The Pirate: Plague of the Dead: recommendations and tips for passing


The famous pirate commander John Rackham used the old voodoo witchcraft, and now his task is to bring back the Flying Ganda from the dead.

Follow Rackham's narrative as he resurrects his dead crew, or sail off to the 7 seas in search of riches and adventures! You can simply sail and fight ships if you want, and our tactical guide The Pirate: Plague of the Dead will tell you how to get the best out of your adventure!

You will notice a line of 3 arrows pointing in directionality around your boat. This means the current direction and speed of the wind, and you need to maneuver your ship accordingly. If you point your own boat in a direct reverse direction, you will notice the beginning of a reddish cone. This is a dead end zone, and if the ship is in the center of it, you will hear that one of your members of the crew is in "shackles" - this means that you have zero forward movement.

To get around all this, you will need to adjust the speed of the wind, and then swing back and forth in the opposite direction. Do not forget to speed up your computer time if you want this process to go a little faster. It can be a tough test to withstand the wind, it can be!

The textbook tells you how to fool enemy ships by pretending to be from a certain country. This allows you to inflict the 1st blow on them, as they will not become belligerent towards you when you are in a particular proximity. As a matter of principle, you can only do this once before being flagged as a pirate. Then the rest of the enemies will notice your disguise. To fix the problem, you can change the name of your own ship, it's quite expensive. Make your surprise attack worthwhile, because you may not get another case for a while.

When visiting the metropolis, you can stop at a local tavern. If you buy beer for the people on the inside, you are ready to hear some rumors and gossip, traditionally elements of the present value of objects. You can hear that a certain item is inexpensive or not cheap. Check out the town's market and find all sorts of prices, dining in green - this means that it is sold more economically than usual. In the update to making a purchase of a huge number of objects and using them for yourself, you can similarly wander around the town in which this item is not cheap, and sell it for profit. Buy low, sell high.

Every product has a combat use. For example, rum will temporarily increase the agility of your boat by 10%. Hack on the nose, but that you need a specific commander before you can use this item.

Don't just sit there, don't let the enemy fire at you - stay on the move! Roll the camera so that you can keep the opponent in your own sights and use the proper guns. Try to align your target with your scope cone so that they meet at the very end of the cone. If your target is very close to your ship, shots will fly over them.

Remember also about the special abilities of your commander. Some commanders have active capabilities that can be applied from the submenu above your sail key. If you see (A) close to this ability, it means that it must be activated manually, at the same time as (P) denotes a passive ability that is constantly active. For example, Edward Teach's Explosive Powder Kegs is an active ability that allows your ship to throw explosive barrel traps behind. Perfectly suited for removing ships from your tail.

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