Passage Sniper: The Manhunter


Text step-by-step passage of game missions, as well as advice for players.

Without paying interest on the purpose of the mission, we deal with the guard, applying a whole stock of weapons. The first guard, in front of the elevator, can be destroyed quietly - clamp a Ctrl, sneak into it and click on the Q button, in order to stick to the knife. We destroy 3 warders on the right.

In the left part of the corridor there is a door with a "outdoor exit" - through it and go, by pressing the E button. We climb the stairs, dearly destroy the opponents, since it will not be avoided in any way. We pass along the edge of the roof on the left side and reveal another door with a "roof" tablet.

We destroy all enemies on the roof of the structure, subsequently conversations with our friend approach the stairs and climb up the top. We destroy the latest portion of opponents and speak again with our comrades. We go to the edge of the structure, however, to jump the distance to another structure as it turned out very huge. Subsequently, conversations with a companion go to the booth from behind us, look at the rope and click on the E button, in order to move on it to another room. We clean the roof, go ahead and go around the room counterclockwise. We find the lift for builders and washer coils, become on it and press the key. Tear through the window, immediately turn it back and look at the roof of another building. We expect a helicopter and, when Max confirms the goal, suppress the commercial merchant.

CAPITAL. Race for money:
We move forward through the rooms, pass through the door to the right and destroy all opponents. We move on the floor, we are growing up with rivals, and to achieve the 2nd checkpoint pass through the rail door to the staircase. We rise to the 2nd floor and pass to the corridor. The counter of opponents appears on the right, counting in the reverse side. We need to destroy 15 opponents. 10 enemies find in the corridor, moving around it clockwise. Further begin to approach the wooden doors with glasses, two of them will be active (the inscription will seem "Press 'E' in order to detect the door"). We reveal these doors and in the 2 cabinets are the other 5 enemies - two in one office, three in another office.

Concepting all opponents, talking to Max and go to the office, which shows Chekpoint. We approach the window and on the cable we go down the book. We destroy the 2 opponents ahead, hiding behind the pipes to the right of the sniper on the building in front of the right. With a sniper rifle, we remove this enemy, which is located on the lift in the structure, on the left of it. Subsequently, a helicopter appears. We run on the right side, so that in order to transfer the phrases with Max, after that, an order to destroy the pilot appears. Стреляем по переднему стеклу вертолета из автомата, дабы разобраться с вертушкой.Не удалось загрузить все результаты.ПовторитьПовторная попытка…Повторная попытка…

Впоследствии этого проходим в будку на крыше, опускаемся через лючок книзу и продвигаемся к лифту, уничтожая противников. Вызываем лифт и двигаемся наверх. Лифт движется только до 25 этажа, однако нам необходим 27 этаж, потому понадобиться топать пешим ходом. Уничтожаем неприятеля впереди, а еще 1-го воина справа и 2-ух слева. Идем влево и проходим в кабинет через деревянную дверь впереди. Уничтожаем противников, продвигаемся в примыкающий кабинет и разбираемся с оставшимися соперниками. Выходим через дверь слева, уничтожаем врагов и проходим через дверь впереди. По лестничной площадке несемся на 2 уровня ввысь, проходим в коридор. Зачищаем этаж, проходим через двери в кабинет с чемоданом и берем его. Деньги у нас! Сейчас продвигаемся в иную часть этажа, уничтожаем всех врагов, проходим в подходящий кабинет и выскакиваем через окошко.

Ну, тут-то все очень просто: опускаемся книзу, уничтожая противников, покуда Макс не произнесет про то, что в обратном углу есть карьерный лифт. Идем к лифту, двигаемся на нем книзу, до третьего этажа. Сейчас снова шагаем пешим ходом, воспользовавшись лестницами и уничтожая противников. Когда выберемся из строения, пробиваем себе проезжую часть до кара. Когда последний соперник будет убит, идем к кару и завершаем цель.

Продвигаемся вперед, между 2-мя голубыми контейнерами. Залезаем на крышу зеленоватого строения справа, уничтожаем неприятеля из оружия с глушителем. По тросу съезжаем книзу, разбираемся с неприятелями и продвигаемся к следующей контрольной точке. По пути подавляем противников, применяем УЗИ (кнопка 2). Уничтожаем также и снайпера на крыше склада. В конечном счете, проходим через ворота. Тут будет душновато, постараемся чаще применять снайперскую винтовку, так как противники далеко будут размещены. Движемся до обозначенной точки и подавляем всех противников. Когда последний враг будет уничтожен, а мы будет размещены у контрольной точки, миссия заканчивается.

Для описания нетяжелая миссия: подавляем 3-х снайперов на крышах строения впереди, потом продвигаемся к контрольной точке, которой являются ворота, уничтожая по пути противников. Пройдя через ворота, оказываемся у третьей верфи. Уничтожаем противников, обходим бухта с водой и оказываемся у лестницы огромный погрузочной площади. Залезаем на нее, становимся у снайперской позиции и ожидаем начала сделки. Когда цель будет подтверждена, выбираем удачный момент, когда посыльный покажет голову (этого посыльного прикрывает один из солдат, подыскиваем подходящий момент!), потом стреляем в голову цели. Опускаемся по лестнице книзу, миссия закончена.

