A Hat in Time - Short Achievement Guide


How to get all non-mod related achievements in the Time Hat.

A Hat in Time is a damn cute 3D platform game with a little girl making hats for evil forces! Explore gigantic worlds freely and restore the clock to conquer new heights!

The Simplest Achievements

Let there be light - After the first level, turn on the light. Will count automatically.

If I fit, I sit - Sit on three different chairs, as we were told - actually three different seats. The first is in your bedroom, the second is in front of the TV in the main room, the third is the pilot's seat.

Put a Badge On It - Either buy a magnet for 50 pon or pick up a camera during the chapter 1 survey. The camera will be at the pier in the southeastern part of the city on a rock, opposite the rock on the descent there is a tourist who will ask you to get it (Then he will give it to you)

Vacuum Vandal - Jump on the vacuum cleaner on your ship and ride it. The easiest way is to make him crash into something (into you, let's say), then climb up.

Easy Achievements

These achievements are trickier, but still simple.

Slip 'n Slide - Jump onto the aqueduct in Mafia City and do a single dash on it. After falling into the water, it should count if you rolled down from the beginning.

Pillow Fort - Shelter in the bedroom. Having opened the third chapter and having an ice hat, we jump to the illuminated place and squeeze the hat before diving. If everything is correct, you will fall into a place with a diary - the fugitives.

Fueling th Feud - Achieve a total of 2000 points across all 4 films. Also easy, in the first two you can raise about 1500. Each pon gives 4 points, evidence in 2-2 is valued at 60, tokens with a DJ / Conductor - at 100, life points do not give, for seconds in 2-4 you get 4 points.

Badge Master - Buy all the pins from the seller and put on three badges, everything is simple here. You can find a seller in a bunch of places - at Snatcher's house, at the beginning of 2-4, etc. It's easy to get money.

360 no-feet - We bought a scooter and jump from a place higher. You can scroll the scooter by pressing the control buttons in a circle, the main thing - do not forget to close it.

Afraid of Water - At 3-2, you cannot touch the rising water in the well. The moment the water rises begins with you jumping up from the floor after removing the cork.

Fan-tastic! - After getting the ice hat and grappling hook, jump onto the ice mat on the ship in the main room near the slide (there, by the way, you can access the fan levels). We hook onto the propeller and make a couple of circles.

Tricky things

Return Home - Collect all 40 particles, i.e. complete each act and rift. Fan levels do not count. Achievements : All Clear you will do as you get this achievement.

True Detective - We run all 2-2, collecting all the evidence. Often people miss the evidence in the dining room (from it you can get to the sauna, where one of the keys needed to pass). It is located at the bottom of the room on a table. Another clue will be given by the dog if you save it (you will not lose time).

False Detective is a simple thing, but many people are stupid with it. One of the clues will be right on the aisle, but it can be bypassed. The final room is also simple - come in and out, the time will come out automatically.

Why is the most shameful achievement. In any place where you need to enter the answer, we enter obscene English words.

Personally I Prefer the Air - Stomp on the Sizzling Lava Split, i.e. the first location on the way to the Lava Cake. On the right aisle 3 spiders, platform, 3 more spiders. You can ignore the platform and get the achievement. Tip: do the maneuver in the opposite direction, so there are more chances not to fly down.

The Floor is Lava - The description is extremely clear and so. All you have to do is not touch the lava on the Lava Cake. That is, from the first floor to get to the fifth without falling down. A hat to stop time will greatly facilitate the matter.

No Time To Explain - Again, the simplest explanation. Either a sprint hat (optional scooter) or a stop time hat with an equipped hat cooldown reduction icon will help here. Important: when passing through the door, time dilation will be turned off automatically, and a cooldown will begin. Also, you can not be stupid for more than 15 seconds, otherwise you will not be in time. I had 10 seconds left with pennies at the end with the second option.

Encore! - Do not fall into the crowd during the parade. Attention: if you are pushed into the crowd, and the damage does not pass due to i-frames, then there will still be no achievement.

One Punch - Put on the Suicide Badge (death in 1 hit) and stomp to any boss, except for the Toilet or the Barrel Thug. I also do not advise going to the Snatcher, the achievement behaves buggy there, sometimes it may not be credited (apparently, if you die in the second phase and go through the battle with a simplified first phase). The most banal thing is to pass the Mafia Boss. The Time Stop Hat will make it easier to dodge the Mega-Charge and Brute Sacks.

