GreedFall - Kurt's Quests text walkthrough


Where to find a companion named Kurt and how to complete his mission - read the note. As you play Greedfall, you will meet loyal companions. One of them is named Kurt. This hero can take 3 tasks.

How to find Kurt

You will meet Kurt outside the borders of the family property, in Serena. A character will join you and ask you to complete 3 tasks. For any you earn skill and reputation. Overcoming the first task - Died in the process. To start the quest, talk to Kurt during the stop at the camp. He will ask you to sniff out the recruit Reiner, who died in the line of military duty. Then go to the barracks to talk about the dead with the soldiers and the quartermaster. When you do this, sail to the morgue. At the entrance there, the doctor will stop you - use charisma so that he will let you inside. Once you're in the morgue, inspect Rayner's body and master the medical records. Then approach the doctor, accuse him of lying, go up to the barracks again, talk to the quartermaster and lieutenants. After that, move to the tavern, find the surviving recruit, get him a bottle of brandy and ask about Reiner - you will see the latest precedents. Return to the Lieutenant of the Eleventh Regiment and try to find out something from him. The character will ask you to come after sunset. Go to your own residence and rest until late. Then return to the lieutenant. He will tell about the ghostly regiment. Immediately after that, go up to the top floor of the barracks and find the lieutenant of the 6th regiment. To get information from this hero, pay him or use your own charisma. Then return to Kurt and complete the quest.

Overcoming the 2nd task - Among the ghosts

The task "Among the Ghosts" will appear automatically after the task "Dead in the line of duty". To pass it, sail to the camp of the ghost regiment. There, ask the officers and soldiers about the service. They will all lie except for one. Recruit Wilhelm will tell the truth. When you see what you need, leave the camp. Residents will consider you leaving them. At night, return and look for a note in the barracks and the keys to the torture chamber, which is located in the basement. Your newest goal will be to rescue recruit Wilhelm. Go down to the torture chamber, destroy the soldiers and the lieutenant who are tormenting Wilhelm. Then return to the camp and destroy Commander Rolf with his assistants.

Overcoming the 3rd task - Revenge

The quest can be started after Kurt's quest "Among the Ghosts" and the line mission "Treason". Leave for the Newest Serena and talk to Sieglinde, who is located in the barracks. After that, the game will send you to San Matheus. There, on the square, talk to Aloysius. Then talk to the fighter who looks after the prison. This character requires you to deliver 3 sleep elixirs. They can be made at the crafting table or purchased from the merchant. After you give the elixir, go up to the top floor and use your charisma to convince the soldiers to leave the building. Then destroy their captains. As soon as you do this, go to the hangar and deal with Major Herman. You will notice a chest close to this site, take a set of protection from it.? Now talk to Kurt to complete the quest.

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