Genshin Impact - How To Break The Ice And Use The Seven Dragon Spin Statue


Here's what you need to know to complete the Dragonspine map with the Statue of Seven.

The first major content expansion, Genshin Impact, has finally arrived, and fans have been waiting for it for a while. We knew the game would eventually get a new Dragon Spin area, and now we can finally climb a really big mountain, freeze to death and experience all the good that Dragon Spin is sure to bring to us. But if you want to be able to navigate the new area correctly, you will need to see the map, which is actually a little more unusual than you might expect.

As usual, you must visit the Statue of the Seven in the Genshin Impact Dragonspin region to unlock the map, but unlike all the other regions we've visited that just open up the map as soon as you interact with the statue, here the statue is frozen with strange magical ice. and defrosting it so we can use it is a bit cryptic and never explained.

Luckily, we already have the answer to how to melt this ice and use this statue, and you'll want to keep that in mind because you'll find similar chunks of ice in the Dragonspin area, and they can all be thawed the same way. so you can keep exploring.

How to Thaw the Ice Surrounding the Statue of the Seven in the Dragonback Region

Basically, you'll find this strange magical ice in several places throughout the Dragonback region, often mysteriously blocking your progress, and no, just use the Pyro character and the fire won't melt him. Instead, you need to find Scarlet Quartz, a new ore that you can mine in Dragonspine.

You can find a vein for scarlet quartz next to the statue of seven, and once you collect it, a red aura will swirl around you for a short time. This red aura is exactly what you need, and as long as you are imbued with it, you will be able to attack and cut the ice, no matter what character you are using, and then you can finally use the Statue. Sevens and fill in your Teivat card.

This mysterious ice is found throughout the Dragonspin region, and if you want to make the most of everything this new region has to offer, you should collect Scarlet Quartz whenever possible and keep an eye on these mysterious walls of ice so you can tear them down and claim any prizes. which they could hide in Genshin Impact.

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