Secret Intruder - The most sweaty achievement (7.6%, they take less only achievement for 30 coins from mods). Help: Frozen Hat and Time Stop Hat.
If they see you as an ice statue (you need to HOLD the hat ability button, then the statue will stand for a long time, but not indefinitely, about 20 seconds, according to sensations), then they will not open it. With this method, you can easily get past the two windows at the end of the level. The time stop hat can slow down the movement of some patrolmen. You must not be seen, nothing else. Even if there is a sound that you were noticed, but you avoided the penalty for harassment - restart the level, you screwed up.

A Series of Unfortunate Accidents - There are 5 Thugs in Mafia City sitting on the edge. Shove them.
- The first one is at the lighthouse on the pier.
-The second one is on the roof of the house near the factory.
-Third on a beam at a construction site
-The fourth is near the chest in the broken house near the beginning of the first act of the chapter.
-Fifth in the tower near the Badge Merchant.

Seal the Deal

The DLC is out and it's time to write new achievements!

1) Arctic Cruise - All Clear!. As with the others - collect all the Particles from the Cruise levels. There are 5 of them: three for acts and two in faults.

2) Little Help From My Friends - Complete three levels in co-op. You can use the Parsec program for these purposes and play with random players or agree with a friend.

3) Punished Kid - Complete Death Wish contracts for a total of 50 seals.

4) Prepare to Die - Master any Death Wish contract for all three seals. I took this achievement in Security Breach, but you can look for other levels. It seems that all three will give in easy mode.

5) I refuse to die! - Complete Death Wish contracts for all seals. Requires the previous two achievements.

6) Minimum Shippable - Here, as I understand it, you need not upset the captain, that is, the meter of his anger should always be BLUE. Just don't fail a single mission. It is recommended to memorize the places of appearance of tasks and the places of their delivery, as well as to thoroughly study the ship.

Nyakuza Metro

A Work of Art - Finding 7 stickers in the subway and sticking them on a screenshot with 3 basic ones will be the easiest solution.

Stickin' Star - Now that's trickier. Fumbling through 30 stickers is not easy, but many of them will be in obvious places. Don't forget about food combos - each new one gives a sticker.

Stick it To The Man - Find the holographic sticker. Spawns every 12 hours after picking up a Particle of Time. A recent update brought a device to the ship (located in the main hall, near the entrance to the bedroom), which helps to search for them. The device will indicate the chapter (if it is close to the free-roam type) or a specific act. NO STICKERS IN CRACKS AND FASHIONS!

  • Down with the Mafia! - it will obviously be inside the headquarters of the Mafia. Otherwise, it would just show Mafia Town.
  • In Rock the Boat - look AFTER the crash, not before. Otherwise it would have shown in the Arctic Cruise (the same goes for Bon Voyage!)
  • And so with other locations specific to acts.
    The compass icon will help you search, but! He behaves absurdly: he jumps and blinks, but! Only in a certain sector. i.e. you can localize.

Culinary Creativity - Find any food combo. Just look for any vendor that has a hidden combo pop up.

  • Tea + Dumplings (Tea + Soup Dumplings)
  • Cake + Juice (Cake + Juice)
  • Rice + Katsu Curry (Rice + Katsu Curry)
  • Large soda + hamburger (Large Soda + Hamburger)
  • Soda + pizza (Large Soda + Pizza Slice)
  • Fish + Chips (Fish + French Fries)
  • Coffee with cookies (Coffee + Cookies)
  • Soda + Triple Scoop (Large Soda + Triple Scoop)

Life of the Party Complete any level in an online party being first. Collect Pony, come to the finish line first ... In general, compete!

Party Planner - Get into an online lobby with 10+ people. Often people sit in the "12345" or "peck" lobby, but these are international lobbies and can be packed. There is "rufandom" in the ru-community (I am not involved in it).

Party Animal - Complete 10 levels in the online lobby. Anywhere, with anyone.

Nyakuza Metro - All Clear!: Collect all the Particles in chapter 7.

  • Main station - 1
  • Yellow flyover - 2
  • Pure green - 2
  • Pink paw - 2
  • Bluefin tunnel - 1
  • Rush hour - 1
  • Rumbi Factory - 1
  • Total - 10

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