Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers review Japanese fiction


Even in the video, the crazy dynamics of what is happening is noticeable, the mass of opponents flying from the blow of the blade and magic spells.

However, there is also a lot of strategy here, however, it would be nice to grab the cell division of the map during fights with a step-by-step path. The creators probably decided to return to the roots in this spin-off, and not to make a lightweight slash action, as it was in the extreme games in the setting.

But still, what fights are opening here, and it’s hard to describe in words. The word is plausible, only comes less. Of course, it is stupid to expect a slow, thoughtful RPG plan from an exclusive for Playstation 4, but here, however, showiness, drive, and beauty are in bulk here. The outer shell will be able to appreciate all the fans of Japanese fiction and the corresponding panache. But what touches memories in full, then it is a faster video game for your own. Being a huge rarity for the Playstation 4 and PS Vita, it is perfectly optimized for its console, giving out very benign Full HD graphics with consistently high FPS even in the most dynamic situations. That's why they are exclusives. But again, this is an even more narrowly focused project, designed for a much smaller audience than the owners of consoles and adherents of Japanese style. Here, the calculation is fundamentally for the fans of the actual series, all the more taking into account those finances that require 4300 rubles for it. on PS4 and 2500 rubles. on Vita. But let's take a very open mind and go over the main features.

In terms of a review of a video game, there is no reason to retell the plot history of all parts of the series, all the more so in it there is simply a large string of characters and plot twists, but rather, let's focus directly on Godseekers and only superficially go through it. Because the video game is considered a spin-off from the licensed parts of the series, the newest characters appear in the plot, and it gets on the newest rails.

With Zhao Yun a familiar hero from Dynasty Warriors 8 on his way, he was joined by an old friend of youth Lei Bing. This is stated in the original intro screensaver. The chronicle is tied up in the ice temple, where, by the will of fate, these two find themselves. Lei Bing discovers a lady with pinkish hair frozen in a piece of ice. Having interrupted at one moment the numerous guards that had arisen, they free the lady. She is called Lixia and, as it turns out, she has been sealed in her own ice prison by the dark gods for almost all centuries, so as not to allow a decisive battle and save the world. And now, the three of the protagonists set off on a long and terrible journey with countless opponents with whom they expect to fight, escorting Lixia to her quests. Yes, and she is far from a weak competitor for the hordes of an opponent. Perfectly mastering the strong mysticism of fire, wind, lightning, she will clear the way for herself and her comrades. Using some time, other allies will join the team, making their own contribution to the fight against darkness.

In general, a video game is tied up with a very spectacular, superbly directed screensaver, in which there are so many action movies that the gamer realizes that it will be hot. Further, subsequently, a small customization of the main characters, a preface is tied up, briefly introducing the matter, introducing Lei Bing at the same time, telling a little about the past Zhao Yun. Everything is done cinematically with a smooth transition to the video game process. The upcoming formation takes place according to the scripted videos of the heroes, watching which one gets the memory of watching Japanese science fiction. Filmed visualized clips are periodically observed. In full storyline - excellent. It is noticeable that he is here not just to glue military quests into a meaningful chain, but is considered an important part of the video game. But whether it will be fascinating to someone other than the fans of the series is a huge question.

Video game play in Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is largely about fighting against masses of enemies grouped into square areas of the map. Again and again. But all this is not as monotonous as it might seem at first glance at the first glance. All heroes have many combo attacks and their power increases with raising the level and pumping abilities. All this unlocks a good scope for fiction when passing through locations with enemies. There is in this some kind of analogy with chess - a cellular field again. During the battle, the entire field is covered with cells and in the menus that appear, you can step by step give orders to the characters, after that, enjoy the spectacular elimination of another mass of enemies. Watching this is a delight. During attack combos, the camera pans down to the ground stage, showing a small rendered cutscene of the attack. The control of all this action is perfectly optimized for the PS4 gamepad.

Result: the gameplay is what you expect it to be. Even in the video, you can notice the crazy dynamics of what is happening, the mass of enemies flying from the blow of the blade and magic spells. In general, there are also a large number of strategies here, in general, we would take the cell division of the map during battles with a step-by-step calculation of the path. The founders may have taken the decision to return to the roots in this spin-off, and not to make light slash action, as was the case in recent games in the universe.

But still, what fights are opening here, and it is difficult to describe in words. The word is realistic, only fits less. It's certainly stupid to expect a slow, thoughtful RPG plan from an exclusive for Playstation 4, but there's plenty of showiness, drive, and beauty here. The outer shell will be appreciated by all fans of Japanese science fiction and related art. But as for the mention in general, it's more of a video game for personal. Being a rarity for the Playstation 4 and PS Vita, it is unsurpassedly optimized for its console, delivering very high-quality Full HD graphics with consistently high FPS even in more dynamic moments. But then again, this is an even more narrowly focused project, designed for a much smaller audience than console owners and lovers of Japanese style. Here the calculation is mainly for fans of almost the series, especially taking into account the money that is required for it (4300 rubles for Vita). But let's take a very open-minded look and go over the main features.

As part of a review of a video game, it makes no sense to retell the storyline of all parts of the series, especially since it just has a large string of characters and plot twists, but it’s better to focus specifically on Godseekers and only superficially go through it. Since the video game is a spin-off from the licensed parts of the series, new protagonists appear in the plot, and it takes on new tracks.

