Mass Effect 2 How to save Kelly


Saving Kelly Chembers from the base of collectors in Mass Effect 2 requires two solutions, one of which players may not even know.

Joman Kelly Chembers - the first new, not a member of Shepard's team and a player encountered in Mass Effect 2. Smart, cheerful and compassionate redhead notifies Shepard, when someone else needs their attention, and is one of the hidden unofficial options for romantic relationships in Mass Effect 2.

She is also one of many characters that may die during the last story mission. Save her alive may not be easy, since her fate comes down to two decisions, about the first of which players may not even know what they are accepted. This guide will explain how to save Kelly from terrible fate in Mass Effect 2.

Ambush collectors

Closer to the end of the main history of Mass Effect 2, the ghost sends Shepard to get an IFF code from an abandoned rebel. However, the player must be careful, since the completion of this mission starts the secret countdown. After restoring IFF, players can go on another mission, while EDI integrates IFF to the Normandy system. After that, collectors attack Normandia until the ground command is missing. They capture the entire crew other than the pilot Joker. Observation players can see how the collector sibling is dragging Kelly during the scene.

When Shepard returns, the player must choose between immediate attack on the base of collectors or the continuation of the preparation for the mission. The beginning of the mission of suicide automatically fails any unfulfilled loyalty missions, these comrades on the detachment of Shepard. However, each additional mission reduces the number of survivors, and Kelly turns out to be the first at the turn. The player will need to immediately go to save Yomen Chember. Check out the leadership "how to save everyone in a suicide mission" to learn how to do this, while performing all loyalty missions. It is noteworthy that only mission and visits to such nodal regions as a citadel are taken into account in the game. The planets freely scans the planets on the map of the Galaxy without penalties.

Suicide mission

Starting a suicide mission and fighting with the wrong army of collectors, the commander Shepard and their squad arrive there, where they hold the team of Normandy. If the player acted quite quickly, Shepard comes just in time to see how collectors dissolve the colonist of the horizon in the black mucus. Otherwise, her place will take Kelly.

After the liberation of Kelly and the rest Shepard has the opportunity to send someone to accompany them back to Normandia.Failure to send someone leads to the fact that collectors kill all survivors, including Kelly. Any member of the squad can accompany, but it will be unavailable until the end of the mission. Facial comrades on the detachment will also die if the player sends them. However, Kelly Chembers and the rest of the team will survive anyway.

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