Total War: Warhammer II - How to play as Rakarta?


This guide will tell you step by step about Total War: Warhammer II how to play for Rakart to get an answer to the question - read on.

Total War: Warhammer II will have a lot of free content when it launches. The last of them is the dark elf beast master Rakart. Here's how to get the most out of it. The sequel, which will be released at the end of this year, over Total War: Warhammer II is already sitting down. However, its developers are still releasing new content for it. The last one was released on March 18th and added a new legendary lord to the game: the dark elves, the beastmaster Rakarta. Players can download it for free right now. Fun Fact: Rakarta is voiced by Ivan Rheon, best known for his role as Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones. Dark elves are known for their cruelty and ruthlessness, and who better to portray such a character? Rakart definitely sounds menacing. One of the main aspects of the Dark Elf faction is their ability to capture slaves to supplement their empire.

Rakart does this too, but his main focus is on the monsters. Capturing them is his real ambition, enslaving them is his business. He will travel the land, looking everywhere for monsters to add to his army. When Rakarth manages to capture the monstrous creature, they end up in its monster pens. The player can then instantly recruit them into their army, provided they can pay the recruitment fee. Each unit has certain conditions necessary to capture it. For example, harpies can be caught after a battle with heavy casualties (they act like fantastic vultures). Wild Manticores can be captured by raiding regions with high levels of Chaos Corruption. Raiding, fighting, capturing enemy strongholds, and completing quests are all ways to capture monsters.

The easiest way to win battles early in a campaign is to automatically resolve battles until the player recruits or captures the best units. Of course, it depends on the player. Rakarth's army can require a lot of micromanagement, which becomes easier when the player has units to hold the lane. Rakarth starts the campaign with standard infantry, ranged, and artillery units. He also starts with a battle hydra. The Hydra has a fire breath attack that for some reason can't be used in melee combat, probably for game balance. In any case, use a fire breath attack on infantry before engaging in combat. Wait for the ability to cool down and exit the fight to use it again for maximum carnage. The Hydra also has regeneration, which means it's hard to kill.

He can become demoralized and run away from combat, but Rakarth has an ability called Beastlord's Gaze that gives a friendly monster additional leadership and stops it from rampaging. Rampaging monsters can be a good thing if surrounded by enemy troops. If, for example, the player's own troops are hit by a rampaging Wild Mammoth, then now is a great time to use Beastmaster's Gaze. In addition to giant monsters, investing in some ranged units is highly recommended. Shadows are nice because they have vanguard deployment, which means the player can use them to ambush enemies or shoot them from behind where shields don't protect them. Some common beasts that Rakart can capture in large numbers are harpies and great wolves.

Harpies can tie up a squad in combat, and because wolves move quickly, they can flank the enemy to strike from behind, ensuring the enemy quickly scatters. Since several types of monsters can cause terror, it is important to make the enemy incapacitated. The player can then chase them down with the wolves to ensure maximum casualties and make sure they don't regroup. If a unit is defeated, it will not return to battle. Players can also use harpies (or manticores, dragons, etc.) to fly over enemy melee units and attack pesky ranged units. Don't forget rituals. Convening Hunters allows Rakarth to issue quests to other beastmasters, and they can bring back common or rare monsters. It comes with costs as well as recovery time. For example, choosing "Grond's Sorceress" can give the player the Black Dragon, the most expensive monster Rakarth can have in his pen, but choosing this option costs a lot of gold and slaves.

Siege fights are good for Rakart too, because he doesn't have to wait in line to build a battering ram when he has a mammoth or hydra that act as one. In addition, the walls do not pose a danger to units that can fly. As far as the campaign is concerned, Rakarth should aim to capture Albion quickly. This is his home province and from there the player has a choice of where to raid next. It depends on the campaign and related quests. In any case, Rakart must do a lot of raiding. His army does not get tired of being in the raid because of his special abilities, and she gives him the slaves, monsters and gold that he needs. As the level increases, Rakart gains access to vehicles. There are several options to choose from, but it would be wise to save points for his dragon buddy Brakkus. Rakarth is the leader of the Thousand Maws. Any other lords that are part of this faction (through recruitme nt or a confederation) benefit from monster pens and also receive -10% upkeep for all monstrous units. So to get the most out of the faction, expect to see plenty of giant monsters. This is the essence of this faction. If instead the player prefers countless infantry hordes, look to the Skaven.

And that's all there is to know about how to play Rakarta in Total War: Warhammer II.

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