With Zhao Yun (a familiar protagonist from Dynasty Warriors 8) on his way, he was joined by an old friend of his youth, Lei Bing. This is explained in the opening intro screensaver. The story begins in an ice temple, in which these two find themselves by the will of fate. Lei Bing discovers a lady with pink hair frozen in a piece of ice. Having interrupted at one point in time the numerous guards that appeared, they free the lady. She is called Lixia and, as it turned out, she has been sealed in her ice prison by the dark gods for almost all centuries, so as not to allow a decisive battle and save the world. And at the moment, the three of them are embarking on a long and terrible journey with countless enemies that they are waiting for to beat, escorting Lixia to her mission. Well, she is far from a weak opponent for the hordes of a competitor. Perfectly mastering the powerful magic of fire, wind, lightning, she will clear the way for herself and her friends. After applying for some time, the remaining allies will join the team, contributing to the fight against darkness.

In general, a video game is tied up with a very spectacular, superbly directed screensaver, in which there is so much action that the player understands that it will be hot. Further, then a small customization of the main characters, a preface is tied up, briefly introducing the case, introducing Lei Bing, telling about the past Zhao Yun. Everything is done cinematically with a smooth transition to the video game process. Further creation takes place according to scripted videos of characters, watching which one gets the memory of watching Japanese science fiction. From time to time, captured rendered videos are observed. In general, in terms of history - unsurpassed. It is noteworthy that it is located here not just for gluing combat missions into a meaningful chain, but is an essential part of the video game. But whether it will be interesting to someone other than the fans of the series is a big question.

Video game play in Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is heavily pitted against masses of enemies grouped into square areas of the map. Again and again. But all this is not as monotonous as it seems at first glance. All characters have a large number of combo attacks and their power grows with raising the level and pumping abilities. All this opens up a good scope for imagination when passing through locations with enemies. There is some analogy with chess in this (again, the cell field). During the battle, the entire field is covered with cells and in the menus that appear, you can step by step give orders to the characters, after which, enjoy the spectacular elimination of another mass of opponents. Watching this is a pleasure. During attack combos, the camera drops down to a ground step, showing a small rendered cutscene of the attack. The control of all this act is unsurpassedly optimized for the PS4 gamepad.

Bottom line: the gameplay is what you expect it to be in action, an RPG made a rarity for the Playstation 4. A lot of action, a lot of effects, a sense of immersion in some kind of movie (Japanese fiction in this case), and most importantly battles, battles and again battles . Blades, guns, magic - everything will be here and many times. One hundred percent peppy oriental motifs during contractions. There are no complaints about the music in general. Excellent. As good exclusives are supposed to, the video game squeezes the maximum out of its platform, in general, the graphics here are unrealistic to call super high-quality. But considering how many individual models need to be drawn in the frame from time to time - not bad at all. FPS practically does not sag during the video game, and the speed of changing only what happens in particularly dynamic moments is breathtaking. The term “Hollywood style” is certainly not suitable here, but here's how cool amazing anime action movie is.

One hundred percent peppy oriental motifs during contractions. But on the other hand, nothing of what you heard will settle in your memory. It does not happen that a theme from God knows what part of the series (in this case, even a spin-off from license plates) suddenly becomes a hit and deserves to be sold as a separate publication. Voice acting and Western localization at a good level. For the Russian market, hardly anyone will localize such works. At best, one can hope and believe in Russian subtitles.

Summing up, it should be repeated that Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is for a very narrow audience of fans of a particular series. It is almost impossible for an ignorant player to “get it” from this part into the plot and the vicissitudes of the universe. As well as appreciate the main gameplay beauty, for example, a gigantic hardness in comparison with previous parts and a return to strategic roots. But you can still take a chance by starting your acquaintance directly with this video game. What is, is realized unsurpassed. Rather than make an effort not to regret more than 4 thousand rubles, pleasant mentions may remain. Well, fans of the series, of course, highly recommended. They will most likely buy it.
made a huge rarity for the Playstation 4 console. A large amount of action, a lot of effects, a sense of immersion in which is a Japanese fantasy movie in this version, but the main battles, battles and battles again. Blades, guns, mysticism - everything will be here and a large number of times.

Fully vigorous oriental motifs during contractions. There are no complaints about the music in general. As good exclusives are supposed to, the video game squeezes the maximum out of its own platform, but the graphics here cannot be called super high-quality. But considering how many individual models need to be drawn in the frame from time to time - very good. FPS during the video game actually does not sag and the speed of the change only taking place in particularly dynamic situations is breathtaking. The term “Hollywood style” is naturally not suitable here, but oh, so cool mind-blowing anime action - that's it.

Fully vigorous oriental motifs during contractions. But on the other hand, nothing of what you heard will settle in your memory. It doesn’t happen that the theme from God knows what part of the series in this version, even spin-offs from license plates, suddenly became a hit and deserved to be sold as a separate edition. The phonogram and Western localization are at a good level. It is unlikely that anyone will localize similar works for the Russian market. At best, you can not lose hope and believe in Russian subtitles.

Summing up the overall result, it should be repeated that Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is for a very narrow audience of fans of a particular series. It is virtually unrealistic for an ignorant gamer to “get it” from this part in the plot and the vicissitudes of the setting. As well as appreciate the main gameplay beauties, for example, huge rigidity in comparison with previous parts and a return to strategic roots. But you can still take a chance by starting your acquaintance specifically with this video game. What is available is unsurpassed. If you make an effort not to regret over 4 thousand rubles, you have every chance of remaining glorious memories. Well, fans of the series are obviously highly recommended. They will most likely get it.

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