Iron Snout - Tips and Tricks for Reaching 200 Hits


Tips for players with roughly an hour's play time to start hitting 200 hits. This quick guide assumes that you have about an hour of playtime per game and that you know the basics. To make it easier to explain, I'm going to use the control keys W, A, S, D. If you use the arrow keys, you can change them to the following keys:

W = Up
A = Left
S = Down
D = Right

One of the most useful things I've learned is how to stay down while continuing to attack from left to right. You can do this by pressing "A, S, D" repeatedly, or "D, S, A" will also work. This will allow you to keep attacking from left to right or right to left while staying down. This is good for dodging thrown axes and pogo sticks while still being able to attack. Whenever you jump, you should never just land. Always turn a jump into a downward attack. This will prevent any nearby enemies that have already launched an attack from being hit when you land. Attacking down also works well against chainsaws or rockets that travel across the floor. You only have to wait for them to circle around you slightly before you can safely use this attack on them, and you can almost land right on them using this attack without harming you.

One of the strongest and longest attacks you can use is the Split Kick, so you should use it often as it will also hit the opponent in the back. Just jump and attack in the opposite direction to the one you are facing. So, for example, if you're facing left, just press wd, if you're facing right, that's you. This is especially good for getting weapons from a pogo, as it will kill him in one hit. Use your spin kick often by pressing w, w twice, this is good for hitting any enemy you have knocked into the air with an uppercut or for passing missiles. It's always worth trying to deal with the missiles on the first two passes above you before they land the third pass, which can be more awkward to deal with.

Always grab as many weapons as you can, you should wait until the pogo chainsaws are close enough for you to grab their weapons before attacking them to make sure you can take their weapons. Also remember that the weapon can only hit 3 opponents before it breaks, but it can deflect an unlimited number of projectiles throwing axes - the other thrown weapon without using any of its 3 "hits". Lastly, if you're dealing with multiple enemies going in the same direction, say left, don't just hit aaaaa to hit straight left, instead try mixing a left attack with a down attack, so it would be A, S, A, S , A. This is a stronger and faster attack, and I also find it less demanding on the hand, since you can use two fingers instead of one. These are the most helpful things I learned about the game in 5 hours of play and got me 200-250, hope they can help you too.

Game page: Iron Snout.

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