Dracula: Resurrection Walkthrough - 100% Completed


For those who do not know what kind of game Dracula: Resurrection is, and therefore have not read my article in the CG, let me remind you.

D:R is the most hardened quest based on the global use of animation (excellent quality, it should be noted). The plot of this entertaining game is a continuation of the same "Dracula" by Bram Stoker. Who is Dracula in general, I hope there is no need to explain? This character appears in any more or less decent movie or book about vampires.

So, I will briefly tell the plot. Our character is a young English lawyer, Jonathan Harker, who at one time met Count Dracula through his official duties. The acquaintance was not very pleasant and ended with John and his friends catching Dracula on the dark path of the Transylvanian forest and cutting his throat (figuratively speaking). However, the count managed to meet Harker's wife, fall in love with her and make her a vampire. I advise everyone who is interested to watch the film adaptation of this story from Coppola, where Harker is played by none other than Kina Reeves. But we digress. In this game, our goal will be to save our (Jonathan's) wife, who, obeying the call of God knows how revived Dracula, went to his castle. A loving husband did not fail to follow, and the game begins from the moment when we (Jonathan Harker) are standing at night on the road leading to an inn, somewhere in Transylvania. And first of all, we need to get to Dracula's castle.

First of all, we go to the Golden Raven tavern and immediately meet a company of disgusting types, but their turn will come, but for now we’ll talk with the owner of the tavern. Then we'll talk to the regular, the Old Man. Next, we leave the tavern and follow straight to the signs. We follow to the left (Pons), at the next fork again to the left and exit to another signs (left CALVARIUM, right CUEMETERIUM). We go left and straight up to a cheerful place, a stone platform with a large cross, illuminated by dead moonlight. Do not be afraid, but just go behind the cross and pick up the sling from the ground. Then we return to the previous fork and go right (CUEMETRIUM). It gets even more fun. Cemetery! The most place for night walks of tourists from England. Well nothing. We enter the gate and immediately go to the left, there we will find a pickaxe. You guessed right! Why go to the cemetery at night if not to dig up a couple of graves?! We use the pickaxe on the grave, over which something glows. After several hits of the pickaxe, we dig out a beautiful contraption - the Dragon amulet. We return to the tavern. Now you can still talk with the hostess and the old man, there are new topics for conversation. The old man will tell us how to use the sling. We leave the tavern again and go to the first fork. This time towards LACUS. We arrive at the house on the lake. Here we will meet a villain already familiar from the tavern, he will very impolitely send us away. Well, you have to figure it out. Let's step back a little and go along a barely noticeable path to a small house on top of a tree (we go up the stairs). Let's look around and see an unsuspecting flying mouse that soars on the edge. Good target for a sling! Let's use it. The frightened mouse will raise a little noise, which will be enough for the old rude man to go to guard the pier. Let's go to his post and borrow the club he forgot in a hurry. Immediately, without departing from the cash register, we use a baton on its former owner and send him to take baths in ice water. In the same place, we will look into the nearby barrel and take the flute, and then we will go to the pier and find a good knife.

And back to the tavern. We talk to those present. This time, grandfather will play the secret melody of the villains on the flute, which they call to each other. We need it in order to call the bearded bandit who guards the bridge to the castle. First, we will go down to the basement, where we will find an excellent telescope in the closet, and then we will go up the stairs to our room. Y-yes, not luxury, of course. All the walls are hung with crosses and bundles of garlic. Service, however. But we need to go to the attic, and we just can't get to the hatch. But we are smart! We move the chest, now, having climbed onto it, we look around and find a handle that opens the hatch. We open and climb into the attic, there we install the telescope on a tripod and look. We see the same gangster at the bridge. We use flute. The bearded man has excellent hearing! He rushed headlong to the call of the flute and settled down very comfortably. Right under something obviously heavy, hanging from a rope. We approach the rope and use the knife. Comrade is resting. Having descended from the attic, we meet the hostess, who is very frightened by the events taking place and informs us that she has closed the tavern. Well, you'll have to find another way in and out. We leave through the door from which the hostess came. This is a balcony. It is clearly in need of repair, as there is a gaping hole at the edge. We get down into the hole and go along the wall of the tavern. We approach the body of the enemy we defeated and inspect it for trophies. There is no gold, but there is a bunch of keys. What you need! We go further along the path and go out to a closed well. We have the keys. We open. We get down and, having passed along the corridor, and then along the stairs, we run into a walled-up exit. We won’t be able to get through, but we’ll borrow a lantern from the wall. We return and to the left of the stairs with the help of a lantern we illuminate the previously dark niche. There is a rope with a cat (such a hook). We take. We return to the light of God. We go further, directly to the bridge. After all, the way, it seems, is free. We are trying to cross it, but it was not there. The bridge, as if by order of some evil will, collapses under our feet, and we barely manage to escape. Well, I'll have to go back to the tavern and ask for another way to the castle. But the last robber is on duty at the fork. Most dangerous. We return to the balcony from which we descended, and use the rope we have with a hook. The last time we speak with the hostess and the old man. This time the hostess will tell us about her late husband, who at one time found a way into the abandoned mines that should lead to the castle. We take the key from the hostess and immediately open a large red cabinet, and there is a drawer in it, where we find the notes of the hostess's husband, a lighter and a key.