Прорываемся до катера, уничтожая противников. Заскакиваем в катер и, двигаясь на нем по воде, перестреливаем противников на кораблях и суше.Не удалось загрузить все результаты.ПовторитьПовторная попытка…Повторная попытка…Ultimately, arriving at the first dock, we get to the car. Do not forget to destroy the annoying enemies.

Baikonur cosmodrome. Visit on Baikonur:
We move through the tunnel in front and remove 3 mercenaries on the towers. We do it as soon as possible, then we will fly through a concrete pipe forward, right, on the stairs on the right side of the upward. Finally, we are in stock. Now there is no longer to the games at hide and seek, therefore break through the base, killing enemies. We go around the refuge on the right, approach the main gate, but Max invites us to turn back to the shelter. We go back to the shelter, we destroy the opponents, go up to the top of the asylum and, not a touch helicopter, pass inward and close the door behind you.

Let's go down the book, go to the right and pass through the door, finishing the 2nd opponents. We pass through the door to the left and destroy the newest opponents. Now we choose the door to the right, we go along the corridor, killing enemies, and leave the refuge through the door clearance, which will be right from us. We clean the courtyard, the mission ends immediately subsequently conversations with Max.

Baikonur cosmodrome. Walk through spacecraft:
We go ahead, to the station, we clean the surroundings around it, pass through the door inside and destroy the three or four opponents, one of which will be the gangster operator. No matter how regrettable, this is not enough - the gangsters are preparing for the launch of the rocket. We are chosen from the asylum, climb upstairs and get a strong sniper rifle (button 5). The mobular "elephant" is not suitable here! Near, for every option is ammunition. Finally, aims to satellite plates on the transports specified by the yellowish marker. As usual, we bring to the goal of the pigeons of the circle, which is shifted from the center of the sight of the rifle. By destroying 3 such antennas, part of the mission will be performed. With all this, I wish not to notice that you need to try to kill them as quickly as possible, not paying interest on everyday soldiers. We are not in a hurry to descend the book, we destroy the soldiers from the sniper rifle, we move to underground tunnels, we understand with the opponents and go down the book. We pass through the door to the left and destroy the opponents in the corridor ahead. We are moving around the tunnel, destroying opponents, we enter the street and complete the goal of this action.

Baikonur cosmodrome. Starting rocket:
Finish travel step by Baikonur: you need to de-energize the rocket. At first, with a sniper rifle, remove opponents ahead. We move along the trench, not running out of it, we destroy opponents to the right. We pass through the doors and go to the shelter, killing enemies. On the ramification we are moving on the right way, come out of the asylum - the revolving countdown is started. Specifically, for the designated segment of time, we need to de-energize the rocket. Finally, we move to the rocket, destroying opponents along the way. On the side of the rocket is the staircase - we climb over it up, activate the console, in order to turn off the rocket management system.Не удалось загрузить все результаты.ПовторитьПовторная попытка…Повторная попытка…Further, we go down the book, we go to the turntable platform, along the way, destroying opponents. Oriented from 1 wave of opponents, you can just run up to the turntable, not paying interest on other enemies.

AFGHANISTAN. Warm Afghan way:
We move forward, destroy the enemy from the sniper rifle ahead and enemy on the tower on the right. Further moving through the gorge and deal with the whole group of bandits. Probably, it is temporarily a more protracted duel in the video game. Subsequently, we collect ammunition and break through to the entrance to the cave. When the last enemy is destroyed, Max will pronounce approaching the tunnels that we are doing. We move forward, destroy opponents along the way. When we destroy the 2 militants by the fire, approach the cliff and from the sniper rifle, we destroy the 2 militants ahead of the right and 2 militants to gear, on the left. All goals are seen a reddish target. When militants are killed, the mission ends.

We move back, destroying terrorists, we turn to the left to the branch, we go on the checkpoints and overcome the trap in the bottom of the camp. We leave the caves and destroy opponents right on the street. I draw your attention to the ledge on the left, as opponents will arise there at an older distance. We go into the rest of the caves through the lumen in the right distant part of the map, destroy the opponents to the right, we go to the left for the end of the mission.

AFGHANISTAN. For assistance!:
We go ahead, suppress opponents in the large hall of the cave, we turn to the right and run into another passage along the right hand. We go ahead and go down the book. We deal with the enemies, pass through the camp, we enhance the tower clockwise and go to another tunnel. There will be saving. We go ahead, we destroy a number of terrorists and in some of the prison cells on the left we find the prisoner suitable for us. Reveal the cell, accompany the prisoner to the point of salvation, we are dealt with rivals along the way. On this passage ordered to kill. Sniper. Moscow mission ends! Next are the titers of developers, the end.

Game Page: Sniper: The Manhunter.

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