will get.

In words, all this sounds quite crammed and attractive, but it is worth looking at the result, which can be safely attributed to the "disadvantages" section. The whole gameplay, regardless of the game mode, looks pretty the same, because the maps, other than the scenery, are not much different regardless of the mode. Hundreds of types of weapons, in fact, turns into a dozen "imba" and ninety units of disinterested rubbish. Special abilities introduce an additional imbalance in the game and, also, have their own imba sets that turn a layman into a skillful kid. The rewards that are often given to unpretentious Campers, too, for the most part, only take out your nerve cells, because they can kill you more than once immediately after respawning, which is also very annoying. If on the replay of your death (this is about ten seconds) you see as soon as you killed the one who is already killing you - do not be surprised. He just appeared ten meters behind and didn't think long about what to do with you.

You will say “not rosy, but where did such big sales come from?” An excellent question, and the answer lies in the fan base of the game, which annually wanders from the previous part due to the termination of support for the predecessor. Go now to the MV2 lobby - you will need a good 10 minutes But the game itself doesn't change much: Infiniti, just for the sake of decency, make some unknown changes to the game, which are never good for it.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself - the return of Battlefield is marked in red on the calendar. Well, the new CoD is just another routine date, like that Tuesday every week, but this does not prevent millions of workers from celebrating this small holiday every time. There are supporters for both games, and no matter how Battlefield tries to take away the players from Call of Duty, let's not forget that Call of Duty is primarily focused on consoles, and the battle in this regard has completely flown by, shamelessly cutting the multiplayer for a more comfortable game. And about how Battlefield 3 looks on consoles - it's better to remain silent altogether.

As you can see, there is a silver lining, and barrels of honey are without a fly in the ointment. Both games have their drawbacks, but each has its own distinct gameplay and original gaming experience. As for the companies: it's time for DICE to rest a little on their laurels (which, mind you, they are not going to do), and Activision has finally moved its backsides and take a new step forward so that their games again become worthy competitors and surprise us in the future.
