They Are Billions Review - They Came for a Better Life ... of All Life!


About how many wonderful discoveries the world is preparing, that is inhabited by living corpses, that is to say, undead. Here you are sneaking along the They Are Billions location, looking out for another lover to eat new brains for free, but a big shadow soars into the sky, flapping its dark wings and emitting a heartbreaking cry. The soul here goes into the heels, but after looking closely, you realize that it was a crow, followed by phrases of abuse, and probably bullets.

Or the situation is directly opposite. The warriors entrusted to us do not sneak through the fog of battle, running into a bite, but guard the base, well, or what is obliged to it to become in fast time, there are no walls. Some are patrolling, the rest shifting from foot to foot asking - "Well, when are we going to kill someone", and still others have completely taken an advantageous position on a tree tower and you know they are drinking tea, and hounding soldiers' tales. Whisper ... well, practically. During this most time, a lone undead waddles slowly towards the less defended area of ​​your base. The undead are unnoticeable and the ranger girl would have the opportunity to calmly suspend him, but the tragedy is that she does not see him.

The sniper does not see it either. Probably, you would have been able to see if you hadn't been busy with vital problems, like - where to put another mill, farm, tent camp, so that the living dead, nervously looking around and dragging his feet that is about to fall off, comes to the Tesla tower and with with a cheerful grump, he eats the settler who works there. Now there are two living corpses, but the video game, for some reason, is in no hurry to report this to you, obviously believing this to be a small nuisance, but when a hunting lodge / fishing hut is attacked, you will still receive an alert, only ... it's too late and the infection will spread throughout the settlement in the blink of an eye. And if when the horde comes, at the same time to a less protected place, then it remains to offer prayers to Cthulhu, Bastet, the Macaroni monster, or in whom the inhabitants of the colony believe that everything will work out.

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