Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection - Overview and relaunch date


The game should come outFebruary 25, 2021 of the year exclusively on Nintendo Switch. The game tells about the valiant knight Arthur, who goes on an adventure through the kingdom of demons.

He will need to act with extreme caution, as the hero is in for terrible dangers, including familiar enemies: the assassin skeleton, the pigman and the red arremer.

What is the plot about?

In a distant land begins a fairy tale, the beauty of which is unparalleled. There our hero Arthur is resting in the sun. A girl is approaching over the hills. Arthur, the apple of his eye, the princess appears. A moment shared between the two is all happiness and bliss. When suddenly in the distance something is wrong! A spark flashes, and then another, the city burns with flames. A cloud of darkness does appear, the palace he claims. The shadow then extends its reach to the divine Umbral Tree. With this created chaos, the Demon Lord is playing with his vile hand. While Arthur has his back turned, he kidnaps the princess. Our valiant hero is trying his best to save the princess, but still was amazed. Together with the princess, he flies to the Demon Realm.

And this is all the information about the game Ghost ‘n Goblins Resurrection. If you have something to add, feel free to write in the comments below.

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