The Sims 4 - Types of Sims and Relationships Between Them


Expanding a huge number of Sims, click on the icon in the lower left corner to add more Sims to the family. When you press the button "add newest sim", you, as before, will be asked to determine their personal traits: appearance, facial features, goals in life, appearance, clothes, etc. A family can have up to eight Sims.

Choosing a relationship

After creating at least 2 sims, you will gain the likelihood of establishing a type of relationship between them. To do this, press the key to the right of the voice selection icon. In terms of remodeling and age, you can specify the subsequent relationship between the sims: neighbor, spouse / wife (gender does not matter), brother / sister or dad / mother.

Genetic formation of the newest Sims

If two of your Sims are married or have roommates for each other, you can have them together based on the distinctive features of each of the partners. For this, the menu "genetics" is foreseen.

Select the "child" in the pop-up list, below, specify 2 Sims as guardians. Then you will orient yourself with gender and age (preschooler or child) and press “create offspring / daughter”. Then you can change both the appearance and the clothes of the baby. Once that's done, pick up the new Sims' everyday goals, personalities, and name it.

After the end of the creation of a Sim, you can use his genes to create his guardians or brothers and sisters. This process is very similar to the formation of babies, you just need to choose the appropriate type of genetic relationship from the list. When you're done forming a family, press the button in the lower right corner and confirm your choice in the pop-up window.

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