Grand Theft AUTO V - How to Increase FPS


How to raise FPS in Grand Theft Auto V to spend a series of bold robbery and survive in a big non-friendly city, street tack.

I came to retire the robber of banks and the institution of horror, psychopathies have to work with the most torn and insane criminals, showmen and civil servants of the west coast and this guide will help you deal with it.

How to increase FPS in Grand Theft Auto V?

In fact, everything is simple, the first thing you need to do is disable the smoothing of the game and put all the settings to the minimum, as well as disable all third-party programs on your computer, including antivirus. After that, the game will start working much faster and the FPS will rise.

And this is all you need to know how to increase the FPS in Grand Theft Auto V. There is something to boldly leave a comment below.

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