Mass Effect 2 how to get rid of scars after cybernetics


Find out how to get rid of scars after cybernetics in Mass Effect 2, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

After the events of the prologue in Mass Effect 2, Shepard is left with cybernetic scars that can get worse. There are two ways to remove scars. While Mass Effect 2's way of removing Shepard's facial scars is a good enough one, for those who play Renegade mostly, it might be more problematic. If players don't want Shepard's appearance tied to their morale, there's a way to permanently remove the scars and prevent the Forsaken's actions from bringing them back. At the start of Mass Effect 2, Shepard will need to research the Normandy Medical Base upgrade. To unlock it, he will have to collect more rare minerals, but once he uses the upgrade, it will be applied to his appearance in both Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Here's how to eliminate the appearance of Shepard's cybernetic scars, regardless of morality, in Mass effect 2.

How to get rid of cybernetics scars in Mass Effect 2

To permanently remove the cybernetic scar in Mass Effect 2, Shepard will have to undergo cosmetic surgery in the Normandy's medical bay. This ability becomes available after Shepard researches an upgrade with some equipment in the back of the medbay, near the AI ​​core where the Legion is located.

The Medbay Upgrade is a one-time upgrade for the Normandy in Mass Effect 2 that becomes available after Shepard recruits Mordin Solus into the squad. Mordin is especially important to recruit as early as possible, as he will unlock the technology lab, allowing Shepard to start researching and making upgrades. The commander will receive a message on his personal terminal about his scars. They will also receive a notification that new research projects are available.

Shepard needs to enter the tech lab and use the upgrade terminal near Mordin. In the "Ship Upgrades" section, they must select "Medical Bay Upgrades" to add cosmetic surgery equipment to the Normandy. This upgrade costs 50,000 Platinum, a rare resource found by exploring systems and scanning planets in Mass Effect 2. While upgrading the Normandy is not critical to keeping squad members alive during the Suicide Endgame mission, it can be researched at early stage as it is one of the first ship upgrades to be unlocked.

After researching this upgrade, Shepard can visit the Medical Bay on the Crew Deck and use the Heal Scars option on the Cosmetic Surgery Equipment. This will permanently restore his appearance and prevent scarring, no matter how many times Shepard made the renegade choice during Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.

And that's all you need to know about how to get rid of scars after cybernetics in Mass Effect 2.

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