It's time to go down to the basement again, but this time at the entrance, from below in a small niche, we light a candle with a lighter. Having gone down, we pass to a hefty barrel. We use the key from the chest of drawers on the lock in the barrel. Naturally, this is a secret passage, disguised as a barrel. On the mechanism that opens, use the Dragon Amulet. It will come in handy more than once, as it is something like a universal key. So, we pass into the opened passage and after a short wandering we go out to the door, behind which there is clearly an exit. On the right in the wall we notice a sphere. We use it and, turning, we open access to the mechanism, on which we again use the Dragon Amulet. We are back in the forest. But now we can avoid meeting with the last comrade and go to the house on the lake. We go into the house, using another key that we got from the bearded man. We turn left and see some kind of elevator. It is crammed with barrels that somehow hold the crowbar. Of course, we grab the crowbar, the barrels roll on the floor, but now the elevator is free and we are ready to go down, which we are doing. But even here, thank God. The last gypsy obviously heard something and gave us a little trip to hell by cutting the elevator cable. How we survived and didn’t even break anything, the authors modestly kept silent, but, having safely got out of the remains of the elevator, we, after looking around, immediately use a crowbar on a pair of stretched chains and, according to all the laws of physics, should have caught a hefty beam on our heads. Instead, with the ease of Hercules, we lift this beam from the floor and lay it as a bridge over the abyss.

So our not so long journey through the abandoned mines begins.Although they can be called abandoned with a stretch. Lanterns are lit everywhere, and in general everything looks quite well-groomed. It seems that those villains with whom we dealt with at the tavern arranged their raspberries here ... Well, so, we pass along the newly laid beam and soon find ourselves in a room where there is a blockage of stones near one wall. Faithful scrap is still with us! We use it in order to dismantle the blockage ... Oops! So you can be scared. Behind the blockage is a grate, behind which someone's remains rest in peace, a skeleton, that is ... Let's borrow his hand from the deceased. Now, having looked closer at the lattice, we will notice the lamp. Lighter. Now we can see some kind of iron thing in the cell behind the bars. We obviously need it, but we can’t reach it ... with one hand. Well, we have a spare! Having become the owner of such a wonderful thing, we can continue the journey. After a few scenes, we will definitely come to a broken suspension bridge, and we definitely need to get to the other side. This is where the mysterious piece of iron found at the skeleton comes in handy. We use it on the chain of the bridge and in the style of some Indiana Jones we move to the other side.

I warn you right away, do not walk up the stairs. All exits are closed with bars, and there is only one way. Having gone down a couple of floors, we will reach the bottom of the abyss, over which a bridge once hung. Here is the proof of the raspberries. A very comfortable table filled with bottles and snacks. There is also a deck of cards. But we don't need it. We go to the passage to the right of the stack of boxes. Looks like we're on a road trip, as we're coming out to a fairly well-preserved railroad trolley track. But we need to switch the arrow, and something like a hook is clearly missing there. Well, we'll figure it out later, but for now we'll ride the trolley, bringing it to the starting position from the dead end. Oops, it looks like the brakes don't work, you have to take into account. It is good that the barrel that fell from the collision did not fall on our heads, but fell into the trolley. Now you need to find a hook, and it is very close. Having passed forward, we look to the right (at the wall) and above. Here it is, right next to the trolley, a chain hangs from the rack, and at its end is quite a suitable hook. We take it and again go to the arrow. We quickly fix it and run to the trolley. We pull the lever and hit the road. Huge gates swing open automatically, and our hero rushes on a trolley through huge halls and spaces. By God, Indiana Jones. But these rollercoasters are dangerous, because we remember that not everything is in order with the brakes on the trolley. Thank God, our hero remembers this. He jumps off in time, and the trolley goes to the bottom of the pit. Let's go a little forward and notice the door on the left, which will fall off its hinges at the first touch. Let's go through the open passage. We find a mechanism. Kind of like a pipe. Here you must first divide it into two halves, and then use the same Dragon Ring. The mechanism will cock, start working, and a drawbridge will be thrown over the pit into which the trolley fell. We go to the bridge and along the way, not far from the passage, on the left on the ground we will find a lamp. At first we will light it with a lighter, and then we will pocket it. Well, across the bridge? It was not there, vile flocks of bats prevent us from passing through the bridge. But let's remember the barrel that fell into the trolley, it turned out to be fuel, and now it flooded the entire bottom of the pit. Need to light it up! We throw a lamp into the pit and watch the flying rats roast in the flame. The path is clear. It remains to go to the other side and go right to the cable car. And again we have to travel. Just an amusement park! And that's where the first of the two CDs of the game ends...

And here we are in the castle. What is left for us? Clean someone's fanged face, grab his wife and tear? I'm sure if the author of the game was some kind of Romero, then it would be so. Until then, don't relax. Veredi still has something to think about, but we will always have time to give a tear. So, we have only one way. You can not climb the stairs with stone animals, the door is closed there. There is another way, there we go down the stairs and open the grate with the help of the Dragon Amulet. Next, in the room on one of the columns, we will light a lamp with a lighter and ... Oh! Grandmother! You can't scare people like that! From the shadows, an old vampire (yes, yes, yes, I also thought that vampires do not age) will look into our light and tell us the sad story of her life and love. She will cry into our vest and tell us about Dracula's betrayal and her curse, thanks to which she cannot enter the castle and is forced to cool off in the basement. Having learned about our trouble, she will swear an oath to help, but, of course, if we remove the spell from her. To do this, we will need to find some kind of amulet. Well, let's find it. Climb up the stairs and go forward. And again the grandmother scares us, unexpectedly appearing from behind. By pressing something on the wall, she opens the passage to the castle for us.

Y-yes... Looks like the castle hasn't been cleaned in a long time. Dirt, dust and other signs of decay are everywhere. Right in the middle of the hall is a pile of garbage that was once part of the balcony. First of all, we go into the passage on the right wall. There is a key sticking out of the door, and another one on the ring. The one in the door will remain in it, and the other will come in handy. We return and go up the stairs. Here we go to the door. And there is another one, but terribly creaky. We are in someone's bedroom. To the left, on a high bedside table, a large blue ball is clamped in some kind of mechanism. We take it. Going around the bed, we will find a large chest. With thoughts of treasures, we open it. Instead of treasures, we will take a picture with a portrait of either Dracula himself (in his youth), or his relative. In the same chest, examine the book on the left and find something similar to a lens in it. Now let's look at the wall, the same one where the door is located, through which we entered here. Noticed? And at one time I exhausted a lot of nerves before I noticed on the wall a trace from a painting that once hung. Let's put the picture in place. Now we go further, into the second door (not the one we entered). We are at the top of the library. Turn right and go through the door. Again some mechanism. Let's turn the lever, and something wooden will rise in the central hall of the castle, which will repair the collapse in the balcony. Let's go back to the library and go the other way. So we will go down to the lower level of the library. We immediately climb onto the stairs by the bookcases and pull the next handle. So we move to the cabinet at number 25. There is a small yellow circle, by clicking on which we can notice some kind of optics. But we will return to this later. Now let's go to the table against the far wall. There you can find a map of the starry sky and, using our Dragon Ring on it, you can, after some time, find two stars that exactly fall into the paws of the dragon (blue 40 and red 25), remember the coordinates, come in handy. We leave through the door opposite the one we entered. We are in the central hall, on the other side of the balcony, but now we can go through the sealed blockage to the stairs and go down. There, near a pile of stones, we will find a fallen shield, turning over which we will find a metal glove. We pick up and return to the balcony, there we go to the passage, which became available after the failure was repaired. We pass along the corridor and open the door with the key. Here we are again outside the castle. We go down the stairs with stone animals. Now we need to visit the old woman again. We already know the way. Let's talk to her about the glass ball... Hey! She cut us! But now the ball turned red, it seems to have acquired magical power. We need to go back to the room where we found him. There we will install it on a pedestal, and three cards will appear to us. Remember them. You can go around the nightstand on the right and pull out the drawer, there are cards with which we will determine the correspondence of the pictures on the cards with the signs of the zodiac. And finally, let's examine the fireplace, above it there is a ring of twelve signs of the zodiac. We press the necessary characters (if you didn’t guess, it’s 5,10,6, if you count the topmost character as the first one). A secret passage opens up. That's where we'll go.There we will find a column with a portrait of Dracula, and on the left - the castle we already know. We use the Dragon Amulet. The sphinx statue slides back and opens the dagger for us. Let's go back to the library and examine the bookcases. Closer to the exit (where the stairs are) you can find one of the white ovals on which you can use the lens (have you lost it yet?). Now climb up the stairs and use the yellow ring. A beam of light will cut through the room. Now let's go to the closet and open its doors. Further, without being distracted by the contemplation of the Dracula family, we open the drawer from the bottom and take the key, the icon, a metal circle with a cross inside and a gold medallion (very scratched). Let's hit the road with the witch, she will fix the medallion. Next, we go through the open secret door to the place where the dagger was found. Again, let's go to the column with the portrait, but now instead of the Dragon Ring we use a dagger on the castle. Got a lever. Let's use it. We take the dagger. Now we use a metal glove on the open mouth of the iron head on the column. We use the ring in the mouth. Next we hang the icon. A golden casket comes out. We open it, inside we see a sphere (egg). Open the egg with the key from the library. We take away from the sphere a blue gem and a clockwork key. I run to the library. We approach the large grandfather clock and start it. Now back to the closet. We use the golden medallion on one of the portraits (I hope you guessed that on Dracula). Now it's the turn of a huge globe. Do you remember the coordinates (blue 40, red 25)? And from the globe, like from an egg, a small statue of a sphinx hatches with a clearly visible gap on its back. Insert the dagger. Now let's examine the handle of the dagger. At the end of the handle is a convenient place for the gem we found.

Another secret door is open. We go inside and, finally, we find ourselves in something like a study with tables littered with scrolls and books. There is a book on the table to the right. Very close we will find a bottle of acid (it seems that Dracula was interested in science). Now examine the pedestal with the open book and use the metal circle with the cross from the library on the prominent depression above the book. We take the hexagonal plate. Next, click on the wooden button in order to open the puzzle. You need to solve it (on your own), I will only say that the keyword SATOR. Having solved it, we pick up the central cross with letters and leave the room. We go down the stairs and at its foot on one of the walls we will find a device where we use the newly mined cross. The stairs descend and we follow down. Another dark dungeon. Approach the small stone altar and use the acid bottle on the chain at the bottom of the screen. And here is the amulet. Grab... Damn! The old witch set us up. Three evil vampire sisters crawled out of their graves and surrounded us. Turn right and use the switch to let the sunlight in. Naturally, the vampires make a graceful retreat. We return to the stairs and again at the foot we use the cross from the puzzle in order to raise the stairs. Behind it opens the way to a spiral staircase upward.

And again we meet the old vampire. It looks like we've broken the spell, but the witch is in no hurry to fulfill the terms of the deal. Our little wife is lying unconscious nearby, but the vampire, it seems, was not going to let us go. Well, you have to choose yourself. The vampire goes about her business, and we look around the room. We are in a room at the top of the tower. In the center is a small but steep rail slide, and directly opposite it in the wall is a large round hatch. If you were curious enough in your office, you might have learned from Dracula's notes that he was at one time very interested in Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine project. Dracula seems to have recreated the mechanism. You just need to find it and fly away.

We start searching. On one of the walls (the one on the right, if you look at the hatch) we will find a panel on which we use a hexagonal plate, found all in the same study. Next, click on it, and in the end we use, again, the Dragon Ring. And here is our ornithopter. Now we return to our insensitive little wife, we grab her - and forward to freedom. True, in the end, three sisters (vampires) will spoil our nerves a little, trying not to let us in. But we, just like a true ace, will barely slip through the closing door and fly towards sunset (or dawn?). I wonder how much fuel we have?

Hope you enjoyed the game. Personally, I went through it with interest and look forward to continuing, which is what I wish you.

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